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Created February 19, 2017 21:01
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Plaid Connect Behaviour, Implementation and Mock
defmodule Plaid.Connect do
@moduledoc """
Functions for working with Plaid Connect.
Through this API you can:
* Add a Plaid Connect user
* Register a webhook for a user
* Fetch user account data
* Fetch user transaction data
* Specify MFA delivery options
* Submit MFA responses
* Update user credentials
* Delete a user
All requests are submitted as maps with the parameter name as the key
and value as value: `%{key: value}`.
The functionality is performed by five functions: `add`, `mfa`, `get`,
`update` and `delete`. The specific requests are determined by the payload.
Each function accepts user-supplied credentials, but uses the credentials
specified in the configuration by default. The credentials are provided
as a map: `%{client_id: value, secret: value}`
Payload (Credentials)
* `client_id` - `string` - req - Plaid `CLIENT_ID`
* `secret` - `string` - req - Plaid `SECRET`
defstruct [:accounts, :access_token, :transactions]
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
@type params :: map
@type cred :: map
@doc """
Adds a Connect user.
Adds a Plaid Connect user using the username and password of the specified
financial institution. If credentials are not supplied, credentials in the
default configuration are used.
Returns `Plaid.Connect`, `Plaid.Mfa` or `Plaid.Error` struct.
* `params` - `map` - req - Payload
* `cred` - `map` - opt - Plaid credentials
* `type` - `string` - req - Plaid institution code
* `username` - `string` - req - User's username login
* `password` - `string` - req - User's password
* `pin` - `string` - req - User's PIN (for USAA only)
* `options` - `map` - opt - Optional parameters (below)
* `login_only` - `boolean` - Add user only
* `webhook` - `string` - Url to which webhook messages will be sent
* `pending` - `boolean` - Return pending transactions
* `start_date` - `string` - If `login_only` is false, earliest date for which transactions will be returned, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD"
* `end_date` - `string` - If `login_only` is false, latest date for which transactions will be returned, format "YYYY-MM-DD"
* `list` - `boolean` - Return MFA delivery methods
## Example
params = %{username: "plaid_test", password: "plaid_good", type: "bofa",
options: %{login_only: true, webhook: "",
pending: false, start_date: "2015-01-01", end_date: "2015-03-31"},
list: true}
cred = %{client_id: "test_id", secret: "test_secret"}
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.add(params)
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.add(params, cred)
{:ok, %Plaid.Mfa{...}} = Plaid.Connect.add(params, cred)
{:error, %Plaid.Error{...}} = Plaid.Connect.add(params, cred)
Plaid API Reference:
@callback add(params, cred | nil) :: {:ok, Plaid.Connect.t}
| {:ok, Plaid.Mfa.t}
| {:error, Plaid.Error.t}
| {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t}
@doc """
Submits MFA choice confirmation and MFA answer.
Submits MFA choice confirmation or MFA answer to Plaid connect/step endpoint.
The request is determined by the payload. Used in response to an
MFA question response following a Plaid.Connect.add/1 request. If credentials
are not supplied, credentials in the default configuration are used.
Returns `Plaid.Connect`, `Plaid.Mfa` or `Plaid.Error` struct.
* `params` - `map` - req - Payload, choice confirmation or MFA answer
* `cred` - `map` - opt - Plaid credentials
Payload (Choice Confirmation)
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `options` - `map` - req - Options for MFA (below)
* `send_method` - `map` - req - Delivery modality for MFA request
Payload (MFA Answer)
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `mfa` - `string` - req - User's response to MFA question
## Example
params = %{access_token: "test_bofa", mfa: "tomato"}
%{access_token: "test_bofa", options: %{send_method: %{type: "phone"}}}
cred = %{client_id: "test_id", secret: "test_secret"}
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.mfa(params)
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.mfa(params, cred)
{:ok, %Plaid.Mfa{...}} = Plaid.Connect.mfa(params)
{:error, %Plaid.Error{...}} = Plaid.Connect.mfa(params)
Plaid API Reference:
@callback mfa(params, cred | nil) :: {:ok, Plaid.Connect.t}
| {:ok, Plaid.Mfa.t}
| {:error, Plaid.Error.t}
| {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t}
@doc """
Gets Plaid data.
Gets a user's account and transaction data as specified in the params. If
credential are not supplied, credentials in the default configuration are used.
Returns `Plaid.Connect` or `Plaid.Error` struct.
* `params` - `map` - req - Payload
* `cred` - `map` - opt - Plaid credentials
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `options` - `map` - opt - Optional parameters (below)
* `pending` - `boolean` - Return pending transactions
* `account` - `string` - Plaid account `_id` for which to return transactions
* `gte` - `string` - Earliest date for which transactions will be returned, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD"
* `lte` - `string` - Latest date for which transactions will be returned, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD"
## Example
params = %{access_token: "test_bofa", options: %{pending: false,
account: "QPO8Jo8vdDHMepg41PBwckXm4KdK1yUdmXOwK",
gte: "2012-01-01", lte: "2016-01-01"}}
cred = %{client_id: "test_id", secret: "test_secret"}
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.get(params)
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.get(params, cred)
{:error, %Plaid.Error{...}} = Plaid.Connect.get(params)
Plaid API Reference:
@callback get(params, cred | nil) :: {:ok, Plaid.Connect.t}
| {:error, Plaid.Error.t}
| {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t}
@doc """
Updates a user's credentials.
Patches a user's credentials, mfa or webhook url in Plaid. New credentials
must be submitted for an existing user identified by the `ACCESS_TOKEN`.
Request is determined by the payload. If credential are not supplied,
credentials in the default configuration are used.
Returns `Plaid.Connect`, `Plaid.Mfa` or `Plaid.Error` struct.
* `params` - `map` - req - Payload (Connect, webhook, or MFA)
* `cred` - `map` - opt - Plaid credentials
Payload (Connect)
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `username` - `string` - req - User's username
* `password` - `string` - req - User's password
* `pin` - `string` - req - User's PIN (for USAA only)
Payload (Webhook)
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `options` - `map` - req - Parameters (below)
* `webhook` - `string` - req - Url to which webhook messages will be sent
Payload (MFA)
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
* `mfa` - `string` - req - User's response to MFA question
## Example
params = %{access_token: "test_bofa", username: "plaid_test",
password: "plaid_good"}
%{access_token: "test_bofa", options: %{webhook: ""}}
%{access_token: "test_bofa", mfa: "tomato"}
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.update(params)
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{...}} = Plaid.Connect.update(params, cred)
{:ok, %Plaid.Mfa{...}} = Plaid.Connect.update(params)
{:error, %Plaid.Error{...}} = Plaid.Connect.update(params)
Plaid API Reference:
@callback update(params, cred | nil) :: {:ok, Plaid.Connect.t}
| {:ok, Plaid.Mfa.t}
| {:error, Plaid.Error.t}
| {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t}
@doc """
Deletes a Connect user.
Deletes a user from the Plaid connect endpoint. If credential are not
supplied, credentials in the default configuration are used.
Returns a `Plaid.Message` or `Plaid.Error` struct.
* `params` - `map` - req - Payload
* `cred` - `map` - opt - Plaid credentials
* `access_token` - `string` - req - User's `ACCESS_TOKEN`
## Example
params = %{access_token: "test_bofa"}
cred = %{client_id: "test_id", secret: "test_secret"}
{:ok, %Plaid.Message{...}} = Plaid.Connect.delete(params)
{:ok, %Plaid.Message{...}} = Plaid.Connect.delete(params, cred)
{:error, %Plaid.Error{...}} = Plaid.Connect.delete(params)
Plaid API Reference:
@callback delete(params , cred | nil) :: {:ok, Plaid.Message.t}
| {:error, Plaid.Error.t}
| {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t}
defmodule Plaid.Connect.Live do
@moduledoc false
@behaviour Plaid.Connect
alias Plaid.Utilities
@endpoint "connect"
def add(params, cred \\ nil) do
Plaid.make_request_with_cred(:post, @endpoint, cred || Plaid.config_or_env_cred(), params)
|> Utilities.handle_response(:connect)
def mfa(params, cred \\ nil) do
endpoint = @endpoint <> "/step"
Plaid.make_request_with_cred(:post, endpoint, cred || Plaid.config_or_env_cred(), params)
|> Utilities.handle_response(:connect)
def get(params, cred \\ nil) do
endpoint = @endpoint <> "/get"
Plaid.make_request_with_cred(:post, endpoint, cred || Plaid.config_or_env_cred(), params)
|> Utilities.handle_response(:connect)
def update(params, cred \\ nil) do
endpoint =
case params do
%{access_token: _, mfa: _} -> @endpoint <> "/step"
_ -> @endpoint
Plaid.make_request_with_cred(:patch, endpoint, cred || Plaid.config_or_env_cred(), params)
|> Utilities.handle_response(:connect)
def delete(params, cred \\ nil) do
Plaid.make_request_with_cred(:delete, @endpoint, cred || Plaid.config_or_env_cred(), params)
|> Utilities.handle_response(:connect)
defmodule Plaid.Connect.Mock do
@moduledoc false
@behaviour Plaid.Connect
def add(_params, _cred \\ nil) do
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{}}
def mfa(_params, _cred \\ nil) do
{:ok, %Plaid.Mfa{}}
def get(_params, _cred \\ nil) do
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{}}
def update(_params, _cred \\ nil) do
{:ok, %Plaid.Connect{}}
def delete(_params, _cred \\ nil) do
{:ok, %Plaid.Message{}}
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