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Created May 29, 2012 00:29
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Type Predicates that just ain't working...
sealed trait TypeBoolean
sealed trait True extends TypeBoolean
sealed trait False extends TypeBoolean
trait Conditional{
type Result <: TypeBoolean
abstract class TypePredicate2[A,B,Cond[_,_] <: Conditional,Implicit[_,_]] extends Conditional{
implicit def pred[Child,Parent](implicit ev:Implicit[Child,Parent]):Cond[Child,Parent]
abstract class Answer(implicit ev: Cond[A,B]) extends Conditional{
type Result = Cond[A,B]#Result
type Result = Answer#Result
sealed abstract class SubType[A,B] extends Conditional
object IsSubtypeOf{
implicit def default[Child,Parent] = new SubType[Child,Parent]{ type Result = False }
abstract class IsSubtypeOf[A,B] extends TypePredicate2[A,B,SubType,<:<]{
implicit def pred[Child,Parent](implicit ev: <:<[Child,Parent]):SubType[Child,Parent] =
new SubType[Child,Parent] with (Child => Parent){ def apply(x: Child):Parent = x
type Result = True
class Parent
class Child extends Parent
class Foo{
def bar[A <: TypeBoolean](implicit ev: =:=[A,True]) = 1
def ohNoes() = bar[IsSubtypeOf[Child,Parent]#Result]
[error] could not find implicit value for parameter ev: =:=[SubType[Child,Parent]#Result,True]
[error] def ohNodes() = bar[IsSubtypeOf[Child,Parent]#Result]
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