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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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perl - rough template thats outputs to screen & log file
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Time::HiRes qw/time gettimeofday/;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use FileHandle ('autoflush');
use Getopt::Std;
my %opt;
sub usage()
say "Usage = ???.pl [-v] -l <filename>";
exit 58;
sub main()
say "VERBOSE ENABLED = [$opt{v}]" if $opt{v};
say "FILE LOGGING ENABLED = [$opt{l}]" if exists $opt{l};
out("LOG TEST @ epoch " . time());
sub parse_args()
use Getopt::Std;
my $opt_string = 'vhl:'; # -v=verbose // -h=help // -l = output to log file
getopts( "$opt_string", \%opt ) or usage();
usage() if $opt{h};
if(!open(LOG,">$opt{l}")) { die "FILE ERROR" };
# log to screen + if enabled log to file
sub out
my $data = shift; # get the "text" to output
my $msg = now() . " : PID[$$] THREAD[$$] FILENAME[$0] STARTTIME[$^T]: " . $data; # $_[0]; # prefix a timestamp
say "$msg"; # to STDOUT
if($opt{l}) # if enabled to FILE
say LOG "$msg";
# a decent "datetime" string
sub now
my ($epoch, $microseconds) = gettimeofday;
my $now = strftime( q/%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S./, localtime($epoch)) . sprintf("%06d", $microseconds);
return $now;
exit 0;
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