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Last active December 29, 2015 14:49
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Save whatisinternet/7686349 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Remove Metro applications
# Filename: MetroRemove.ps1
# Author: Josh Teeter
# Date: 2013-05-06
# Version:
# Purpose: This will remove metro apps based on a list of applications in a file called Crapps.txt
$Diagnostics = 0
$DumpApps = 0
# Determine how many apps are installed
$packages = Get-AppxPackage
$Precount = $packages.Count
# Get the current execution path
$fullPathIncFileName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$currentScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$currentExecutingPath = $fullPathIncFileName.Replace($currentScriptName, "")
# Get the user folder
$desktopFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
$logFile = $desktopFolder.ToString() + "\log.txt"
# Read the list of apps to remove from the file
$filePath = $currentExecutingPath.ToString() + "Crapps.txt"
$strAppsToRemove = Get-Content $filePath.ToString()
if ($DumpApps) {
$installedAppsFile = $currentExecutingPath.ToString() + "Installed.txt"
Get-AppxPackage >> $installedAppsFile
# Loop through each line in the file and check if the app exists and then remove the app if it does
foreach ($i in $strAppsToRemove){
if($Diagnostics){write-host "Searching for: " $i}
# Search for the app
$toRemove = Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*" + $i + "*" }
# Remove said app
Remove-AppxPackage $toRemove.PackageFullName
write-host "Removing: " $toRemove
if($Diagnostics){write-host "Not Found: " $i}
$packages = Get-AppxPackage
$postCount = $packages.Count
write-host ""
write-host "-----------------------------------------"
write-host ""
write-host Number of apps before removal: $Precount
write-host Number of apps after removal: $postCount
write-host Number of apps removed: ($Precount - $postCount)
$AppsRemoved = ($Precount - $postCount)
$DateandTime = Get-Date -format yyyy-M-d
echo "Number of modern applications removed: $AppsRemoved"| Out-File -Encoding "UTF8" $logFile -Append
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