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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Proof of concept that produces a virtual FUSE-mountable
# file/directory structure from a python dictionary
# By Steve Androulakis <>
# Requires FUSE (linux: use package manager to install)
# Requires python-fuse pip install fuse-python
# USE:
# Mount: ./ mnt -f
# Unmount: fusermount -u -z mnt
import fuse
import stat
import time
DEBUG = True
fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
# Use same timestamp for all files
_file_timestamp = int(time.time())
# FILES[directory/file/path] = (size_in_bytes, is_directory)
FILES = dict()
FILES['/file1'] = (15, False)
FILES['/file2'] = (15, False)
FILES['/directory'] = (0, True)
FILES['/directory/file3'] = (15, False)
FILES['/directory/file4'] = (15, False)
FILES['/directory/anotherdirectory'] = (0, True)
FILES['/directory/anotherdirectory/file5'] = (15, False)
FILES['/directory/anotherdirectory/file6'] = (15, False)
def file_array_to_list(files):
# files need to be returned in this format
#FILES = [('file1', 15, False), ('file2', 15, False), ('directory', 15, True)]
l = list()
for key, val in files.iteritems():
l.append((file_from_key(key), val[0], val[1]))
return l
def file_from_key(key):
return key.rsplit("/")[-1]
class MyStat(fuse.Stat):
Convenient class for Stat objects.
Set up the stat object with appropriate
values depending on constructor args.
def __init__(self, is_dir, size):
print self
if is_dir:
self.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0555
self.st_nlink = 2
self.st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444
self.st_nlink = 1
self.st_size = size
self.st_atime = _file_timestamp
self.st_mtime = _file_timestamp
self.st_ctime = _file_timestamp
class MyFS(fuse.Fuse):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def getattr(self, path):
print path
print "^ getattr"
#size = entry.text and len(entry.text.strip()) or 0
if path == "/":
return MyStat(True, 0)
return MyStat(FILES[path][1], FILES[path][0])
def getdir(self, path):
print 'getdir called:', path
return file_array_to_list(FILES)
def readdir(self, path, offset):
print path
print offset
print "^readdir"
for e in '.', '..':
yield fuse.Direntry(e)
path_depth = path.count('/')
for key, val in FILES.iteritems():
key_depth = key.count('/')
if path == "/":
path_depth = 0
if key_depth == path_depth + 1:
def read(self, path, leng, offset):
# returns this regardless of what file is read
# kind of like Bill Murray and Wu Tang at the bar
data = "Test test test"
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
fs = MyFS()
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