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Created September 28, 2014 12:56
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// RFC5070 --
// this doc organized to follow the RFC text
// global enums
enum restriction_type
restriction_type_default = 1;
restriction_type_need_to_know = 2;
restriction_type_private = 3;
restriction_type_public = 4;
enum severity_type
severity_type_high = 1;
severity_type_low = 2;
severity_type_medium = 3;
enum action_type
action_type_block_host = 1;
action_type_block_network = 2;
action_type_block_port = 3;
action_type_contact_sender = 4;
action_type_contact_source_site = 5;
action_type_contact_target_site = 6;
action_type_ext_value = 7;
action_type_investigate = 8;
action_type_nothing = 9;
action_type_other = 10;
action_type_rate_limit_host = 11;
action_type_rate_limit_network = 12;
action_type_rate_limit_port = 13;
action_type_remediate_other = 14;
action_type_status_new_info = 15;
action_type_status_triage = 16;
enum duration_type
duration_type_day = 1;
duration_type_ext_value = 2;
duration_type_hour = 3;
duration_type_minute = 4;
duration_type_month = 5;
duration_type_quarter = 6;
duration_type_second = 7;
duration_type_year = 8;
// global msgs
// simple types
message MLStringType
optional string lang = 1;
required string content = 2;
message UrlType
required bytes content = 1;
// complex types
message IODEF_DocumentType
// for CIF, the message version SHALL always be = 1
optional double version = 1 [ default = 1.00 ];
repeated IncidentType Incident = 2;
// use this to hold the pbprotocol version
optional string formatid = 3;
required string lang = 4;
message IncidentType
required IncidentIDType IncidentID = 1;
optional AlternativeIDType AlternativeID = 2;
optional RelatedActivityType RelatedActivity = 3;
optional string DetectTime = 4;
optional string StartTime = 5;
optional string EndTime = 6;
required string ReportTime = 7;
repeated MLStringType Description = 8;
// required
repeated AssessmentType Assessment = 9;
repeated MethodType Method = 10;
// required
repeated ContactType Contact = 11;
repeated EventDataType EventData = 12;
optional HistoryType History = 13;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 14;
enum Incident_purpose
Incident_purpose_ext_value = 1;
Incident_purpose_mitigation = 2;
Incident_purpose_other = 3;
Incident_purpose_reporting = 4;
Incident_purpose_traceback = 5;
required Incident_purpose purpose = 15;
optional string ext_purpose = 16;
optional string lang = 17;
optional restriction_type restriction = 18 [default = restriction_type_private];
message IncidentIDType
required string name = 1;
optional string instance = 2;
optional restriction_type restriction = 3;
required string content = 4;
message AlternativeIDType
// required
repeated IncidentIDType IncidentID = 1;
optional restriction_type restriction = 2;
message RelatedActivityType
// one of the two is required
repeated IncidentIDType IncidentID = 1;
repeated UrlType URL = 2;
optional restriction_type restriction = 3;
message ExtensionType
optional string ext_dtype = 1;
optional string formatid = 2;
optional string meaning = 3;
enum dtype_type
dtype_type_boolean = 1;
// byte should be used to describe pb extensions
dtype_type_byte = 2;
dtype_type_character = 3;
dtype_type_csv = 4;
dtype_type_date_time = 5;
dtype_type_ext_value = 6;
dtype_type_file = 7;
dtype_type_frame = 8;
dtype_type_integer = 9;
dtype_type_ipv4_packet = 10;
dtype_type_ipv6_packet = 11;
dtype_type_ntpstamp = 12;
dtype_type_packet = 13;
dtype_type_path = 14;
dtype_type_portlist = 15;
dtype_type_real = 16;
dtype_type_string = 17;
dtype_type_url = 18;
dtype_type_winreg = 19;
dtype_type_xml = 20;
required dtype_type dtype = 4;
optional restriction_type restriction = 8;
optional string content = 9;
// pb specific to enable extensions
// see
// avoid 19000 though 19999, they are reserved in pb land
extensions 100 to max;
message ContactType
optional MLStringType ContactName = 1;
repeated MLStringType Description = 2;
repeated RegistryHandleType RegistryHandle = 3;
optional PostalAddressType PostalAddress = 4;
repeated ContactMeansType Email = 5;
repeated ContactMeansType Telephone = 6;
optional ContactMeansType Fax = 7;
optional string Timezone = 8;
repeated ContactType Contact = 9;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 10;
enum Contact_type
Contact_type_ext_value = 1;
Contact_type_organization = 2;
Contact_type_person = 3;
required Contact_type type = 11;
enum Contact_role
Contact_role_admin = 1;
Contact_role_cc = 2;
Contact_role_creator = 3;
Contact_role_ext_value = 4;
Contact_role_irt = 5;
Contact_role_tech = 6;
required Contact_role role = 12;
optional restriction_type restriction = 13;
optional string ext_type = 14;
optional string ext_role = 15;
message RegistryHandleType
enum RegistryHandle_registry
RegistryHandle_registry_afrinic = 1;
RegistryHandle_registry_apnic = 2;
RegistryHandle_registry_arin = 3;
RegistryHandle_registry_ext_value = 4;
RegistryHandle_registry_internic = 5;
RegistryHandle_registry_lacnic = 6;
RegistryHandle_registry_local = 7;
RegistryHandle_registry_ripe = 8;
optional RegistryHandle_registry registry = 1;
optional string ext_registry = 2;
required string content = 3;
message PostalAddressType
optional string meaning = 1;
optional string lang = 2;
required string content = 3;
message ContactMeansType
required string content = 1;
optional string meaning = 2;
message MethodType
repeated ReferenceType Reference = 1;
repeated MLStringType Description = 2;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 3;
optional restriction_type restriction = 4;
message ReferenceType
required MLStringType ReferenceName = 1;
repeated UrlType URL = 2;
repeated MLStringType Description = 3;
message AssessmentType
// one of the three impact's is required
repeated ImpactType Impact = 1;
repeated TimeImpactType TimeImpact = 2;
repeated MonetaryImpactType MonetaryImpact = 3;
repeated CounterType Counter = 4;
optional ConfidenceType Confidence = 5;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 6;
enum Assessment_occurrence
Assessment_occurrence_actual = 1;
Assessment_occurrence_potential = 2;
optional Assessment_occurrence occurrence = 7;
optional restriction_type restriction = 8;
message ImpactType
enum Impact_type
Impact_type_admin = 1;
Impact_type_dos = 2;
Impact_type_ext_value = 3;
Impact_type_extortion = 4;
Impact_type_file = 5;
Impact_type_info_leak = 6;
Impact_type_misconfiguration = 7;
Impact_type_policy = 8;
Impact_type_recon = 9;
Impact_type_social_engineering = 10;
Impact_type_unknown = 11;
Impact_type_user = 12;
Impact_type_other = 13;
required Impact_type type = 1 [ default = Impact_type_other ];
enum Impact_completion
Impact_completion_failed = 1;
Impact_completion_succeeded = 2;
optional Impact_completion completion = 2;
required string lang = 3;
optional string ext_type = 4;
optional severity_type severity = 5;
required MLStringType content = 6;
message TimeImpactType
optional severity_type severity = 1;
enum TimeImpact_metric
TimeImpact_metric_downtime = 1;
TimeImpact_metric_elapsed = 2;
TimeImpact_metric_ext_value = 3;
TimeImpact_metric_labor = 4;
required TimeImpact_metric metric = 2;
optional string ext_metric = 3;
required duration_type duration = 4;
optional string ext_duration = 5;
required float content = 6;
message MonetaryImpactType
optional severity_type severity = 1;
// ISO 4217:2001, August 2001
required string currency = 2;
required float content = 3;
message ConfidenceType
enum Confidence_rating
Confidence_rating_high = 1;
Confidence_rating_low = 2;
Confidence_rating_medium = 3;
Confidence_rating_numeric = 4;
required Confidence_rating rating = 1;
optional float content = 2;
message HistoryType
// required
repeated HistoryItemType HistoryItem = 1;
optional restriction_type restriction = 2;
message HistoryItemType
required string DateTime = 1;
optional IncidentIDType IncidentID = 2;
optional ContactType Contact = 3;
repeated MLStringType Description = 4;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 5;
optional string ext_action = 6;
required action_type action = 7;
optional restriction_type restriction = 8;
message EventDataType
repeated MLStringType Description = 1;
optional string DetectTime = 2;
optional string StartTime = 3;
optional string EndTime = 4;
repeated ContactType Contact = 5;
optional AssessmentType Assessment = 6;
repeated MethodType Method = 7;
repeated FlowType Flow = 8;
repeated ExpectationType Expectation = 9;
optional RecordType Record = 10;
repeated bytes EventData = 11;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 12;
optional restriction_type restriction = 13;
message ExpectationType
repeated MLStringType Description = 1;
optional string StartTime = 2;
optional string EndTime = 3;
optional ContactType Contact = 4;
optional string ext_action = 5;
optional action_type action = 6;
optional restriction_type restriction = 7;
optional severity_type severity = 8;
message FlowType
// required
repeated SystemType System = 1;
message SystemType
required NodeType Node = 1;
repeated ServiceType Service = 2;
repeated SoftwareType OperatingSystem = 3;
repeated CounterType Counter = 4;
repeated MLStringType Description = 5;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 6;
enum System_spoofed
System_spoofed_no = 1;
System_spoofed_unknown = 2;
System_spoofed_yes = 3;
optional System_spoofed spoofed = 7;
optional string interface = 8;
optional restriction_type restriction = 9;
optional string ext_category = 10;
enum System_category
System_category_ext_value = 1;
System_category_infrastructure = 2;
System_category_intermediate = 3;
System_category_sensor = 4;
System_category_source = 5;
System_category_target = 6;
required System_category category = 11;
message NodeType
repeated MLStringType NodeName = 1;
repeated AddressType Address = 2;
optional MLStringType Location = 3;
optional string DateTime = 4;
repeated NodeRoleType NodeRole = 5;
repeated CounterType Counter = 6;
message CounterType
enum Counter_type
Counter_type_alert = 1;
Counter_type_byte = 2;
Counter_type_event = 3;
Counter_type_ext_value = 4;
Counter_type_flow = 5;
Counter_type_host = 6;
Counter_type_message = 7;
Counter_type_organization = 8;
Counter_type_packet = 9;
Counter_type_session = 10;
Counter_type_site = 11;
required Counter_type type = 1;
optional string ext_type = 2;
optional string meaning = 3;
optional duration_type duration = 4;
optional string ext_duration = 5;
required float content = 6;
// TODO -- add url and fqdn categories
message AddressType
enum Address_category
Address_category_asn = 1;
Address_category_atm = 2;
Address_category_e_mail = 3;
Address_category_ext_value = 4;
Address_category_ipv4_addr = 5;
Address_category_ipv4_net = 6;
Address_category_ipv4_net_mask = 7;
Address_category_ipv6_addr = 8;
Address_category_ipv6_net = 9;
Address_category_ipv6_net_mask = 10;
Address_category_mac = 11;
Address_category_fqdn = 12;
Address_category_url = 13;
required Address_category category = 1;
optional string ext_category = 2;
optional string vlan_name = 3;
optional int32 vlan_num = 4;
// TODO -- should this be binary?
required string content = 5;
message NodeRoleType
required string lang = 1;
optional string ext_category = 2;
enum NodeRole_category
NodeRole_category_application = 1;
NodeRole_category_client = 2;
NodeRole_category_credential = 3;
NodeRole_category_database = 4;
NodeRole_category_directory = 5;
NodeRole_category_ext_value = 6;
NodeRole_category_file = 7;
NodeRole_category_ftp = 8;
NodeRole_category_infra = 9;
NodeRole_category_log = 10;
NodeRole_category_mail = 11;
NodeRole_category_messaging = 12;
NodeRole_category_name = 13;
NodeRole_category_p2p = 14;
NodeRole_category_print = 15;
NodeRole_category_server_internal = 16;
NodeRole_category_server_public = 17;
NodeRole_category_streaming = 18;
NodeRole_category_voice = 19;
NodeRole_category_www = 20;
required NodeRole_category category = 3;
message ServiceType
optional int32 Port = 1;
optional string Portlist = 2;
optional int32 ProtoType = 3;
optional int32 ProtoCode = 4;
optional int32 ProtoField = 5;
optional SoftwareType Application = 6;
// The IANA protocol number.
required int32 ip_protocol = 7;
// Application class, re-used with OS and application
message SoftwareType
optional UrlType URL = 1;
optional string vendor = 2;
optional string version = 3;
optional string configid = 4;
optional string name = 5;
optional string patch = 6;
optional string family = 7;
optional string swid = 8;
message RecordType
// required
repeated RecordDataType RecordData = 1;
optional restriction_type restriction = 2;
message RecordDataType
optional string DateTime = 1;
repeated MLStringType Description = 2;
optional SoftwareType Application = 3;
repeated RecordPatternType RecordPattern = 4;
// required
repeated ExtensionType RecordItem = 5;
repeated ExtensionType AdditionalData = 6;
optional restriction_type restriction = 7;
message RecordPatternType
enum RecordPattern_type
RecordPattern_type_binary = 1;
RecordPattern_type_ext_value = 2;
RecordPattern_type_regex = 3;
RecordPattern_type_xpath = 4;
required RecordPattern_type type = 1;
optional string ext_type = 2;
optional int32 offset = 3;
enum RecordPattern_offsetunit
RecordPattern_offsetunit_byte = 1;
RecordPattern_offsetunit_ext_value = 2;
RecordPattern_offsetunit_line = 3;
optional RecordPattern_offsetunit offsetunit = 4;
optional string ext_offsetunit = 5;
optional int32 instance = 6;
required string content = 7;
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