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Created December 7, 2023 00:11
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%% Advent of Code 2023 day 3 solution
load_input(Path) ->
{ok, File} = file:open(Path, [read]),
Input = load_schematic(File),
load_schematic(File) ->
case file:read_line(File) of
eof ->
{ok, Data} ->
parse_input(Input) ->
SymbolCoords = symbol_coords(Input),
Numbers = numbers(Input),
{SymbolCoords, Numbers}.
symbol_coords(Input) ->
symbol_coords(Input, 1, 1, []).
symbol_coords([], _, _, Coords) ->
symbol_coords([[C|RestRow]|RestLines], X, Y, Coords)
when C =:= $.;
((C >= $0) and (C =< $9)) ->
symbol_coords([RestRow|RestLines], X + 1, Y, Coords);
symbol_coords([[S|RestRow]|RestLines], X, Y, Coords) ->
symbol_coords([RestRow|RestLines], X + 1, Y, [{{X, Y}, S}|Coords]);
symbol_coords([[]|RestLines], _, Y, Coords) ->
symbol_coords(RestLines, 1, Y + 1, Coords).
numbers(Input) ->
numbers(Input, 1, 1, []).
numbers([], _, _, Numbers) ->
numbers([[]|RestLines], _, Y, Numbers) ->
numbers(RestLines, 1, Y + 1, Numbers);
numbers([Line|RestLines], X, Y, Numbers) ->
case lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 end, Line) of
{[], [_|Rest]} ->
numbers([Rest|RestLines], X + 1, Y, Numbers);
{Digits, Rest} ->
L = length(Digits),
N = list_to_integer(Digits),
Coords = {X, X + L - 1, Y},
numbers([Rest|RestLines], X + L, Y, [{N, Coords}|Numbers])
part_numbers({SymbolCoords, Numbers}) ->
%% Filter Numbers by adjacency to Symbols
F = fun ({_Number, {MinX, MaxX, Y}}) ->
CheckCoords = check_coords(MinX, MaxX, Y),
fun(Coord) ->
lists:keymember(Coord, 1, SymbolCoords)
end, CheckCoords)
[N || {N, _} <- lists:filter(F, Numbers)].
check_coords(MinX, MaxX, Y) ->
[{MinX - 1, Y}, {MaxX + 1, Y},
[{X, Y - 1} || X <- lists:seq(MinX - 1, MaxX + 1)],
[{X, Y + 1} || X <- lists:seq(MinX - 1, MaxX + 1)]]).
gear_ratios({SymbolCoords, Numbers}) ->
StarCoords = [Coord || {Coord, C} <- SymbolCoords, C =:= $*],
NumberBoundaries = [{N, check_coords(MinX, MaxX, Y)}
|| {N, {MinX, MaxX, Y}} <- Numbers],
F = fun (Star) ->
[N || {N, Coords} <- NumberBoundaries,
lists:member(Star, Coords)]
AdjacentNumbers = [F(Star) || Star <- StarCoords],
fun ([X, Y]) ->
{true, X * Y};
(_) ->
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