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Created January 3, 2021 13:32
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Python script to sync local folder to google drive
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import random
import inspect
import argparse
import hashlib
import datetime
# Google Drive
import pickle
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from apiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
# Example use
# ./ verify -c ~/credentials-gdrive-user.json -l ./test -r /test -RU
# Dependencies
# python3 -m pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
g_silent = False
def Log(s):
if g_silent:
fi = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
print(fi.filename + "(" + str(fi.lineno) + "): " + str(s))
def clipStr(s, max, clipstart=False, clip='...'):
if len(s) <= max:
return s
if clipstart:
return clip + s[len(s) - max + len(clip):]
return s[0:max-len(clip)] + clip
def fixStr(s, max, clipstart=False, clip='...', pad=' '):
return clipStr(s, max, clipstart, clip).ljust(max, pad)
def showStatus(s, max=100):
print("\r" + fixStr(s, max), end='')
# [ 87%] = {0:3.0f}
# [ 87.34%] = {0:6.2f}
def showProgress(p, s, max=100, clipstart=True, format="{0:3.0f}"):
print("\r[" + format.format(p) + "%] " + fixStr(s, max, clipstart), end='')
def tsCheck(_p):
now =
if 'lastmin' not in _p or _p['lastmin'] != now.minute:
_p['lastmin'] = now.minute
print("\n--------- %s ---------\n" % (now.strftime('%b %d %H:%M')))
# Google Drive
def getCreds(cf, auth):
creds = None
scopes = [
cache = './gdrive.token.cache'
# Do we have saved credentials?
if not auth and os.path.exists(cache):
with open(cache, 'rb') as fh:
creds = pickle.load(fh)
# Login user if no credentials
if not creds or not creds.valid:
# Just need a refresh?
if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
# Full request
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(cf, scopes)
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
# Save the credentials for the next time
with open(cache, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump(creds, fh)
return creds
def getGDrive(cf, auth):
# Login
creds = getCreds(cf, auth)
if not creds:
Log("Failed to load credentials")
return None
# Create service
return build('drive', 'v3', credentials=creds)
def getItemInfo(gd, folder):
# Folder components
fp = folder.split('/')
fi = gd.files().get(fileId='root').execute()
if not fi:
return None
while True:
cur = ''
while not cur:
if 0 >= len(fp):
return fi
cur = fp.pop(0)
res = gd.files().list(
q="'" + fi['id'] + "' in parents and name contains '" + cur.replace("'", r"\'") + "'",
fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, parents)"
fi = res.get('files', [])[0]
except Exception as e:
return None
def listFiles(gd, folder='', id=''):
files = []
if not id:
ii = getItemInfo(gd, folder)
id = ii['id']
max = 100
page_token = None
while True:
# Pressure valve
max -= 1
if 0 >= max:
# Get a list of files
res = gd.files().list(
q="'" + id + "' in parents",
fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, parents, createdTime)"
# Add files
files += res.get('files', [])
# Next page
page_token = res.get('nextPageToken', None)
if not page_token:
except Exception as e:
return files
def createFolder(gd, root, name):
# Get root
ri = getItemInfo(gd, root)
if not ri or 'id' not in ri:
Log("Invalid root : " + root)
# Create the sub folder
body = {
'name': name,
'parents': [ri['id']],
'mimeType': 'application/'
folder = gd.files().create(body=body, fields='id').execute()
return folder
except Exception as e:
return None
def uploadFile(gd, src, dst='', rid=''):
if not os.path.isfile(src):
Log("Invalid file : " + src)
return False
# Grab rid if needed
if not rid:
ri = getItemInfo(gd, dst)
if not ri or 'id' not in ri:
Log("Invalid remote root")
return False
rid = ri['id']
fpath, fname = os.path.split(src)
CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024
DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024
progress = 0
media = MediaFileUpload(src, resumable=True, chunksize=CHUNK_SIZE)
if not media:
Log("Failed to create upload media object")
return False
res = gd.files().create( body = {'name': fname, 'parents': [rid]},
media_body = media,
fields = "id"
if not res:
Log("Invalid upload response object")
return False
response = None
while response is None:
# Process next file chunk
status, response = res.next_chunk()
if status:
progress = float(100 * status.resumable_progress) / float(status.total_size)
showProgress(progress, "Uploading : %s" % clipStr(src, 85, True))
except Exception as e:
showProgress(progress, '!!! FAILED : ' + clipStr(src, 85, True))
return False
showProgress(100, "Uploaded : %s" % clipStr(src, 85, True))
return True
def calc_md5(fname):
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def verifyFolder(_p, gd, loc, rem):
print("--- %s -> %s\n" %(loc, rem))
# Get root folder info
ri = getItemInfo(gd, rem)
if not ri or 'id' not in ri:
Log("Invalid remote folder : " + rem)
return False
# Get remote files
rfiles = listFiles(gd, id=ri['id'])
if not rfiles:
rfiles = []
rmap = {}
for v in rfiles:
if 'name' in v:
rmap[v['name']] = v
# Get local files
lfiles = os.listdir(loc)
for v in lfiles:
# Skip hidden files
if v[0] == '.':
# Build full path
fp = os.path.join(loc, v)
# Is it a file?
if os.path.isfile(fp):
# Local file size
lsz = int(os.path.getsize(fp))
# Ignore zero size files
if 0 >= lsz:
Log("!!! File has zero size : " + fp)
# Is it missing from the remote server?
elif v not in rmap:
if _p['upload']:
retry = 3
while 0 < retry:
retry -= 1
if not uploadFile(gd, fp, rid=ri['id']):
Log("!!! FAILED TO UPLOAD : " + fp)
retry = -1
print("MISSING : " + fp)
rsz = int(rmap[v]['size'])
# Do the sizes match?
if rsz != lsz:
print("SIZE ERROR : " + fp + " : " + str(rsz) + " != " + str(lsz))
#Log("OK : " + fp)
# Is it a directory?
elif os.path.isdir(fp):
# Is it missing?
if v not in rmap:
# Upload files
if _p['upload']:
print("CREATE FOLDER : " + fp)
fi = createFolder(gd, rem, v)
if fi:
rmap[v] = fi
print("MISSING FOLDER : " + fp)
# It's there
if v in rmap:
# Do we want to recurse into sub folders?
if _p['recursive']:
verifyFolder(_p, gd, fp, os.path.join(rem, v))
def cmd_verify(_p):
# Verify folder contents
verifyFolder(_p, _p['gdrive'], _p['local'], _p['remote'])
def cmd_list(_p):
gd = _p['gdrive']
rem = _p['remote']
ri = getItemInfo(gd, rem)
if not ri or 'id' not in ri:
Log("Invalid remote folder : " + _p['remote'])
return False
# Get remote files
rfiles = listFiles(gd, id=ri['id'])
if not rfiles:
rfiles = []
for v in rfiles:
def main(_p):
# Did we get any commands?
if 0 >= len(_p['cmd']):
Log("No commands given")
# Get google drive
_p['gdrive'] = getGDrive(_p['creds'], _p['auth'])
if not _p['gdrive']:
Log("Failed to get GDrive object")
if _p['cmd'][0] == 'verify':
return cmd_verify(_p)
if _p['cmd'][0] == 'list':
return cmd_list(_p)
if __name__ == '__main__':
_p = vars()
# Log("Los Geht's...")
# Get command line params
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Google Drive Sync')
ap.add_argument('cmd', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Commands')
ap.add_argument('--creds', '-c', required=True, type=str, help='Credentials File')
ap.add_argument('--remote', '-r', type=str, help='Remote path')
ap.add_argument('--local', '-l', type=str, help='Local path')
ap.add_argument('--recursive', '-R', action='store_true', help='Recursive')
ap.add_argument('--upload', '-U', action='store_true', help='Upload new files')
ap.add_argument('--download', '-D', action='store_true', help='Download new files')
ap.add_argument('--auth', '-a', action='store_true', help='Force authentication')
ap.add_argument('--silent', '-s', action='store_true', help='Turn off messages')
_p = vars(ap.parse_args())
# Silent mode
if _p['silent']:
g_silent = True
# Show parameters
Log("\n ---------------- Parameters -----------------\n"
+ json.dumps(_p, sort_keys=True, indent=2) + "\n")
# Run
_p['run'] = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Log(" ~ keyboard ~ ")
# except Exception as e:
# Log(" ~ exception ~ ")
# Log(str(e))
_p['run'] = False
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