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Last active June 2, 2021 21:06
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Debounce and Throttle Event Handlers
Action<T> Debounce<T>(Action<T> action, TimeSpan interval)
if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action));
var last = 0;
return arg =>
// increment while calls of the event are coming
var current = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref last);
// first incoming event starts the delayed invocation of the action
Task.Delay(interval).ContinueWith(task =>
// excute action after a period of time where no changes happen
if (current == last)
Action<T> Throttle<T>(Action<T> action, TimeSpan interval)
if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action));
// captured in closure:
// .. the delivering delayed task
Task task = null;
// .. a lock handle
var l = new object();
// .. a storage for the calling args
T args = default;
return (T arg) =>
// the latest calling args are kept for later use
args = arg;
// if the delayed delivery is already initialized, return
if (task != null)
// starts the delayed deleivery task, once!
lock (l)
// double locking...
if (task != null)
// after exipry of the interval the latest args are delivered to the receiver
task = Task.Delay(interval).ContinueWith(t =>
task = null;
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