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Last active April 24, 2019 06:04
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An Applescript application that connects to a bluetooth speaker->starts iTunes->starts playing a playlist automatically
-- works as of MacOS Mojave, iTunes 12
-- TIMESTAMP: 24. Apr. 2019
-- clear start - quit itunes
tell application "iTunes"
end tell
delay 60 -- sometimes iTunes takes a while to quit
-- turn on bluetooth if off
tell application "System Preferences"
delay 1
set the current pane to pane id ""
delay 2 -- pane switching in System Prefs is painfully slow for some reason
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
tell window "Bluetooth"
tell button 3
if name is "Turn Bluetooth On" then click
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 3 -- safety net
-- connect to Bluetooth speaker
activate application "SystemUIServer"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "SystemUIServer"
-- Working CONNECT Script. Goes through the following:
-- Clicks on Bluetooth Menu (OSX Top Menu Bar)
-- => Clicks on device Item
-- => Clicks on Connect Item
set btMenu to (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description contains "bluetooth")
tell btMenu
tell (menu item "bluetoothSpeakerName" of menu 1)
if exists menu item "Connect" of menu 1 then
click menu item "Connect" of menu 1
key code 53 -- Close main BT drop down if Connect wasn't present
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 8 -- wait for bluetooth connection before playing
set volume output volume 70
tell application "iTunes"
delay 3
set shuffle enabled to true
play playlist "playlistName"
end tell
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