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Created June 1, 2012 18:13
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Complete code for Robotic Car from Unit 7
# -----------
# User Instructions
# The point of this exercise is to find the optimal
# parameters! You can write a twiddle function or you
# can use any other method
# that you like. Since we don't know what the optimal
# parameters are, we will be very loose with the
# grading. If you find parameters that work well, post
# them in the forums!
# Note: when we first released this problem, we
# included a twiddle function. But that's no fun!
# Try coding up your own parameter optimization
# and see how quickly you can get to the goal.
# You can find the parameters at line 581.
from math import *
import random
# don't change the noise paameters
steering_noise = 0.1
distance_noise = 0.03
measurement_noise = 0.3
class plan:
# --------
# init:
# creates an empty plan
def __init__(self, grid, init, goal, cost = 1):
self.cost = cost
self.grid = grid
self.init = init
self.goal = goal
self.make_heuristic(grid, goal, self.cost)
self.path = []
self.spath = []
# --------
# make heuristic function for a grid
def make_heuristic(self, grid, goal, cost):
self.heuristic = [[0 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
for col in range(len(grid))]
for i in range(len(self.grid)):
for j in range(len(self.grid[0])):
self.heuristic[i][j] = abs(i - self.goal[0]) + \
abs(j - self.goal[1])
# ------------------------------------------------
# A* for searching a path to the goal
def astar(self):
if self.heuristic == []:
raise ValueError, "Heuristic must be defined to run A*"
# internal motion parameters
delta = [[-1, 0], # go up
[ 0, -1], # go left
[ 1, 0], # go down
[ 0, 1]] # do right
# open list elements are of the type: [f, g, h, x, y]
closed = [[0 for row in range(len(self.grid[0]))]
for col in range(len(self.grid))]
action = [[0 for row in range(len(self.grid[0]))]
for col in range(len(self.grid))]
closed[self.init[0]][self.init[1]] = 1
x = self.init[0]
y = self.init[1]
h = self.heuristic[x][y]
g = 0
f = g + h
open = [[f, g, h, x, y]]
found = False # flag that is set when search complete
resign = False # flag set if we can't find expand
count = 0
while not found and not resign:
# check if we still have elements on the open list
if len(open) == 0:
resign = True
print '###### Search terminated without success'
# remove node from list
next = open.pop()
x = next[3]
y = next[4]
g = next[1]
# check if we are done
if x == goal[0] and y == goal[1]:
found = True
# print '###### A* search successful'
# expand winning element and add to new open list
for i in range(len(delta)):
x2 = x + delta[i][0]
y2 = y + delta[i][1]
if x2 >= 0 and x2 < len(self.grid) and y2 >= 0 \
and y2 < len(self.grid[0]):
if closed[x2][y2] == 0 and self.grid[x2][y2] == 0:
g2 = g + self.cost
h2 = self.heuristic[x2][y2]
f2 = g2 + h2
open.append([f2, g2, h2, x2, y2])
closed[x2][y2] = 1
action[x2][y2] = i
count += 1
# extract the path
invpath = []
x = self.goal[0]
y = self.goal[1]
invpath.append([x, y])
while x != self.init[0] or y != self.init[1]:
x2 = x - delta[action[x][y]][0]
y2 = y - delta[action[x][y]][1]
x = x2
y = y2
invpath.append([x, y])
self.path = []
for i in range(len(invpath)):
self.path.append(invpath[len(invpath) - 1 - i])
# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the smoothing function
def smooth(self, weight_data = 0.1, weight_smooth = 0.1,
tolerance = 0.000001):
if self.path == []:
raise ValueError, "Run A* first before smoothing path"
self.spath = [[0 for row in range(len(self.path[0]))] \
for col in range(len(self.path))]
for i in range(len(self.path)):
for j in range(len(self.path[0])):
self.spath[i][j] = self.path[i][j]
change = tolerance
while change >= tolerance:
change = 0.0
for i in range(1, len(self.path)-1):
for j in range(len(self.path[0])):
aux = self.spath[i][j]
self.spath[i][j] += weight_data * \
(self.path[i][j] - self.spath[i][j])
self.spath[i][j] += weight_smooth * \
(self.spath[i-1][j] + self.spath[i+1][j]
- (2.0 * self.spath[i][j]))
if i >= 2:
self.spath[i][j] += 0.5 * weight_smooth * \
(2.0 * self.spath[i-1][j] - self.spath[i-2][j]
- self.spath[i][j])
if i <= len(self.path) - 3:
self.spath[i][j] += 0.5 * weight_smooth * \
(2.0 * self.spath[i+1][j] - self.spath[i+2][j]
- self.spath[i][j])
change += abs(aux - self.spath[i][j])
# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the robot class
class robot:
# --------
# init:
# creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0
def __init__(self, length = 0.5):
self.x = 0.0
self.y = 0.0
self.orientation = 0.0
self.length = length
self.steering_noise = 0.0
self.distance_noise = 0.0
self.measurement_noise = 0.0
self.num_collisions = 0
self.num_steps = 0
# --------
# set:
# sets a robot coordinate
def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):
self.x = float(new_x)
self.y = float(new_y)
self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)
# --------
# set_noise:
# sets the noise parameters
def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise, new_m_noise):
# makes it possible to change the noise parameters
# this is often useful in particle filters
self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)
self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)
self.measurement_noise = float(new_m_noise)
# --------
# check:
# checks of the robot pose collides with an obstacle, or
# is too far outside the plane
def check_collision(self, grid):
for i in range(len(grid)):
for j in range(len(grid[0])):
if grid[i][j] == 1:
dist = sqrt((self.x - float(i)) ** 2 +
(self.y - float(j)) ** 2)
if dist < 0.5:
self.num_collisions += 1
return False
return True
def check_goal(self, goal, threshold = 1.0):
dist = sqrt((float(goal[0]) - self.x) ** 2 + (float(goal[1]) - self.y) ** 2)
return dist < threshold
# --------
# move:
# steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle
# distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative
def move(self, grid, steering, distance,
tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):
if steering > max_steering_angle:
steering = max_steering_angle
if steering < -max_steering_angle:
steering = -max_steering_angle
if distance < 0.0:
distance = 0.0
# make a new copy
res = robot()
res.length = self.length
res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise
res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise
res.measurement_noise = self.measurement_noise
res.num_collisions = self.num_collisions
res.num_steps = self.num_steps + 1
# apply noise
steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)
distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)
# Execute motion
turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length
if abs(turn) < tolerance:
# approximate by straight line motion
res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))
res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))
res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
# approximate bicycle model for motion
radius = distance2 / turn
cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)
cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)
res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)
res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)
# check for collision
# res.check_collision(grid)
return res
# --------
# sense:
def sense(self):
return [random.gauss(self.x, self.measurement_noise),
random.gauss(self.y, self.measurement_noise)]
# --------
# measurement_prob
# computes the probability of a measurement
def measurement_prob(self, measurement):
# compute errors
error_x = measurement[0] - self.x
error_y = measurement[1] - self.y
# calculate Gaussian
error = exp(- (error_x ** 2) / (self.measurement_noise ** 2) / 2.0) \
/ sqrt(2.0 * pi * (self.measurement_noise ** 2))
error *= exp(- (error_y ** 2) / (self.measurement_noise ** 2) / 2.0) \
/ sqrt(2.0 * pi * (self.measurement_noise ** 2))
return error
def __repr__(self):
# return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]' % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)
return '[%.5f, %.5f]' % (self.x, self.y)
# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the particle filter class
class particles:
# --------
# init:
# creates particle set with given initial position
def __init__(self, x, y, theta,
steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise, N = 100):
self.N = N
self.steering_noise = steering_noise
self.distance_noise = distance_noise
self.measurement_noise = measurement_noise = []
for i in range(self.N):
r = robot()
r.set(x, y, theta)
r.set_noise(steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
# --------
# extract position from a particle set
def get_position(self):
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
orientation = 0.0
for i in range(self.N):
x +=[i].x
y +=[i].y
# orientation is tricky because it is cyclic. By normalizing
# around the first particle we are somewhat more robust to
# the 0=2pi problem
orientation += ((([i].orientation
-[0].orientation + pi) % (2.0 * pi))
+[0].orientation - pi)
return [x / self.N, y / self.N, orientation / self.N]
# --------
# motion of the particles
def move(self, grid, steer, speed):
newdata = []
for i in range(self.N):
r =[i].move(grid, steer, speed)
newdata.append(r) = newdata
# --------
# sensing and resampling
def sense(self, Z):
w = []
for i in range(self.N):
# resampling (careful, this is using shallow copy)
p3 = []
index = int(random.random() * self.N)
beta = 0.0
mw = max(w)
for i in range(self.N):
beta += random.random() * 2.0 * mw
while beta > w[index]:
beta -= w[index]
index = (index + 1) % self.N
p3.append([index]) = p3
# --------
# run: runs control program for the robot
def run(grid, goal, spath, params, printflag = False, speed = 0.1, timeout = 1000):
myrobot = robot()
myrobot.set(0., 0., 0.)
myrobot.set_noise(steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
filter = particles(myrobot.x, myrobot.y, myrobot.orientation,
steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
cte = 0.0
err = 0.0
N = 0
index = 0 # index into the path
while not myrobot.check_goal(goal) and N < timeout:
diff_cte = - cte
# ----------------------------------------
# compute the CTE
# start with the present robot estimate
estimate = filter.get_position()
# some basic vector calculations
dx = spath[index+1][0] - spath[index][0]
dy = spath[index+1][1] - spath[index][1]
drx = estimate[0] - spath[index][0]
dry = estimate[1] - spath[index][1]
# u is the robot estimate projectes onto the path segment
u = (drx * dx + dry * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)
# the cte is the estimate projected onto the normal of the path segment
cte = (dry * dx - drx * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)
# pick the next path segment
if u > 1.0 and index < len(spath) - 1:
index += 1
# ----------------------------------------
diff_cte += cte
steer = - params[0] * cte - params[1] * diff_cte
myrobot = myrobot.move(grid, steer, speed)
filter.move(grid, steer, speed)
Z = myrobot.sense()
if not myrobot.check_collision(grid):
print '##### Collision ####'
err += (cte ** 2)
N += 1
if printflag:
print myrobot, cte, index, u
return [myrobot.check_goal(goal), myrobot.num_collisions, myrobot.num_steps]
# ------------------------------------------------
# this is our main routine
def main(grid, init, goal, steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
weight_data, weight_smooth, p_gain, d_gain):
path = plan(grid, init, goal)
path.smooth(weight_data, weight_smooth)
return run(grid, goal, path.spath, [p_gain, d_gain])
# ------------------------------------------------
# input data and parameters
# grid format:
# 0 = navigable space
# 1 = occupied space
grid = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]]
init = [0, 0]
goal = [len(grid)-1, len(grid[0])-1]
steering_noise = 0.1
distance_noise = 0.03
measurement_noise = 0.3
weight_data = 0.1
weight_smooth = 0.2
p_gain = 2.0
d_gain = 6.0
print main(grid, init, goal, steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
weight_data, weight_smooth, p_gain, d_gain)
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