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Last active December 15, 2023 11:50
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DarkGate Config Extractor
import base64
import binascii
import re
import json
import sys
import zlib
from contextlib import suppress
import pefile
alphabet = "zLAxuU0kQKf3sWE7ePRO2imyg9GSpVoYC6rhlX48ZHnvjJDBNFtMd1I5acwbqT+="
config_re = rb"[A-Za-z0-9+=]{8,}"
config_map = {
"0": "c2_port",
"1": "startup_persistence",
"2": "rootkit",
"3": "anti_vm",
"4": "min_disk",
"5": "check_disk",
"6": "anti_analysis",
"7": "min_ram",
"8": "check_ram",
"9": "check_xeon",
"10": "internal_mutex",
"11": "crypter_rawstub",
"12": "crypter_dll",
"13": "crypter_au3",
"15": "crypto_key",
"16": "c2_ping_interval",
"17": "anti_debug",
"19": "BSOD_protect",
"21": "cryptominer_process_name",
"22": "cryptominer_c2_port",
"23": "cryptominer_username",
"24": "cryptominer_start_c2_comms",
"25": "cryptominer_start_delay",
"27": "GUID_random_seed",
"28": "verify_process_name",
def translate_string(strval, alphabet):
custom = strval.maketrans(alphabet, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
strval = strval.translate(custom)
padding = len(strval) % 4
if padding:
strval += alphabet[-1] * (4 - padding)
return strval
def parse_config(data):
config = {}
for item in [x for x in data.decode("utf-8").split("\r\n") if x.strip() != ""]:
k, v = item.split("=")
config[config_map[k]] = v
except KeyError:
config[f"unknown_{k}"] = v
return config
def combined_decode(data):
config = {}
# First, try processing with custom alphabet translation, Base64, and zlib
all_strings = re.findall(config_re, data)
for strval in all_strings:
with suppress(UnicodeDecodeError, binascii.Error, zlib.error):
strval_translated = translate_string(strval.decode("utf-8"), alphabet)
decoded_str = base64.b64decode(strval_translated)
except binascii.Error:
decoded_str = zlib.decompress(strval)
except zlib.error:
# check for both 'http' and 'https'
if decoded_str.startswith(b"http") or decoded_str.startswith(b"https"):
config["C2"] = [x for x in decoded_str.decode("utf-8").split("|") if x.strip() != ""]
elif b"1=Yes" in decoded_str or b"1=No" in decoded_str:
# Then, process key-value pairs
config_re_pattern = rb"\d+=\S+?\r\n"
all_config_matches = re.findall(config_re_pattern, data)
for match in all_config_matches:
config_line = match.decode('utf-8')
k, v = config_line.strip().split('=')
config_key = config_map.get(k, f"unknown_{k}")
config[config_key] = v
return config
def extract_config(data):
with suppress(pefile.PEFormatError):
pe = pefile.PE(data=data)
for section in pe.sections:
if b"CODE" in section.Name:
return combined_decode(section.get_data())
return ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as infile:
config = extract_config(
print(json.dumps(config, indent=4)) # Convert dictionary to JSON and print
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