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Created March 29, 2022 04:21
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(require '[ :refer [sh]])
(require '[cljs.reader :refer [read-string]])
(defn combinations [[head & rest]]
(if rest
(for [list (combinations rest)
item head]
(cons item list))
(map list head)))
(defn format-groups [format-strs args]
(loop [done []
[format-str & format-strs] format-strs
[arg & other-args :as args] args]
(if format-str
(if (.includes format-str "%s")
(cons (.replace format-str "%s" (str arg)) format-strs)
;; move onto next group
(conj done format-str)
(let [args *command-line-args*
[f args] (if (-> args first (= "-d")) [prn (rest args)] [sh args])
{format-strs false
arrays true} (group-by #(.startsWith % "[") args)
arrays (map read-string arrays)]
(doseq [combination (combinations arrays)]
(apply f (format-groups format-strs combination))))
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