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Created January 28, 2011 17:12
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Example of using genx to generate a Sphinx xmlpipe2 stream
var genx = require('genx')
, http = require('http')
, jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom
, qs = require('querystring');
function generateXml(body) {
var w = new genx.Writer()
, window = jsdom(body, null, {
features: {
FetchExternalResources: false,
MutationEvents: false
, $ = require('jquery').create(window);
w.on('data', function(data) {
// Declare the elements and attributes that we'll need
var sphinx = w.declareNamespace('', 'sphinx')
// Sphinx elements (in the sphinx namespace)
, field = w.declareElement(sphinx, 'field')
, docset = w.declareElement(sphinx, 'docset')
, attr = w.declareElement(sphinx, 'attr')
, schema = w.declareElement(sphinx, 'schema')
, document = w.declareElement(sphinx, 'document')
// Document elements
, href = w.declareElement('href')
, title = w.declareElement('title')
, description = w.declareElement('description')
// Attributes
, idAttr = w.declareAttribute('id')
, nameAttr = w.declareAttribute('name');
// Write out the start of the document and the schema
.startElement(field).addAttribute(nameAttr, 'href').endElement()
.startElement(field).addAttribute(nameAttr, 'title').endElement()
.startElement(field).addAttribute(nameAttr, 'description').endElement()
// Remove the green URL from the result, don't want it in the description
$('#ires ol li .s .f').remove();
// Loop over each result
var id = 1;
$("#ires ol li").each(function(i, li) {
var result = {
title: $('h3.r a', li).text(),
href: $('h3.r a', li).attr('href'),
description: $('#ires ol li .s').text()
// start each document on a new line
.addAttribute(idAttr, id.toString())
// Make the request and when finished generate the XML
var google = http.createClient(80, '');
var query = qs.stringify({
q: "node.js xml",
ie: 'UTF-8',
oe: 'UTF-8'
var request = google.request(
'/search?' + query,
{'host': ''}
request.on('response', function (response) {
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
console.log("Error: Unexpected response code " + response.statusCode);
return; // Would be nice to abort the request here
var body = '';
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
response.on('end', function() {
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