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Created February 13, 2023 14:38
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POC for a rust like return
void Return_result()
Result Function() => Result.Ok();
Assert.True(Function() is Ok);
void Return_result_value()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
Assert.True(Function() is Result<int> { Value: 10 });
Assert.True(Function() is Ok<int> { Value: 10 });
void Return_result_has_value_on_success()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
void Return_result_on_error()
Result Function() => Result.Error("fail");
Assert.True(Function() is Error { Reason.Message: "fail" });
void Return_result_hasnt_value_on_error()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error("fail");
Assert.True(Function() is Error<int> {Reason.Message:"fail"});
void Throw_on_error_value_from_string()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error("fail");
var result = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => Function().Value);
Assert.Equal("There is no value available: see inner exeception", result.Message);
Assert.Equal("fail", result.InnerException.Message);
Assert.True(Function() is Error<int> { Reason: Exception {Message:"fail"} });
void Throw_on_error_value_from_exception()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error(new InvalidOperationException("fail"));
var result = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => Function().Value);
Assert.Equal("There is no value available: see inner exeception", result.Message);
Assert.Equal("fail", result.InnerException.Message);
Assert.True(Function() is Error<int> { Reason: InvalidOperationException {Message:"fail"} });
void Check_for_error_from_string_1()
Result Function() => Result.Error(new InvalidOperationException("fail"));
Assert.True(Function() is Error { Reason: InvalidOperationException {Message:"fail"} });
void Check_for_error_from_string_2()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error("fail");
var result = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => Function().Value);
Assert.Equal("There is no value available: see inner exeception", result.Message);
Assert.Equal("fail", result.InnerException.Message);
void Check_for_error_from_exception()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error(new InvalidOperationException("fail"));
var result = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => Function().Value);
Assert.Equal("There is no value available: see inner exeception", result.Message);
void Check_for_success()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
Assert.True(Function() is Ok<int>);
Assert.Equal(10, Function() is Ok<int> ok ? ok.Value : 0);
void Switch_on_success()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
switch (Function())
case Ok<int> ok:
void Switch_expr_success()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
Assert.True(Function() switch
Ok<int> ok => true,
_ => false
void Match_success()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Ok(10);
Assert.True(Function().Match(onOk:_ => true, onError:(e => false)));
void Match_error()
Result<int> Function() => Result<int>.Error("fail");
Assert.False(Function().Match(onOk: _ => true, onError: e =>
Assert.Equal("fail", e.Message);
return false;
public static class ExceptionExtensions
public static Exception WithData(this Exception exception, string key, object value)
exception.Data[key??"<null>"] = value;
return exception;
public interface Result
public static Ok Ok() => new Ok();
public static Error Error(
string reason,
[CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0)
return Error(new Exception(reason), callerMemberName, callerLineNumber);
public static Error Error(
Exception reason,
[CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0)
return new Error
Reason = reason
.WithData(nameof(CallerMemberNameAttribute), callerMemberName)
.WithData(nameof(CallerLineNumberAttribute), callerLineNumber)
.WithData(nameof(Environment.StackTrace), EnhancedStackTrace.Current().ToString())
/// <summary>
/// Defines the interface of an result. Every result has a property <see cref="Value"/> which either returns
/// the result value or throws an error if invoked unchecked.
/// </summary>
public interface Result<T> : Result
public static Ok<T> Ok(T value) => new Ok<T> { Value = value };
public static Error<T> Error(
string reason,
[CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0)
return Error(new Exception(reason), callerMemberName, callerLineNumber);
public static Error<T> Error(
Exception reason,
[CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0)
return new Error<T>
Reason = reason
.WithData(nameof(CallerMemberNameAttribute), callerMemberName)
.WithData(nameof(CallerLineNumberAttribute), callerLineNumber)
.WithData(nameof(Environment.StackTrace), EnhancedStackTrace.Current().ToString())
public T Value { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Use to inslect OK or error with conversion
/// </summary>
public bool HasValue => this is Ok<T>;
/// <summary>
/// Chain a processing action for success or failure
/// </summary>
public R Match<R>(Func<T,R> onOk,Func<Exception,R> onError) => this is Ok<T> ok
? onOk(ok.Value)
: onError(((Error<T>)this).Reason);
public static class ResultExtension
public static R Match<R, T>(this Result<T> result, Func<T, R> onOk = null, Func<T, R> onError = null ) => result switch
Ok<T> ok => onOk.Invoke(ok.Value),
_ => default
public readonly struct Ok : Result
public readonly struct Ok<T> : Result<T>
public T Value { get; init; }
public readonly struct Error : Result
public Exception Reason { get; init; }
public readonly struct Error<T> : Result<T>
public Exception Reason { get; init; }
public T Value
// the the reason as an inner exceptions. B yths you have the stack trace of the error an an inner exception
// and the stack trace where the error was 'discovered'
get => throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no value available: see inner exeception", this.Reason);
init => throw new NotImplementedException();
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