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Last active August 13, 2023 21:08
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Read Apple Maker Note Asset Identifier from a HEIC file and a MOV file (live photo)
import Foundation
import ImageIO
func modifyAndSaveHEICPhoto(atPath path: String, assetIdentifier: String) {
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(URL(fileURLWithPath: path) as CFURL, nil)
let imageProperties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, nil) as? [CFString: Any]
var modifiedProperties = imageProperties!
var appleMakerDict = modifiedProperties[kCGImagePropertyMakerAppleDictionary] as? [CFString: Any]
appleMakerDict?["17" as CFString] = assetIdentifier
modifiedProperties[kCGImagePropertyMakerAppleDictionary] = appleMakerDict
let newImageData = NSMutableData()
let destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData(newImageData, CGImageSourceGetType(imageSource!)!, 1, nil)!
CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource(destination, imageSource!, 0, modifiedProperties as CFDictionary)
let newFilePath = (path as NSString).deletingPathExtension + "_modified.HEIC"
newImageData.write(toFile: newFilePath, atomically: true)
print("Modified photo saved at: \(newFilePath)")
let heicFilePath = CommandLine.arguments[1]
let assetIdentifier = CommandLine.arguments[2]
modifyAndSaveHEICPhoto(atPath: heicFilePath, assetIdentifier: assetIdentifier)
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
func fetchAssetIdentifier(fromURL url: URL) async -> String? {
let asset = AVAsset(url: url)
let metadata = try! await asset.loadMetadata(for: AVMetadataFormat.quickTimeMetadata)
for item in metadata {
let key = item.commonKey?.rawValue
let value = try! await item.load(.value)
if key == "identifier" {
return value as? String
return nil
let movieFilePath = CommandLine.arguments[1]
let movieURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: movieFilePath)
let assetIdentifier = await fetchAssetIdentifier(fromURL: movieURL)
print("Asset Identifier: \(assetIdentifier!)")
import Foundation
import ImageIO
func fetchAssetIdentifier(fromHEICPhotoAtPath path: String) -> String? {
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(URL(fileURLWithPath: path) as CFURL, nil)
let imageProperties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, nil) as? [CFString: Any]
let appleMakerDict = imageProperties?[kCGImagePropertyMakerAppleDictionary] as? [CFString: Any]
for (key, value) in appleMakerDict! {
if key as String == "17" {
return value as? String
return nil
let heicFilePath = CommandLine.arguments[1]
let assetIdentifier = fetchAssetIdentifier(fromHEICPhotoAtPath: heicFilePath)!
print("Asset Identifier: \(assetIdentifier)")
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whexy commented Aug 13, 2023

BTW, check out my blog about how Apple Live Photo works :)

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