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Created October 10, 2014 00:46
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Glenn's ringtone
(ns ringtone.core
(:use []
(def state
(atom {:measure-number 0
:is-running true}))
(let [
;; milliseconds for each tick
increment 100
music-list (map-indexed
(fn [index pitch]
{:onset (* index increment)
:data [{:duration increment
:pitch pitch}]}
;; list of pitches, transpose by 2 octaves
(map #(+ 24 %) [68 69 72
68 69 72
68 69 72
68 69 72
65 66 62]))
start-time (now)
;; not useful now... to find the total duration of the entire jingle
;; max-duration (+ (apply max (map :onset music-list))
;; (apply max (map :duration (last (map :data music-list)))))
;; call this on every timer tick (per increment)
playfunction (fn []
(if (< (@state :measure-number) (count music-list))
(let [current-measure (nth music-list (@state :measure-number))
current-time (now)]
(when (< (+ start-time (:onset current-measure)) current-time)
;;(piano (:pitch (first (:data current-measure))))
(doseq [pitch (map :pitch (:data current-measure))]
(piano pitch))
(swap! state assoc :measure-number (inc (@state :measure-number)))
(swap! state assoc :is-running false)
tasktimer (java.util.Timer.)]
(.scheduleAtFixedRate tasktimer
(proxy [java.util.TimerTask] []
(run []
(if (@state :is-running)
(Thread. playfunction)))
(.cancel tasktimer)))))
0 ;; first run delay
increment ;; thereafter
(defproject ringtone "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[overtone "0.8.1"]])
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