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Created October 22, 2012 16:57
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// simple example of the cake pattern
// abstract DAO trait
trait Repository[A, B]{
// saves an entity, returns an ID
def save(entity: A): B
// more features..
trait RdbmsRepository extends Repository[MyUserCaseClass, Long]{
def save(entity: MyCaseClass): Long = {
//concrete implementation of save
// service class, note the "self-type" at the top, signifying it "must have a repository mixed in"
trait UserService{
this: Repository[MyUserCaseClass, Long] =>
// by virtue of having a repository mixed in, the repository's functions become available
//without having to know which concrete implementation is mixed in at runtime.
def addUser(user: MyUserCaseClass): Long = save(user)
// place to bootstrap dependencies
class Bootstrap{
// using "with" to mixin the dependency. Can use a Fake/Mock trait during test
val userService = UserService with RdbmsRepository
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pisfly commented Jun 11, 2016

Great gist! I have one question, how do you handle connection borrowing and releasing with this?

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