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Last active February 23, 2024 22:21
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  • Save wheelerlaw/5063fa83e845d4214977e207514689bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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wines of argentina
import * as fs from 'fs';
import axios, {AxiosResponse} from "axios";
import * as csv from 'csv-stringify'
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'
export type WineryListRequest = {
columns: Column[];
length: number;
order: Order[];
search: WineryListRequestSearch;
start: number;
export type Column = {
data: string;
name: string;
searchable?: boolean;
search?: ColumnSearch;
export type Order = {
column: string;
dir: string;
export type WineryListRequestSearch = {
value: string;
export type WineryListResponse = {
recordsFiltered: number;
recordsTotal: number;
data: WineryListItem[];
error: null;
pagination: null;
export type WineryListItem = {
id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
logo: Logo[];
winery_debt: string;
province: null | string;
region: null | string;
province_code: null | string;
region_code: null | string;
export type Logo = {
id: string;
obj: string;
id_obj: string;
attr: string;
attachment: Attachment;
export type Attachment = {
id: string;
name: string;
filename: string;
type: string;
url: string;
export type Winery = {
id: string;
code: string;
name: string;
business_name: string;
cuit: string;
associate: string;
size: Size;
enabled: string;
winery_type: WineryType[] | null;
winery_certifier: null;
description: string;
main_export_markets: MainExportMarket[] | null;
total_production: string;
logo: Gallery[];
gallery: Gallery[];
addresses: AddressElement[];
social: Social[];
services: Service[] | null;
winemakers: Winemaker[] | null;
client_code: string;
email: string;
phone: string;
created: null;
winery_debt: string;
province: string;
region: string;
province_code: string;
region_code: string;
export type WinerySearch = Pick<Winery, 'id' | 'code' | 'name'>
export type AddressElement = {
id: string;
id_winery: string;
id_address: string;
id_winery_address_type: string;
address: AddressAddress;
type: Size;
export type AddressAddress = {
id: string;
address: string;
address_extra: null;
latitude: string;
longitude: string;
department: null;
province: string;
country: string;
postal_code: string;
id_province: string;
id_country: string;
export type Size = {
id: string;
name: string;
export type Gallery = {
id: string;
obj: Obj;
id_obj: string;
attr: Attr;
attachment: Attachment;
export type MainExportMarket = {
id: string;
id_winery: string;
id_country: string;
market: Market;
export type Market = {
id: string;
name: string;
iso_num: string;
iso2: string;
iso3: string;
code: null;
export type Social = {
id: string;
value: string;
id_winery: string;
id_social_network: string;
type: Size;
export type Winemaker = {
id: string;
name: string;
id_winery: string;
id_type: string;
type: Size;
export type WineryType = {
id: string;
id_winery: string;
id_winery_type: string;
type: Size;
export type WineryRecord = {
name: string,
description: string,
type: string,
varietals: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
website: string,
address: string,
export type WineListRequest = {
columns: Column[];
length: number;
order: Order[];
search: WineListRequestSearch;
start: number;
export type ColumnSearch = {
value: ValueElement[] | number;
export type ValueElement = {
id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
export type WineListRequestSearch = {
value: string;
export type WineListResponse = {
recordsFiltered: number;
recordsTotal: number;
data: Wine[];
error: null;
pagination: null;
export type Wine = {
id: string;
code: string;
name: string;
image: Image[] | null;
prizes: Prize[] | null;
price: Price;
varieties: VarietyElement[];
alcohol: string;
ph_level: null | string;
acidity: null | string;
residual_sugar: null | string;
show_in_web: string;
winery: Winery;
harvest: string;
export type Image = {
id: string;
obj: Obj;
id_obj: string;
attr: Attr;
attachment: Attachment;
export type Type = "jpeg" | "jpg";
export type Attr = "image" | "gallery" | "logo";
export type Obj = "wine" | "winery";
export type Price = {
id: string;
name: string;
order: string;
export type Prize = {
id: string;
id_wine: string;
id_prize: string;
prize: Size;
points: string;
year: string;
export type VarietyElement = {
id: string;
id_wine: string;
id_wine_variety: string;
variety: ColorClass;
percentage: string;
export type ColorClass = {
id: string;
name: string;
color?: ColorClass;
code: string;
export type Service = {
id: string;
id_winery: string;
id_service_type?: string;
type: Size;
id_winery_type?: string;
function createWineryListRequest(index: number, pageLength: number = 50): WineryListRequest {
return {
length: pageLength,
order: [{column: "name", dir: "asc"}],
search: {value: ""},
start: index,
columns: [
{name: "id", data: "id"},
{name: "name", data: "name", searchable: true},
{name: "code", data: "code"},
{name: "province", data: "province", search: {value: 0}}
async function doRequest<T>(req: PromiseLike<AxiosResponse<T>>): Promise<T> {
const res: AxiosResponse<T> = await req
if (res.status === 200) {
return as T
throw new Error(`Something happened! ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
async function getWineriesPage(req: WineryListRequest): Promise<WineryListResponse> {
const url = ''
console.log(`Requesting: ${url}`)
return await doRequest(, req, {headers: { 'Accept-Language': 'en'}}))
async function getWineryInfo(code: string): Promise<Winery> {
const url = `${code}`
console.log(`Requesting: ${url}`)
return await doRequest(axios.get(url, {headers: {'Accept-Language': 'en'}}))
async function *getWineries() {
let totalRecords = -1
let index = 0
while (totalRecords === -1 || index < totalRecords) {
const request = createWineryListRequest(index)
const response = await getWineriesPage(request)
if (totalRecords === -1) {
totalRecords = response.recordsTotal
index +=
for (const winery of {
yield winery
function createWineListRequest(winery: WinerySearch, index: number, pageLength: number = 0): WineListRequest {
return {
length: pageLength,
order: [{column: "", dir: "asc"}],
search: {value: ""},
start: index,
columns: [
{name: "id", data: "id" },
{name: "code", data: "code"},
{name: "name", data: "name", "searchable": true},
{name: "prizes", data: "prizes"},
{name: "price", data: "price"},
{name: "pts_st", data: "pts_st"},
{name: "pts_we", data: "pts_we"},
{name: "varieties", data: "varieties"},
{name: "ids_varieties", data: "ids_varieties", "search": {"value": []}},
{name: "alcohol", data: "alcohol"},
{name: "ph_level", data: "ph_level"},
{name: "acidity", data: "acidity"},
{name: "residual_sugar", data: "residual_sugar"},
{name: "show_in_web", data: "show_in_web", "search": {"value": 1}},
{name: "winery", data: "winery", search: {value: [winery]}},
{name: "harvest", data: "harvest", search: {value: []}}
async function *getWines(winery: WinerySearch) {
let recordCount = -1
let index = 0
while (recordCount === -1 || index < recordCount) {
const request = createWineListRequest(winery, index)
const response = await getWinesPage(request)
if (recordCount === -1) {
recordCount = response.recordsFiltered
index +=
for (const winery of {
yield winery
async function getWinesPage(req: WineListRequest): Promise<WineListResponse> {
const url = ''
console.log(`Requesting: ${url}`)
return await doRequest(, req, {headers: { 'Accept-Language': 'en'}}))
async function listWineries() {
const wineries: WineryListItem[] = []
for await (const winery of getWineries()) {
let wineryRecords: WineryRecord[] = []
const batchSize = 10
let index = 0
while (index < wineries.length) {
const end = Math.min(index + batchSize, wineries.length)
const slice = wineries.slice(index, end)
const wineryDetailsBatch = await Promise.all( winery => await getWineryInfo(winery.code)))
const wineryRecordsBatch = await Promise.all( wineryDetails => {
const wineryType = wineryDetails.winery_type ? =>", ") : "unclassified"
const wines: Wine[] = []
const wineryQuery: WinerySearch = (({id, code, name}) => ({id, code, name}))(wineryDetails)
for await (const wine of getWines(wineryQuery)) {
if (wines.length === 0) {
console.log(`EMPTY ${} ${wineryDetails.code}`)
const wineryVarietals = Array.from(wines
.map(wine => new Set<string>(wine.varieties?.map(variety =>
.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => union(accumulator, currentValue), new Set<string>()))
.join(", ")
const dom = new JSDOM(wineryDetails.description)
const wineryRecord: WineryRecord = {
description: dom.window.document.body.textContent.trim().replaceAll("\n", " "),
type: wineryType,
varietals: wineryVarietals,
?.filter(social => === "Website")
.map(social => social.value)
.join(", "),
address: wineryDetails.addresses
?.map(address => address.address)
.map(address => [address.address, address.address_extra, address.postal_code, address.province].filter(item => item != null))
.map(address => address.join(', '))
.join("; ")
return wineryRecord
wineryRecords = wineryRecords.concat(wineryRecordsBatch)
index += batchSize
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('./wineries.csv');
csv.stringify(wineryRecords, {header: true, columns: ["name", "description", "type", "varietals", "email", "website", "address"]})
/// Helpers
const union = function<T>(firstSet: Set<T>, otherSet: Set<T>): Set<T> {
const union = new Set<T>(otherSet);
for(const x of firstSet) if(!otherSet.has(x)) union.add(x);
return union
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"dependencies": {
"@types/jsdom": "^21.1.6",
"@types/node": "^20.11.20",
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"csv-stringify": "^6.4.5",
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"typescript": "^5.3.3"
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