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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Dependently typed Trampoline (WIP, just jotting my ideas down)
import shapeless._
import poly._
trait Next[T]{
type R <: Trampoline
def apply(t: T): R
object Next{
def apply[T](implicit nxt: Next[T]): Aux[T, nxt.R] = nxt
type Aux[T0, R0] = Next[T0]{ type R = R0 }
implicit def done[R0]: Aux[Done[R0], Done[R0]] = new Next[Done[R0]]{
type R = Done[R0]
def apply(r: Done[R0]) = r
implicit def suspend[T <: Trampoline]: Aux[Suspend[T], T] = new Next[Suspend[T]]{
type R = T
def apply(s: Suspend[T]) = s.t()
implicit def fmDone[T, P <: Poly, R0 <: Trampoline]
(implicit ev: Case1.Aux[P, T, R0]): Aux[FM[Done[T], P], ev.Result] =
new Next[FM[Done[T], P]]{
type R = R0
def apply(fm: FM[T, P]) = ev(fm.t)
implicit def fmSuspend[T <: Trampoline, P <: Poly]
(implicit nxt: Next.Aux[Suspend[T], T]): Aux[FM[Suspend[T], P], FM[T, P]] =
new Next[FM[Suspend[T], P]]{
type R = FM[T, P]
def apply(fm: FM[Suspend[T], P]) = FM(nxt(fm.t), fm.p)
implicit def fmFM[P <: Poly, T0 <: Trampoline, P0 <: Poly]
(implicit nxt: Next[FM[T0, P0]]): Aux[FM[FM[T0, P0], P], FM[nxt.R, P]] =
new Next[FM[FM[T0, P0], P]]{
type R = FM[nxt.R, P]
def apply(fm: FM[FM[T0, P0], P]) = FM(nxt(fm.t), fm.p)
trait Runner[T]{
type R
def apply(t: T): R
object Runner{
def apply[T](implicit run: Runner[T]): Aux[T, run.R] = run
type Aux[T0, R0] = Runner[T0]{ type R = R0 }
implicit def done[T]: Aux[Done[T], T] = new Runner[Done[T]] {
type R = T
def apply(t: Done[T]) = t.r
//...and here I go, stack overflow in T-minus 64k calls...
implicit def continue[T <: Trampoline, R <: Trampoline]
(implicit run: Runner[R], nxt: Next.Aux[T, R]): Aux[T, run.R] =
new Runner[T]{
type R = run.R
def apply(t: T) = run(nxt(t))
trait Trampoline{
//ok, like this it really does subvert the entire point of a trampoline. There's got to be a better way...
def run(implicit r: Runner[this.type]): r.R = r(this)
//need constraints on this. As is, can add a Poly that can't actually ever be "run."
def map(p: Poly): Trampoline = FM(this, p compose (Done(_)))
def flatMap(p: Poly): Trampoline = FM(this, p)
case class Done[R](r: R) extends Trampoline
case class Suspend[T <: Trampoline](t: () => T) extends Trampoline
case class FM[T <: Trampoline, P <: Poly](t: T, p: P) extends Trampoline
//Made this file for reference
trait Trampoline[R]{
def run(): R ={
@tailrec walk(current: Trampoline[R]): R = current match{
case Done(v) => v
case x => walk(x next ())
def map[Out](f: R => Out): Trampoline[Out] = flatMap(x => Done(f(x)))
def flatMap[Out](f: R => Trampoline[Out]): Trampoline[Out] = FM(this, f)
protected def next(): Trampoline[R]
case class Done[R](r: R) extends Trampoline[R]{
override def run() = r
override def map[Out](f: R => Out) = Done(f(r))
override def flatMap[Out](f: R => Trampoline[Out]) = f(r)
protected def next() = this
case class Suspend[R](t: => Trampoline[R]) extends Trampoline[R]{
protected def next() = t
case class FM[T, R](t: Trampoline[T], f: T => Trampoline[R]) extends Trampoline[R]{
protected def next(): Trampoline[R] = t next () match{
case Done(v) => f(v)
case v => FM(v, f)
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