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Created January 20, 2014 16:43
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use CIF::Client;
use JSON;
use Net::CIDR;
use Regexp::Common qw/net/;
use Regexp::Common::net::CIDR;
use Text::Table;
# set the default configs
my $config = $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.cif';
# these get passed to the REST->GET() line, default feed fetch
my $feed = 'infrastructure';
my $default_restriction = 'need-to-know';
# jsut for the demo, IP's found in the Spamhaus DROP list (eg: infrastructure/network feed)
my @ips = (
# setup the client connection based off ~/.cif
my ($client,$err) = CIF::Client->new({
config => $config,
# redirect to syslog if necessary
die($err) unless($client);
# GET the feed
# make sure apache gives us a response code of 200 else fail
die('request failed with code: '.$client->responseCode()."\n\n".$client->responseContent()) unless($client->responseCode == 200);
# the response text will be json output, the client auto-decodes any gzip or base64 encoding of the feed
my $json = $client->responseContent();
# convert from json to a perl hashref
$json = from_json($json);
# make sure we have data to process
my @items = @{$json->{'data'}->{'result'}->{'feed'}->{'items'}};
my $addrs;
# map out a hashref for quick indexing of our feed based on ip-address (we use this later)
map { $addrs->{$_->{'address'}} = $_; } @items;
my @matches;
my $a = $_->{'address'};
# check to see if address is already a cidr, if not append the /32 to it for Net::CIDR::cidrlookup
unless($a =~ /^$RE{'net'}{'CIDR'}{'IPv4'}$/){
$a .= '/32';
# try to match the address against each of our cidr lists (infrastructure api gives us everything
# /32's and lower (eg: /24, /23, etc)
foreach my $ip (@ips){
# if we get a match, push the match and what the address we found was into the matches array
push(@matches,{ address => $ip, match => $addrs->{$_->{'address'}}});
# for neater output
my $t = Text::Table->new('address','impact','description');
my $m = $_->{'match'};
print $t."\n";
# uncommenting this will show you the results of the dataset
# warn Dumper(@matches)
sub match {
my ($addr,@list) = (shift,@_);
# make sure we're handed an actual IPv4 address, or cidrlookup croaks
return undef unless($addr && $addr =~ /^$RE{'net'}{'IPv4'}/);
my $ret = eval { Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($addr,@list) };
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