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Created April 8, 2014 19:07
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.4)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
// Assumptions
$base-font-size: 12px; // mobile
$base-font-size--large: 16px; // desktop
$line-height-ratio: 1.5;
$legacy-ie: false; // separate ie.scss stylesheet sets this to true
@mixin rem($property, $rem_values, $fallback: false) {
// based off of "desktop" font size
@if $legacy-ie == true {
// If there's only one numeric value:
@if type-of($rem_values) == 'number' {
// if it's zero, no calculation or unit necessary
@if $rem_values == 0 {
#{$property}: $rem-values;
} @else {
#{$property}: $rem-values * $base-font-size--large;
// If there is more than one value, create a list and perform equations on each value
@else {
// Create an empty list that we can dump values into
$px_values: ();
@each $value in $rem_values {
// if it's zero, no calculation or unit necessary
@if $value == 0 {
$px_values: append($px_values, $value);
} @else {
$px_values: append($px_values, ($value * $base-font-size--large));
// Return the property and its list of converted values
#{$property}: $px_values;
@else {
// $fallback accepts a px value that tells it what to
// use to measure for the fallback
@if $fallback != false {
// Create an empty list that we can dump values into
$px_values: ();
@each $value in $rem_values {
// if it's zero, no calculation or unit necessary
@if $value == 0 {
$px_values: append($px_values, $value);
} @else {
$px_values: append($px_values, ($value * $fallback));
// Return the property and its list of converted values
#{$property}: $px_values;
$rem_values_with_unit: ();
@each $value in $rem_values {
@if $value == 0 {
$rem_values_with_unit: append($rem_values_with_unit, $value);
} @else {
$rem_values_with_unit: append($rem_values_with_unit, $value + rem);
#{$property}: $rem_values_with_unit;
.heading {
@include rem(margin-bottom, 1 0, $base-font-size);
.heading {
margin-bottom: 12px 0;
margin-bottom: 1rem 0;
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