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Created January 24, 2019 20:05
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Check file lifetime stats on a GPFS
# I usually put this in my ~/.bash_aliases
# A portion of our GPFS storage removes files after 21 days of creation.
# `stat` does not show creation time, so we have to resort to parsing the
# output of `mmlsattr`
ftime() {
# Usage:
# ftime path/to/file
# Outputs:
# File [path/to/file] has lived for 18:04:52.
# File [path/to/file] has roughly 3 days left alive.
# File [path/to/file] will die on 2019/01/25 @ 11:30.
# Notes:
# may or may not work with directories, e.g. `ftime path/to/directories`
# will not work with globs, e.g. `ftime path/to/*`
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
>&2 echo "Specify a file!"
exit 1
if [[ "$(readlink -f ${1} | cut -d/ -f2)" != "gpfs" ]]; then
>&2 echo "File [${1}] must be on /fastscratch/"
exit 1
birth_time=$(mmlsattr -L $1 | grep creat | cut -d: -f2-)
birthday=$(date -d "${birth_time}" '+%s')
now=$(date '+%s')
daysleft=$((expiredays - daysalive))
deathday=$(date -d@"$((birthday+expiredays*86400))" '+%Y/%m/%d @ %H:%M')
echo "File [$1] has lived for ${daysalive}:$(date -u -d@${datediff} +%H:%M)."
echo "File [$1] has roughly ${daysleft} days left alive."
echo "File [$1] will die on ${deathday}."
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