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Use ffmpeg and mp4box to prepare DASH-AVC/264 v1.0 VoD
See my DASH-IF presentation from October, 2014:
1. encode multiple bitrates with keyframe alignment:
ffmpeg -i ~/Movies/5D2_Portrait.MOV -s 1280x720 -c:v libx264 -b:v 1450k -bf 2 \
-g 90 -sc_threshold 0 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k -ar 32000 out.mp4
My input was 30 fps = 3000 ms. If it were 29.97, then a GOP size of 90 frames will yield a base segment
size of 3003 milliseconds. You can make the segment size some multiple of this, e.g.: 6006, 9009, 12012.
You could encode to other resolutions and bitrates here, and if you do, you might want to skip the audio
encoding for them. To do that replace "-c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k -ar 32000" with "-an".
2. verify keyframes:
ffprobe -show_frames -print_format compact out.mp4 | less
=> too difficult to read
ffprobe -show_frames -print_format compact out.mp4 |
awk -F '|' '($2 == "media_type=video") {print i++, $3}' | less
=> Now we can just see video key frame indication - better, but let's filter it more.
ffprobe -show_frames -print_format compact out.mp4 |
awk -F '|' '($2 == "media_type=video") {if ($3 == "key_frame=1") print i, $3; ++i}'
=> Now we can just see frame# of frames that are a key frame and verify they are multiples of 90.
At this point, we could extend the awk with a test on i modulo 90 and exit with result
code 1 to signal failure in an automated script.
3. segment and generate mpd:
mp4box -dash 3000 -rap -profile dashavc264:onDemand out.mp4#audio out.mp4#video
=> generates out_dash.mp4 and out_track?_dashinit.mp4
If you have multiple files at different bitrates, just add them to the end of the command
line, but there will be more _track_dashinit.mp4 files you need to ensure you upload.
4. test locally:
Osmo4 out_dash.mpd
5. view mp4 dump:
mp4box -diso -stdb out_track1_dashinit.mp4 2>&1 | xmllint -format -
or, mp4dump out_track1_dashinit.mp4
6. upload to web server:
s3cmd put --acl-public out_dash.mpd out_track?_dashinit.mp4 s3://${S3BUCKET}/dash/
7. validate mpd:
copy-and-paste: http://${S3BUCKET}
8. play with test player:${S3BUCKET}
9. embed in own web page using video.js and dash.js:
s3cmd put --acl-public --recursive videojs-dash/* s3://${S3BUCKET}/videojs/
open http://${S3BUCKET}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Video.js DASH-AVC/264</title>
<!-- Video.JS -->
<link href="/videojs/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/videojs/"></script>
<!-- Dash.JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Video.JS Tech Loads -->
<!-- videojs-dashjs -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
<script src="/videojs/videojs-tech-dashjs.js"></script>
<video id="vid1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" data-setup='{}'
width="854" height="480" controls preload="auto">
<source src="/dash/out_dash.mpd" type="application/dash+xml">
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