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Last active March 20, 2024 15:48
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An example of a complex, multi-host Salt Orchestrate state that performs status checks as it goes
# /srv/salt/upgrade_the_app.sls
# Example of a complex, multi-host Orchestration state that performs status checks as it goes.
# Note, this is untested and is meant to serve as an example.
# Run via: salt-run state.orch upgrade_the_app pillar='{nodes: [nodeA, nodeB], version: 123}'
{% set nodes = salt.pillar.get('nodes', []) %}
{% set all_grains = salt.saltutil.runner('cache.grains',
tgt=','.join(nodes), tgt_type='list') %}
{# Default version if not given at the CLI. #}
{% set version = salt.pillar.get('version', 1.0) %}
{# Hard-code or pass in via Pillar like version. #}
{% set haproxy_node = 'firewall-1' %}
{% set app_name = 'myApp' %}
{% for node in nodes %}
{# Since we're using a loop to generate a lot of states we make a macro to
generate unique state IDs that we can easily reuse. #}
{%- macro gen_id(name) -%}
{{ name }}_{{ node }}_{{ loop.index }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# Start with a little error-checking and abort if we're missing data. #}
{% if node not in all_grains %}
{% do salt.test.exception('Incorrect node name or missing grains.') %}
{% endif %}
{# Probably want something more robust here than just looking for eth0. #}
{% set ipaddrs = all_grains[node].get('ip4_interfaces', {}).get('eth0', []) %}
{% if not ipaddrs %}
{% do salt.test.exception('Could not determine primary IP for node: '~ node) %}
{% endif %}
{% set ip = ipaddrs | first() %}
{# Disable the server we're upgrading in haproxy first. See the prereq in
the next state which governs whether this step needs to happen at all. #}
{% set stop_haproxy = gen_id('stop_haproxy') %}
{{ stop_haproxy }}:
- tgt: {{ haproxy_node }}
- name: haproxy.disable_server
- arg:
- {{ node }}
- {{ app_name }}
{# Deploy the application by kicking off a highstate and passing the
desired version through as a Pillar value. Due to the prereq, highstate
will first be executed in dry-run mode then executed for real. #}
{% set upgrade_app = gen_id('upgrade_app') %}
{{ upgrade_app }}:
- tgt: {{ node }}
- highstate: True
- pillar:
version: {{ version | json() }}
{# Using prereq here prevents stopping haproxy if the highstate run
above will not produce any changes! I.e., if we're already running the
right version then the Orchestrate loop for this node does nothing. #}
- prereq_in:
- salt: {{ stop_haproxy }}
{# Wait for the new application to become available by repeatedly trying to
connect to the host and port that it will be running on. #}
{% set wait_for_app_to_become_available = gen_id('wait_for_app_to_become_available') %}
{{ wait_for_app_to_become_available }}:
- name: network.connect
- host: {{ ip }}
- port: 8080
- retry:
attempts: 5
interval: 20
- require:
- salt: {{ stop_haproxy }}
{# Add the node back to haproxy once it's available. #}
{% set start_haproxy = gen_id('start_haproxy') %}
{{ start_haproxy }}:
- tgt: {{ haproxy_node }}
- name: haproxy.enable_server
- arg:
- {{ node }}
- {{ app_name }}
- require:
- module: {{ wait_for_app_to_become_available }}
{# And finally try to connect to the website to verify everything above
worked before moving on to the next node. #}
{% set verify_node_is_back = gen_id('verify_node_is_back') %}
{{ verify_node_is_back }}:
- name: ''
- status: 200
- match: '<h1>Widgets and Things</h1>'
- request_interval: 20
- require:
- salt: {{ start_haproxy }}
{# If the website did not come up successfully, bark to Slack then halt. #}
{% set notify_slack_of_failure = gen_id('notify_slack_of_failure') %}
{{ notify_slack_of_failure }}:
- channel: '#ops'
- from_name: Your Friendly Orchestrate Run
- message: 'Error deploying to node: {{ node }}'
- api_key: XXXX-YYYY
- onfail:
- http: {{ verify_node_is_back }}
{% set halt_orchestrate = gen_id('halt_orchestrate') %}
{{ halt_orchestrate }}:
- name: test.exception
- message: 'Error deploying to node: {{ node }}'
{# failhard here will abort the Orchestrate run early. #}
- failhard: True
- require:
- slack: {{ notify_slack_of_failure }}
{% endfor %}
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Anything to the right of the = will get parsed as YAML, even nested data structures. It can be a tad verbose sometimes but it's way open-ended. 😄

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Passing an env var that is used to look up complex data is a great pattern too since you can hard-code all that potential verbosity. 😉

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ari commented Aug 18, 2017

Where do you get documentation for the things you use when so little of that is to be found in the official docs. Eg. compare what you have above to this:

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whiteinge commented Oct 14, 2017

@ari slow reply. (Looks like GH doesn't notify for Gist comments 😦 )

It's true the docs here leave a lot to be desired, especially for readers that don't have Python knowledge. In this case I'm using the http state module and not the http execution module -- same-named modules of different types are a common stumbling point so watch out for those in the docs. The docs for the http.wait_for_successful_query state function hint, "Like query but, ". So in this case the http.wait_for_successful_query wraps http.query and passes all the arguments through via Python's **kwargs pattern. So you can use all the same params as query, but the docs don't spell that out at all.

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