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Forked from mysteriouspants/EVE Humor.txt
Created April 2, 2019 13:03
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EVE Online Humor
________ ________ ____ _ _
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Gallente Iteron IV was descending for a landing at an Jita Station they had never been
to before. The pilot looked out the windshield and suddenly exclaimed to his copilot,
"Holy Stuff! Look how short that runway is! I've never seen one so short!"
The copilot looked out the windshield. "Wow! you're right! That's insane! Are you sure
we can make it?" "Well we better, were almost out of fuel."
So the captain got on the intercom and notified the station to prepare for an
emergency landing. Then he set the flaps to full down and slowed the ship to just
over stall speed.
The Iteron came screaming in, on the ragged edge of control. The pilot's hands were
sweating, the copilot was praying. They touched down and came screeching to a halt
JUST before the edge of the runway, the tires smoking. "Whew! That was close!"
yelled the captain." That runway was short!" "Yeah!" said the copilot,
"and wide too!"
(CTL-Q UKING Ehris Bok)
"Your unreasonably large cannon perfectly strikes an enourmous, stationary object.
Wrecking for a proportionatly ridiculous quantity of damage, and proving to everyone
that, unlike an eleventeen year old school-girl giggling at a hello kitty purse,
huffing golden spraypaint out of a tube sock, you can hit the broadside of a barn
with a bazooka."
The relativistic effect means that your body is in a schrodinger's quantum state.
You're perfectly safe going throught that planet as long as you don't stop.
Combat Philosophies of the various Races:
Amarr: God says I'm better than you, so just stop fighting back.
Caldari: I don't need a fast ship, I can hit you from here.
Minmatar: Hold on, as soon as I find something heavy I'll kill you with it.
Gallente: Just wait 'til I get in range....
(Selieania's bio)
The Amarr pray for God.
The Caldari pray for Money.
The Gallente pray for Peace.
The Minimatar pray their ships hold together.
(AntiDamascus' bio)
1. To find a woman you need Time and Money therefore:
..Woman = Time x Money
2. "Time is money" so
..Time = Money
3. Therefore
..Woman = Money x Money
..Woman = Money^2
4. "Money is the root of all problems"
..Money = Problems^(1/2)
5. Therefore
..Woman = (Problems^(1/2))^2
..Woman = Problems
(Erive Ila'Kanis' bio)
"I'm alittle Hauler, Short and Stout, this is my Cargo, this is my Route. When I
see a War Target, I Scream and Shout, Pop a Cyno and Jump on out."
(female miner's bio)
The Caldari Prayer
Our missles, who art in launchers
Hallowed be thy payload
Thy warhead come
Our enemies be done
In low sec
As it is in Empire
Give us this day
Our daily gank
And forgive us our WCS's
But we won't forgive those that use them against us
And lead us not into bubbles,
But deliver us from scramblers
For thine is the thermal,
The explosive,
And the kinetic
(Amoun Ra's bio)
[06:23:12] Pune Tang > if you play eve you have to see this funny as hell and
worth the time
(not from a bio)
So it's time for the apocalypse, and God calls together three leaders of the world,
George Bush, Vladimir Putin, and Bill Gates, to tell them the news before he destroys
the world.
So George Bush goes back and calls together congress so he can address them for the
last time. "Well, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that the
world is going to end, and we're all going to die. The good news is that there really
is a God."
Putin goes back to Russia, and addresses the nation. "Well comrades, I have bad news
and really bad news. Firstly, world is going to end, and we're all going to die. The
really bad news that there really is a God after all."
Bill Gates goes and decides to address his fellow employees at Microsoft. "I have some
bad news and some really great news. First, the world is going to end and we're all
going to die. The really great news is that we don't have to debug Vista any more!"
(Chip Richey)
Yes, I was the guy killed by the falling Camaro.
Some dude drove it out of a helicopter. There was supposed to be a parachute. But the
best part is, as you look up and see that car speeding towards you, all emergency
flashers flashing, dude with a wild smile, leaning on the horn, yelling "no brakes, no
brakes!"… your last thought gets to be "holy crap, that's awesome." - Ryan North
(Adrasteia Stratos' bio)
#define dead 1
#include "capek.h"
int horse = dead;
int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if ( argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-advice") == 0 ) {
printf("Don't Panic!, OMG\n");
} else {
while ( horse == dead ) {
int do_beat ( int victim ) {
printf("Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!\n");
// gcc Fesken_Rans.c -o eve-grind
// Fesken rans.c:3:27: missing capek.h
// [GDATA]
// EOF
(Kira Thrace's bio)
Flying a Minmatar ship is like straping yourself in an office chair flying down
a flight of stairs while shooting 2 uzies.
Vyanr > and hoping the wheels don't explode
(Spartan Madcat's bio)
♫♪ It's tradition that makes it okay! ♪♪♫
First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more,
no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting
shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that
thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the
third number, be reached, then lobbeth thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards
thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
(Voolder Mardi's bio)
21:19:42 Combat Your Medium Beam Laser I perfectly strikes
Redia [INSU]<DEFY> 'Who-.Dares-.Wins™'(Kronos), wrecking for 96.5 damage.
Staggerr > youre mother is so fat, that if she wants to go shopping your dad needs
to drop a cyno
(Kei Masaki's bio)
[06:51:48] EVE System > Channel changed to Altruism. Corp
RIP Altruism. corp. :'(
(Not from a bio)
Advantages of the Hurricane Vs Other Minmatar ships:
No jaw aches due to lack of used bubblegum as a ship building/repair ingredient.
Pieces of the ship that are attached, tend to stay attached.
The showers actually work.
You don't look like someone flew a shuttle through the middle of a junk-yard at
very very high speed with an impressive armour tank! :)
You don't have to worry about getting to tech 2 ships cos there isn't a tech 2
cane.... (wtf not!!! CCP gief please!!!)
(Rhinanna's bio)
"The Amarr Prayer"
Our Crystals, who are in lasers
Hallowed be thy damage.
Thy damage come
Our enemies be done
In low sec
As it is in Empire
Give us this gank
Our daily gank
And forgive us our WCS's
But we won't forgive them that use them against us
And lead us not into bubbles,
But deliver us from scramblers
For thine is the thermal,
The EM
The Wrath
And the ruin.
(Sakartrina's bio)
do you know minmatar ships:
"Yeah, yesterday I was trying to salvage one, took me twenty tries untill the pilot
convoed me and told me to stop."
(hANIBAL 777's bio)
Hello ladies. Look at your bio, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back at
Sadly, yours isn't mine.
But if you stopped trolling and made this your bio, yours could be like mine.
Look down, back up. Where are you?
You're on Eve Online, reading the bio your bio could be like
What's in your hand? Back to me.
It's two tickets to the best bio you've ever read.
Anything is possible when you're me and not a lady.
I'm on a computer.
(TmLeafs' bio)
[01:55:24] xbios > crap my daughter has a lego stuck in her nose
[01:55:27] xbios > afk
(Johny McBaddass' bio)
(&RinnyWee) so i am out in 0.0 with my corp
doing some stuff
(&RinnyWee) and i'm like
(&RinnyWee) oh man i need to Pee
(&RinnyWee) and get coffee
(&RinnyWee) and have a smoke
(&RinnyWee) so i safespot and off i go
(&RinnyWee) i'm standing out on the balcony having a smoke
(&RinnyWee) and i can see my comp through the doors
(&RinnyWee) and i notice
(&RinnyWee) there's something moving on the screen near my ship
(&RinnyWee) so i'm like oh fuck
(Greme) :O
(&RinnyWee) so i run in
(&RinnyWee) but it's all slippery on the balcony
(&RinnyWee) and i slip and fall on my arse
(&RinnyWee) which is fine
(&RinnyWee) and then i get in and check the screen
(Alacrity) uhoh
(&RinnyWee) and it's just the freckin cat playing with the mouse cord
(Alacrity) ROFL
(sanituda's bio)
Podpilot > crap I forgot to bring ammo
Hawk Drakkarsson > damn it, i forgot to bring ammo
(starting an ice-mining op)
Kalie Amnel > crap, forgot to equip ice miners
Daprov Martuck > cause i have t2 small guns
Necrothitude > She said that??
Steelrattty > how was i meant to know that bitch [Rydis] was crazy
TmLeafs > Ehris Bok > i thought our friendshit went deeper than words!!!
TmLeafs > nice typo ehris
Hieronomus > "When a player leaves EVE for WoW, the average IQ of both gamer
communities increases."
(Necrothitude's bio)
You know you're an EVE player when...
1. ... you call a RL friend by his in-game name, and he answers.
2. ... you look in your real wallet and panic when you don't find any ISK.
3. ... you have a bumper sticker that reads, "My other vehicle is a Raven!"
4. ... you look at your boss and wonder how much DPS you could inflict before
being fired.
5. ... you drive past a police road block and say out loud "gate camp"
6. ... you wake up in the middle of the night just to change training and find
yourself playing till down time.
7. ... you panic every time you see a flashing red light while driving your car.
8. ... you ask your employer for an "upgrade" instead of a "raise".
9. ... you casually ask your doctor during a physical exam if he has any implants
he would recommend run away from a car crash in fear that you will be podded!
11.... You look down at your tachometer while driving and think "crap" my shields
are down
And a short story....
There was an Caldari pilot, a Gallente pilot and a Damsel sitting together in
an InterBus shuttle going through Essence. The shuttle's pilot made an apologetic
announcement that the passenger lighting was faulty and may go out for periods
of time during their journey.
Right on cue, the shuttle lights went out and it was completely dark.
Then there was a kissing sound, followed by the sound of a really loud *SLAP*. When
the lights came back on, the Damsel and the Caldari pilot were sitting as if nothing
had happened, and the Gallente had a nasty red slap mark on his face.
The Gallente guy was thinking: "The Caldari fella must have kissed the Damsel and
she missed him and slapped me instead."
The Damsel was thinking: "The Gallente fella must have tried to kiss me and actually
kissed the Caldari fella and got slapped for it."
The Caldari pilot was thinking: "This is great. The next time the power goes out,
I'll make another kissing noise and slap that Gallente guy again."
(credit: Akmun Ra)
sabastyian > i fail at life
Akmun Ra > oh noes my dick broke again
Akmun Ra > my dick is 2 inches
Hawk Drakkarsson > I'm always right in my house. My wife says so
Hawk Drakkarsson > and I have a very comfy couch I'll be sleeping on tonite
03:14:51 Notify sabastyian has initiated self-destruct of their Vindicator, it will explode in 120 seconds.
Necrothitude > USE THE FORCE, LEAFS!
* TmLeafs unzips his pants with his mind
Wang LeeMei > spider cant tank for shit actually
Wang LeeMei > just wiped one of my tv screen
Vexara > I love junior
Akmun Ra > i feel stupid now
Yrsa Austmannaskelfir > i'll just puke on your genitals
togaparty27 > my passion has dwindled somewhat
EnglishAlan > you scare me Necro
Vesicle > for once i agree with necro!
Soulie > everytime i see your name i think nematode
Moskowi > necro you should have used a ribbed condom for traction in the mud with side
Wang LeeMei > drop the penis already geeez
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