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Created March 9, 2020 01:19
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Follow atoms with rotation
proc take_picture {args} {
global take_picture
# when called with no parameter, render the image
if {$args == {}} {
set f [format $take_picture(format) $take_picture(frame)]
# take 1 out of every modulo images
if { [expr $take_picture(frame) % $take_picture(modulo)] == 0 } {
render $take_picture(method) $f
# call any unix command, if specified
if { $take_picture(exec) != {} } {
set f [format $take_picture(exec) $f $f $f $f $f $f $f $f $f $f]
eval "exec $f"
# increase the count by one
incr take_picture(frame)
lassign $args arg1 arg2
# reset the options to their initial stat
# (remember to delete the files yourself
if {$arg1 == "reset"} {
set take_picture(frame) 0
set take_picture(format) "./animate.%06d.rgb"
set take_picture(method) snapshot
set take_picture(modulo) 1
set take_picture(exec) {}
# set one of the parameters
if [info exists take_picture($arg1)] {
if { [llength $args] == 1} {
return "$arg1 is $take_picture($arg1)"
set take_picture($arg1) $arg2
# otherwise, there was an error
error {take_picture: [ | reset | frame | format | \
method | modulo ]}
# to complete the initialization, this must be the first function
# called. Do so automatically.
take_picture reset
take_picture format "/home/whitead/tmp/animate.%06d.dat.tga"
#take_picture method TachyonInternal
#take_picture exec {/usr/lib/vmd/tachyon_LINUXAMD64 -aasamples 4 %s -format TARGA -o %s.tga res 1280 720}
display resize 1920 1080
axes location off
display cuedensity 0.1500000
display height 11.000000
display distance -10.0
display nearclip set 1.0
display farclip set 21.0
#color Display Background white
#display shadows on
#display ambientocclusion on
#display dof on
#display dof_fnumber 68.0
pbc set {15.66 15.66 15.66} -all
mol addrep 0
mol addrep 0
mol addrep 0
mol modstyle 0 0 DynamicBonds 1.300000 0.100000 20.000000
mol modselect 0 0 not name V
mol modmaterial 0 0 Diffuse
mol smoothrep 0 0 2
mol showperiodic 0 0 xyzXYZ
mol numperiodic 0 0 1
mol modstyle 1 0 VDW 0.300000 20.000000
mol modmaterial 1 0 Diffuse
mol modselect 1 0 not name V
mol smoothrep 0 1 2
mol showperiodic 0 1 xyzXYZ
mol numperiodic 0 1 1
mol modstyle 2 0 VDW 0.300000 12.000000
mol modmaterial 2 0 Diffuse
mol modselect 2 0 name V
mol modstyle 3 0 VDW 0.400000 20.000000
mol modmaterial 3 0 Diffuse
mol modselect 3 0 name OH
mol smoothrep 0 3 2
mol modcolor 3 0 ColorID 12
set nf [molinfo top get numframes]
animate goto 0
animate speed 1
# open hydronium index file
set fp [open "hindices.txt"]
for {set i 0} {$i < $nf} {incr i} {
#update visual for hydronium
gets $fp line
if [eof $fp] break
mol modselect 3 0 index [expr $line * 1]
#recenter molecules
pbc wrap -center com -centersel "name V"
# pbc unwrap -now
#remove all non-V views
mol showrep 0 0 0
mol showrep 0 1 0
mol showrep 0 2 1
mol showrep 0 3 0
# recenter view on com of vs
display resetview
#make sure the zoom isn't too close
set sm [molinfo top get scale_matrix]
set zoom [lindex [lindex [lindex $sm 0] 0] 0]
if {$zoom > 0.40 } {
scale by [expr 0.40 / $zoom ]
# display resize 1920 1080
display resize 1280 760
# display resize 640 380
#turn views back on and V view off
mol showrep 0 0 1
mol showrep 0 1 1
mol showrep 0 2 0
mol showrep 0 3 1
rotate y to [expr fmod($i / 20., 360) ]
rotate z to [expr fmod($i / 40., 360) ]
# and take the picture if in stride
if {$i % 1 == 0} {
animate goto $i
close $fp
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