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Created April 27, 2017 11:34
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14o. FloripaOnRails - I want to test my code but how to do it
Feature: champion uses dragonfly to process images
In order to be a champion
A user uses dragonfly
Given we are using the app for images
Given a stored image "beach.png" with dimensions 200x100
Scenario: Go to url for original
When I go to the url for "beach.png", with format 'png'
Then the response should be OK
And the response should have mime-type 'image/png'
And the image should have width '200'
And the image should have height '100'
And the image should have format 'png'
Scenario: Go to url for changed format version
When I go to the url for "beach.png", with format 'gif'
Then the response should be OK
And the response should have mime-type 'image/gif'
And the image should have width '200'
And the image should have height '100'
And the image should have format 'gif'
class Calculator
def self.sum(a, b)
a + b
require 'minitest/autorun'
class CalculatorTest < Minitest::Unit::TestCase
def test_sum_with_positive_numbers
assert_equal(3, Calculator.sum(1, 2))
def test_sum_with_negative_numbers
assert_equal(1, Calculator.sum(-1, 2))
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