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Last active April 28, 2024 14:13
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  • Save wgetJane/9587d1b94dc049805fac29169073e8fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wgetJane/9587d1b94dc049805fac29169073e8fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local SECS = 5;
local function Min(x, y) {
if (x < y)
return x;
return y;
local function Max(x, y) {
if (x > y)
return x;
return y;
local function aabbline(mins, maxs, start, dir) {
local a = Vector(
(mins.x - start.x) / dir.x,
(mins.y - start.y) / dir.y,
(mins.z - start.z) / dir.z
local b = Vector(
(maxs.x - start.x) / dir.x,
(maxs.y - start.y) / dir.y,
(maxs.z - start.z) / dir.z
local c = Vector(
Min(a.x, b.x),
Min(a.y, b.y),
Min(a.z, b.z)
return Max(Max(c.x, c.y), c.z);
function OnGameEvent_arrow_impact(params) {
local victim = EntIndexToHScript(params.attachedEntity);
local shooter = EntIndexToHScript(params.shooter);
local arrow = null;
while (arrow = Entities.FindByClassname(arrow, "tf_projectile_arrow")) {
if (arrow.GetMoveType() == Constants.EMoveType.MOVETYPE_NONE)
if (shooter != arrow.GetOwner())
local scope = arrow.GetScriptScope();
local origin = scope.arrowpos;
local amins = arrow.GetBoundingMins();
local amaxs = arrow.GetBoundingMaxs();
local trace = {
start = origin
end = origin + scope.arrowvel
hullmin = amins
hullmax = amaxs
mask = 100679691
ignore = shooter
// might not be very accurate but there's no other way to get this
// also i didnt bother to calculate gravity at all because im lazy
origin = trace.endpos;
trace.end = origin + arrow.GetAbsVelocity() * FrameTime();
trace.mask = 1107296257;
// vscript trace results dont include hitboxes, fucking why
local directhit = trace.hit && trace.enthit;
local start = origin + arrow.GetForwardVector() * 16;
origin, start, 0, 0, 255, true, SECS
origin, trace.endpos, 255, 0, 0, true, SECS
origin, amins, amaxs, 0, 0, 255, 64, SECS
local hitboxes = HITBOXDATA[victim.GetModelName()];
local correct_hbox;
local closest_dist = 99999;
local closest_hbox, closest_orig, closest_hitpos;
foreach (i, hbox in hitboxes) {
if (hbox.bone == params.boneIndexAttached)
correct_hbox = i;
local borig = victim.GetBoneOrigin(hbox.bone);
local dir = borig - start;
local dist = fabs(aabbline(
borig + hbox.mins, borig + hbox.maxs, start, dir
dir = dir * dist;
dist = dir.Length();
if (dist >= closest_dist)
closest_dist = dist;
closest_hbox = i;
closest_orig = borig;
closest_hitpos = start + dir;
foreach (i, hbox in hitboxes) {
local r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 0;
if (i == closest_hbox) {
r = 0, b = 0;
r, g, b, a,
start, closest_hitpos, 0, 255, 255, true, SECS
closest_orig, closest_hitpos, 0, 0, 255, true, SECS
"---- HUNTSMAN INFO ----\n%s\nvictim: %s\ndirect hit: %s\nclosest hit: %s\n actual hit: %s\n",
function FindArrowsThink() {
for (local arrow; arrow = Entities.FindByClassname(arrow, "tf_projectile_arrow");) {
local scope = arrow.GetScriptScope();
scope.arrowpos <- arrow.GetOrigin();
scope.arrowvel <- arrow.GetAbsVelocity();
for (local ply; ply = Entities.FindByClassname(ply, "player");) {
if (!IsPlayerABot(ply))
foreach (i, hbox in HITBOXDATA[ply.GetModelName()]) {
255, 255, 255, 0,
return -1;
AddThinkToEnt(GetListenServerHost(), "FindArrowsThink");
["models/player/scout.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-5.5, -9, -7.0500001907349)
maxs = Vector(5.5, 4, 4.9499998092651)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-7.5, -1, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(7.5, 11, 6.5)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-7, 0, -6.5)
maxs = Vector(7, 5, 3.5)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-7.5, -2, -7)
maxs = Vector(7.5, 4, 3)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-8, -3, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(8, 3, 2.5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-7, -3, -6)
maxs = Vector(7, 2, 4)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(-1, -2, -2)
maxs = Vector(13, 2, 3)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0, -2.0999999046326, -2)
maxs = Vector(10, 2.9000000953674, 2)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(-3.4500000476837, -9.5, -4)
maxs = Vector(1.0499999523163, -0.5, 2)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(-1, -3, -2)
maxs = Vector(13, 2, 2)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0, -2.9000000953674, -2)
maxs = Vector(10, 2.0999999046326, 2)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-1.0499999523163, 0.5, -2)
maxs = Vector(3.4500000476837, 9.5, 4)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(4, -4, -5)
maxs = Vector(20, 4, 3)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(0.5, -2.5, -5.5)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 3.5, 1.5)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-1.75, -10, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(1.75, 2, 2.5)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(4, -3, -4)
maxs = Vector(20, 5, 4)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0.5, -3.5, -5.5)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 2.5, 1.5)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-1.75, -2, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(1.75, 10, 2.5)
name = "bip_packmiddle"
bone = 38
mins = Vector(-2.75, -10, -3)
maxs = Vector(4.25, 8, 5)
["models/player/soldier.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-6.25, -9, -7.5500001907349)
maxs = Vector(6.25, 5, 5.4499998092651)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-10.5, -3, -9)
maxs = Vector(10.5, 11, 7)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-9.5, -1.5, -10)
maxs = Vector(9.5, 5.5, 5)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-10, -2, -10.5)
maxs = Vector(10, 4, 3.5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-10, -4, -11)
maxs = Vector(10, 4, 5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-10, -4.5, -7)
maxs = Vector(10, 1.5, 5)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(0, -4, -3)
maxs = Vector(14, 4, 3)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0, -2.75, -4)
maxs = Vector(14, 3.75, 4)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(-2.75, -10, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(1.75, 0, 4.5)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(0, -4, -3)
maxs = Vector(14, 4, 3)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0, -4, -3.75)
maxs = Vector(14, 4, 2.75)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-1.75, 0, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(2.75, 10, 2.5)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(1.5, -5.5, -4)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 4.5, 4)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(0, -2, -5)
maxs = Vector(18, 4, 2)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-2.5, -11, -3.75)
maxs = Vector(2.5, 3, 2.25)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(1.5, -4.5, -4)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 5.5, 4)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0, -4, -5)
maxs = Vector(18, 2, 2)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-2.5, -3, -2.25)
maxs = Vector(2.5, 11, 3.75)
["models/player/pyro.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-6, -9.5, -8)
maxs = Vector(6, 3.5, 5)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-10, -1, -6)
maxs = Vector(10, 11, 10)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-9.5, -1.5, -11.75)
maxs = Vector(9.5, 6.5, 4.25)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-9, -2, -12.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 4, 3.5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-9, -3, -10.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 3, 5.5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-7, -3, -6)
maxs = Vector(7, 2, 4)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 8
mins = Vector(-1.5, -3, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(13.5, 5, 3.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(0, -3.0999999046326, -3)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.9000000953674, 4)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(-2.5, -9.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(2.5, -0.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(-1.5, -5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(13.5, 3, 2.75)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(0, -3.9000000953674, -4)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.0999999046326, 3)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(-2.5, 0.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(2.5, 9.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(2, -5, -6)
maxs = Vector(16, 5, 5)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0.5, -6.5, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 2.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-1.75, -10, -4)
maxs = Vector(1.75, 2, 2)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(2, -5, -6)
maxs = Vector(16, 5, 5)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(0.5, -4.5, -6.5)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 2.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 21
mins = Vector(-1.75, -2, -2)
maxs = Vector(1.75, 10, 4)
name = "prp_fuelTank"
bone = 23
mins = Vector(-4, -20, -4)
maxs = Vector(6, 8, 4)
["models/player/demo.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(-6, -8, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(6, 5, 4.5)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-9, 0, -5.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 10, 5.5)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-10, -2, -10)
maxs = Vector(10, 4, 6)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-11, -3, -11)
maxs = Vector(11, 3, 5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-11.5, -3, -11)
maxs = Vector(11.5, 3, 5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-13.109999656677, -4, -10)
maxs = Vector(13.109999656677, 2, 5)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(0, -3, -4.75)
maxs = Vector(16, 3, 2.75)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(0, -2.25, -4.25)
maxs = Vector(13, 2.25, 2.75)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-5, -10, -3)
maxs = Vector(1, 0, 5)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 8
mins = Vector(0, -2.75, -3)
maxs = Vector(16, 4.75, 3)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(0, -2.25, -2.5999999046326)
maxs = Vector(13, 4.25, 2.0999999046326)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-1, 0, -5)
maxs = Vector(5, 10, 3)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(1.5, -5, -5)
maxs = Vector(18.5, 3, 4)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(-0.5, -2.5, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(20.5, 3, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 25
mins = Vector(-2.4500000476837, -11.5, -4)
maxs = Vector(3.0499999523163, 3.5, 2)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(1.5, -4, -3)
maxs = Vector(18.5, 5, 5)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(-0.5, -3, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(20.5, 2.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 26
mins = Vector(-3.0499999523163, -3.5, -2)
maxs = Vector(2.4500000476837, 11.5, 4)
["models/player/heavy.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-6, -9.3500003814697, -8.6999998092651)
maxs = Vector(6, 4.6500000953674, 4.3000001907349)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-11, 0, -9)
maxs = Vector(11, 10, 3)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-12.5, -4, -14)
maxs = Vector(12.5, 6, 4)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-12.5, -4, -15)
maxs = Vector(12.5, 4, 5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-12.5, -4, -15)
maxs = Vector(12.5, 4, 5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-13.109999656677, -8, -12.5)
maxs = Vector(13.109999656677, 2, 5.1599998474121)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(-3, -5.5, -3.75)
maxs = Vector(19, 5.5, 3.75)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0.5, -5, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 4, 3.5)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-5.5, -13, -4.25)
maxs = Vector(1.5, -1, 6.25)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(-3, -5.5, -3.75)
maxs = Vector(19, 5.5, 3.75)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0.5, -4, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 5, 3.5)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-1.5, 1, -6.25)
maxs = Vector(5.5, 13, 4.25)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(0, -4.3000001907349, -3.9000000953674)
maxs = Vector(14, 3.7000000476837, 3.0999999046326)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(-0.5, -2.5, -4.75)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 4.5, 2.75)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 29
mins = Vector(-2.5499999523163, -12.5, -3.7999999523163)
maxs = Vector(2.9500000476837, 2.5, 2.2000000476837)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(0, -3.7000000476837, -3.9000000953674)
maxs = Vector(14, 4.3000001907349, 3.0999999046326)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(-0.5, -2.5, -4.75)
maxs = Vector(16.5, 4.5, 2.75)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 30
mins = Vector(-2.9500000476837, -2.5, -2.2000000476837)
maxs = Vector(2.5499999523163, 12.5, 3.7999999523163)
["models/player/engineer.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 8
mins = Vector(-6, -11, -8)
maxs = Vector(6, 4, 6)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-9, -0.5, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 11.5, 3.5)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-9, -2, -10)
maxs = Vector(9, 4, 4)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-9, -3, -10.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 3, 4.5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 5
mins = Vector(-10, -3, -9)
maxs = Vector(10, 3, 5)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-10, -3.5, -10)
maxs = Vector(10, 1.5, 4)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0, -3.5, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(0, -2.25, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(13, 2.25, 3.25)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-3.5, -10, -3)
maxs = Vector(1.5, 0, 5)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(0, -3.5, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0, -3.25, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(13, 3.25, 2.75)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(-2.5, 0.5, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(2.5, 9.5, 4.5)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(2, -4, -5)
maxs = Vector(16, 4, 4)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(0, -2.25, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(16, 3.25, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-2, -10, -3)
maxs = Vector(2, 2, 3)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(2, -4, -5)
maxs = Vector(16, 4, 4)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(0, -3.25, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(16, 2.25, 2.5)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(2, 10, 3.5)
["models/player/medic.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-5, -8, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(5, 5, 3.5)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-9, -1, -6)
maxs = Vector(9, 11, 5)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-8, -1.5, -8)
maxs = Vector(8, 3.5, 4)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-7.5, -2, -8.5)
maxs = Vector(7.5, 4, 3.5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-8.5, -3, -8.75)
maxs = Vector(8.5, 3, 3.75)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-10, -2, -5)
maxs = Vector(10, 2, 3)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(-0.5, -3, -2.25)
maxs = Vector(12.5, 3.5, 2.75)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0, -2.3499999046326, -3)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.1500000953674, 3)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-3.5, -9.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(1.5, -0.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(-0.5, -3.5, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(12.5, 3, 2.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0, -3, -3.1500000953674)
maxs = Vector(12, 3, 2.3499999046326)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-1.5, 0.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(3.5, 9.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(4, -3.25, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(18, 5.25, 5.5)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(0.5, -2.75, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 4.25, 3.5)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 34
mins = Vector(-2, -10, -4)
maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(4, -2.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(18, 5.5, 5.25)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0.5, -3.5, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(19.5, 3.5, 4.25)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 35
mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2)
maxs = Vector(2, 10, 4)
["models/player/sniper.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-6, -10.5, -7.5500001907349)
maxs = Vector(6, 3.5, 5.4499998092651)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-9, -1, -5)
maxs = Vector(9, 9, 6)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-9.5, -1.5, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(9.5, 5.5, 7.5)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-9, -2, -8.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 4, 5.5)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-9, -3, -8)
maxs = Vector(9, 3, 6)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-9, -2, -6)
maxs = Vector(9, 3, 4)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 9
mins = Vector(0, -3.25, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.75, 2.5)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0, -3.5, -3)
maxs = Vector(14, 2.5, 2)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(-3.5, -9.5, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(1, -0.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(0, -3.75, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(12, 3.25, 2.5)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0, -2.5, -3)
maxs = Vector(14, 3.5, 2)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-1, 0.5, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(3.5, 9.5, 3.5)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(1.5, -3.5, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(18.5, 3.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(0, -2, -5)
maxs = Vector(18, 3, 2)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(-1.5, -11, -3.75)
maxs = Vector(3.5, 3, 2.25)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(1.5, -3.5, -4.5)
maxs = Vector(18.5, 3.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(0, -2, -3)
maxs = Vector(18, 5, 2)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(-3.5, -3, -2.25)
maxs = Vector(1.5, 11, 3.75)
["models/player/spy.mdl"] = [
name = "bip_head"
bone = 6
mins = Vector(-5, -7.75, -7.5)
maxs = Vector(5, 3.75, 3.5)
name = "bip_pelvis"
bone = 0
mins = Vector(-9, -1, -6.5)
maxs = Vector(9, 9, 4.5)
name = "bip_spine_0"
bone = 1
mins = Vector(-8, -2, -7)
maxs = Vector(8, 4, 5)
name = "bip_spine_1"
bone = 2
mins = Vector(-7.5, -2, -8)
maxs = Vector(7.5, 4, 4)
name = "bip_spine_2"
bone = 3
mins = Vector(-9, -3, -9)
maxs = Vector(9, 3, 4)
name = "bip_spine_3"
bone = 4
mins = Vector(-9, -3, -6)
maxs = Vector(9, 1, 4)
name = "bip_upperArm_L"
bone = 10
mins = Vector(0.25, -2.5, -1.75)
maxs = Vector(13.75, 3.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_L"
bone = 12
mins = Vector(0.5, -3.5, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(13.5, 2.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_hand_L"
bone = 14
mins = Vector(-3.25, -7.5, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(0.75, -0.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_upperArm_R"
bone = 11
mins = Vector(0.25, -3.5, -1.75)
maxs = Vector(13.75, 2.5, 3.25)
name = "bip_lowerArm_R"
bone = 13
mins = Vector(0.5, -2.5, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(13.5, 2.5, 3.5)
name = "bip_hand_R"
bone = 15
mins = Vector(-0.75, 0.5, -2.5)
maxs = Vector(3.25, 7.5, 2.5)
name = "bip_hip_L"
bone = 16
mins = Vector(2, -4, -3.5)
maxs = Vector(22, 2, 3.5)
name = "bip_knee_L"
bone = 18
mins = Vector(0, -2.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(18, 2.5, 1.75)
name = "bip_foot_L"
bone = 20
mins = Vector(-1.5, -11, -2.75)
maxs = Vector(1.5, 3, 1.25)
name = "bip_hip_R"
bone = 17
mins = Vector(2, -3.5, -2)
maxs = Vector(22, 3.5, 4)
name = "bip_knee_R"
bone = 19
mins = Vector(0, -2.5, -3.25)
maxs = Vector(18, 2.5, 1.75)
name = "bip_foot_R"
bone = 21
mins = Vector(-1.5, -3, -1.25)
maxs = Vector(1.5, 11, 2.75)
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