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Created January 7, 2016 22:26
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Testing private functions in Elixir
defmodule TestDefp do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
import Kernel, except: [defp: 2]
# Let's redefine `defp/2` so that if MIX_ENV is `test`, the function will be
# defined with `def/2` instead of `defp/2`.
defmacro defp(fun, body) do
def_macro = if function_exported?(Mix, :env, 0) && apply(Mix, :env, [:test]), do: :def, else: :defp
quote, do: Kernel.unquote(def_macro)(unquote(fun), unquote(body))
defmodule MyModule do
use TestDefp
defp my_fun() do
# Now you can test `MyModule.my_fun/0` when MIX_ENV=test :).
# By the way, strive not to test private functions as it may
# be a sign of code smell. You can always export them into a
# separate module and use `@moduledoc false` or simply make
# them public with `@doc false`.
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twajjo commented May 25, 2018

Excellent gist, but I had to make a small change to get it to work. Within the quote do block, after:

import Kernel, except [defp:2]

You have to import this module (TestDefp) to get the macro to kick in:

import __MODULE__

Without this change, the compiler squawks because defp is undefined after the "use TestDefp" statement in the module to test.

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