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Last active March 31, 2016 14:40
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Clojure Gems
(ns gems)
(def unique-by
"inverts the range of f"
[f s]
(vals (zipmap (map f s) s)))
(defn decompose-map
"nested map structure -> list of 'address vectors'"
([m] (decompose-map [] m))
([stack m]
(if (map? m)
(fn [[k v]]
(decompose-map (conj stack k) v)) m)
[(conj stack m)])))
(defn recompose-map
"list of 'address vectors' -> nested map structure"
([vs] (reduce-map {} vs))
([m vs]
(fn [m v]
(assoc-in m (pop v) (peek v))) m vs)))
;now we can permute nested structures!!!
(defn permute-map [m permutation]
(map #(mapv % permutation) (decompose-map m))))
(defn max-by
"finds an element of s that maximizes f"
[f [head & rest]]
(if head
(reduce (fn [[x y] xd]
(let [yd (f xd)]
(if (< y yd)
[xd yd]
[x y]))) [head (f head)] rest))))
(defn cumul
"cumulation of a sequence"
(reduce (fn [a b] (conj a (+ (peek a) b))) [(first s)] (rest s)))
(defn diff
"difference of items in a sequence"
(map - (drop 1 s) s))
;auxiliary function
(defn interpose-spaces [s]
(apply str (interpose " " s)))
(defn xml
"A DSL to generate xml"
(vector? x)
(let [
[tag m & rest] x
(if (map? m)
(format "<%s %s>%s</%s>"
(name tag)
(interpose-spaces (map (fn [[k v]] (format "%s = \"%s\"" k v)) m))
(interpose-spaces (map xml rest))
(name tag))
(format "<%s>%s</%s>"
(name tag)
(interpose-spaces (map xml (conj rest m)))
(name tag))))
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