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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Vim/tmux workshop (11/7)


  • visual - select
  • normal - where you can move around and modify stuff
  • insert - insert text
  • command - vim's command line (hit : and type things)

Rebinding esc

A couple popular bindings are jj, ii, jk, kj

In normal mode, hit :, then type the following: imap kj <Esc>

We'll assume that you have vim installed. If you're on OSX type $ which vim in the command line to confirm you have the executable (you should). Some linux distros have vi, but not vim so keep an eye on that.


This is your vim config file. Check if it exists, create one if not.

$ ls ~
$ touch .vimrc

Plugin managers - pathogen/vundle

Your two main choices are pathogen and vundle. With pathogen, you'll use git to clone plugins into your (soon to be created) ~/.vim/bundle directory. With vundle, you'll put the github paths to your plugins in your .vimrc.

For convenience here is the oneliner from the pathogen readme.

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim

To install plugins you clone git repositories. It's pretty cool.:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Starting plugins


  • map your keybindings
  • set a colorscheme
  • let &t_Co256
  • syntax on
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