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Last active January 22, 2019 17:41
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WebApp Rendering Strategies 2019

Client Side Rendering

Tooling: Hyperapp, Mithril, React, Vue


  • Dynamic Routing. There's no refresh when routing between pages.


  • JavaScript must be downloaded before the page can begin to render, slowing down first paint performance.[1]
  • Most modern search engines claim to be able to crawl dynamic content, but it's not as reliable.[2]

Server Side Rendering

Tooling: Next.js, Php


  • First paint performance is generally better because the markup can start rendering before JavaScript has finished downloading. This can vary based on how your app is architected.
  • Search engines will always be able to crawl your content.


  • Increased server workload. Pages have to be rendered on every request.
  • Requires a refresh when routing between pages.

Static Rendering

Tooling: Gatsby, Jekyll, NetlifyCMS


  • First paint performance should be better because the markup can start rendering before JavaScript has finished downloading. This can vary based on how your app is architected.
  • Doesn't require a refresh when routing between pages if there's a SPA on top of the statically rendered page.
  • Search engines will always be able to crawl your content.


  • Requires a rebuild and redeploy of the project to publish new content.

Server Side Pre-Rendering

Tooling: ???


  • First paint performance is generally better because the markup can start rendering before JavaScript has finished downloading. This can vary based on how your app is architected.
  • Pages are compiled server side during CRUD operations meaning this rendering method doesn't require a rebuild and redeploy of the project to publish new content.
  • Doesn't require a refresh when routing between pages if there's a SPA on top of the statically rendered page.
  • Search engines will always be able to crawl your content.


  • May compile lots of content that no one well ever see.
  • Will have to recompile the entire site when the UI changes.
  • Concurrency problems if you attempt to render dynamic content statically. (example: statically rendering markup that says "99 articles", deleting an article, then not re-rendering the entire site)


[1] needs a reference to support this claim
[2] needs a reference to support this claim

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