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Last active March 4, 2024 10:28
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  • Save whitenoisedev/162045ff4e55a07f14e5ee5ea33b69dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Map a hotkey (ctrl+win+i) to a dialog for sending stuff quickly to your dynalist inbox
write/paste -> Ctrl+Enter to submit
Two modes of operation:
One Bullet: All text will be sent to one bullet in the inbox (dafault)
Multi Bullet: Every row will get its own bullet
; Get your secret API token here:
global DynalistToken := "YOUR TOKEN HERE"
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; ^+i::AddToDynalist() ; ctrl+shit+i
^<#i::AddToDynalist() ; ctrl+win+i
AddToDynalist() {
out := CreateGui()
if (out.event = "OK") AND (out.output[1] != "")
if out.output[2] = "One Bullet"
CreateGui() {
;clipboard := clipboard
form := "-c 'Send to Dynalist Inbox' W500"
;field1 := "-d '" . clipboard . "' -fnt ';s12 Consolas' +Wrap +VScroll r10"
field1 := "-p 'Ctrl+Enter to Submit!' -fnt ';s12 Consolas' +Wrap +VScroll r8"
field2 := "-p 'Pick one:' *LB -d 'One Bullet||Multi Bullet' r2"
; ctr+enter press ok
Hotkey, IfWinActive, Send to Dynalist Inbox
Hotkey, ^Enter, CtrEnt
out := EntryForm(form, field1, field2)
Return out
Send !o
SendToDynalistInboxOne(UserInput) {
;UserInput := StrReplace(UserInput, "`r`n`r`n", "`r`n")
;UserInput := StrReplace(UserInput, "`r`n", "\n")
UserInput := StrReplace(UserInput, "`t", "\t")
UserInput := StrReplace(UserInput, "`n", "\n")
URL := ""
HttpObj := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
HttpObj.Open("POST", URL, 0)
HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Body := "{ ""token"": """ . DynalistToken . """" . ", ""content"": """ . UserInput . """ " . " }"
Result := HttpObj.ResponseText
Status := HttpObj.Status
r := InStr(Result, """_code"":""Ok""" )
if r = 0
MsgBox Error!
SendToDynalistInboxMulti(UserInput) {
UserInput := StrReplace(UserInput, "`t", "\t")
Array := StrSplit(UserInput , "`n")
; remove empty lines
loop, % Len := Array.Length()
if (Array[i := Len - A_Index + 1] = "")
URL := ""
HttpObj := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
HttpObj.Open("POST", URL, 0)
HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Loop % Array.MaxIndex()
Body := "{ ""token"": """ . DynalistToken . """" . ", ""content"": """ . Array[Array.MaxIndex()-A_Index+1] . """ " . ", ""index"": 0 }"
Result := HttpObj.ResponseText
Status := HttpObj.Status
r := InStr(Result, """_code"":""Ok""" )
if r = 0
MsgBox Error!
;#Include EntryForm.ahk
/* Function: EntryForm
* Create custom InputBox, data entry forms
* License: WTFPL (
* AutoHotkey Version: AHK v1.1+ OR v2.0-a049+
* Syntax:
* ef := EntryForm( form, fields* )
* Return Value:
* ef := {
* "event": [ OK, Cancel, Close, Escape, Timeout ],
* "output": [ field1, field2 ... ]
* }
* Parameter(s):
* form [in] - EntryForm window options
* fields* [in, variadic] - Input field's options
* Parameter(s) Details:
* Space-delimited string contianing one or more of the following
* options + argument(s). Arguments are passed in command line-like syntax.
* Arguments containing spaces must be enclosed in single quotes. Multiple
* arguments are separated by a comma.
* Form parameter options:
* -cap | -c <caption> - window title/caption
* -fnt | -f <options,name> - window font
* -ico | -i <icon,icon-no> - window icon
* -t <timeout> OR Tn - timeout in milliseconds
* -F <function> OR Ffunction - callback function
* -pos | -p <pos> OR [Xn, Yn, Wn] - window position when shown
* -opt | -o <options> OR [options...] - standard GUI options
* Fields* parameter options:
* -p <prompt> - prompt
* -d <default> - default text
* -fnt <options,name;options,name> - font, [prompt-font;input-font]
* -in <input_ctrl> OR *INPUT_CTRL - input field control type
* -cb <cuebanner> - cuebanner
* -tt <tooltip> - field tooltip
* -ud <updown-ctrl-options> - attaches an UpDown control
* -fs <fileselect-args> - browse file(s) button
* -ds <dirselect-args> - browse folder button
* -opt | -o <options> OR [options...] - standard Edit control options
* Link(s):
* Forum post (
* GitHub repo (
EntryForm(form, fields*) {
;// assume static mode for GUI controls variable(s)
;// During script's exit, __Delete is invoked to release resources used
; by the function such as image list(s), etc.
static ef := { "__Delete": Func("EntryForm") }
, _ := new ef ;// static vars are released alphabetically
;// Misc variables
static is_v2 := A_AhkVersion >= "2"
, is_xp := ( is_v2 ? (A_OSVersion < "6") : (A_OSVersion == "WIN_XP") )
, end := ( is_v2 ? -1 : 0 )
;// Object built-in functions (v1.1 and v2.0-a049 compatibility)
static del := Func( is_v2 ? "ObjRemoveAt" : "ObjRemove" )
, push := Func( is_v2 ? "ObjPush" : "ObjInsert" )
static args := { "c":"caption", "f":"font", "fnt":"font", "i":"icon"
, "p":"pos", "t":"timeout", "o":"options"
;// fields* parameter options
, "-p":"prompt", "-d":"default", "-fnt":"font", "-in":"input"
, "-cb":"cue", "-cue":"cue", "-fs":"file", "-ds":"dir", "-tt":"tip"
, "-ud":"updown", "-o":"options", "-opt":"options" }
, delims := [ " ", ":", "`t", "`r", "`n" ]
;// for DllCall()
static ExtractIconEx := "shell32\ExtractIconEx" . (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A")
, GetWindowLong := A_Is64bitOS ? "GetWindowLongPtr" : "GetWindowLong"
;// Control types for input field(s)
static input_ctrls := { "E":"Edit", "CB":"ComboBox", "DDL":"DDL", "LB":"ListBox", "DT":"DateTime" }
static btn_size := 0, himl := 0
; , ndl := ( is_v2 ? "i)" : "Oi)" ) . "(?<=^|,)\s*\K.*?(?=(?<!\\),|$)" ;// not used
;// Constants for TOOLINFO & OPENFILENAME structs
static TTM_ADDTOOL := A_IsUnicode ? 0x0432 : 0x0404
, sizeof_TOOLINFO := 24 + (6 * A_PtrSize)
, sizeof_OFN := 36 + (13 * A_PtrSize)
;// static variable(s) for EF_SelectFile subroutine
static fs_flags := { 1: 0x1000, 2: 0x800, 8: 0x2000, 16: 0x2, 32: 0x100000 }
;// static variable(s) for EF_SelectDir subroutine
; BIF_EDITBOX = 0x10, BIF_USENEWUI = 0x10|0x40
; 0 = 0x200, 1 = 0x40, 2 = 0x200|0x10, 3 = 0x40|0x10, 4 and 5 = ??
static ds_flags := { 0: 0x200, 1: 0x40, 2: 0x210, 3: 0x50, 4: 0x200, 5: 0x200 }
, shell := 0 ;// ComObjCreate("Shell.Application") -> just set if used/needed
;// Used for EntryForm(s) with defined callback function
static cb_forms := {}
;// local variables (main function body)
local s_opt, quoted, opt, i, j, str, key, hForm, hIconL := hIconS := 0
, RECT, width, idx, field, ctrl, font, is_input, ftype, hPrompt, hInput
, is_mline, input_pos, btn, wd, hBtn, vBtn, BTN_IMGLIST, btns := {}, ii
, jj, b_arg, k, dhw, flds := [], callback := 0, ret
;// local variables for EF_SelectFile subroutine(local label)
; opt, i, is_mline -> declared above
local dlg_args, prompt, filter, lpstrFile, init_dir, init_file, flags, flag
, lpstrFilter, ext, flen1, flen2, OPENFILENAME, addr, sel, dir, files
;// local variables for EF_SelectDir subroutine(local label)
; dlg_args, prompt, init_dir, flags, flag -> declared above
local folder
;// local variables for EF_SetToolTip subroutine(local label)
local tt := {}, hTip := 0, tt_tmp
;// __Delete - This routine is called during script script's exit
if (form.base == ef)
if himl
IL_Destroy(himl.file), IL_Destroy(himl.dir)
; Extract quoted strings from params to make parsing easier
s_opt := [], quoted := []
for i, opt in [form, fields*]
if IsObject(opt)
i := 0 ;// just recycle variable above, not so sure about side effects
while ( i := InStr(opt, "'",, i+1) ) {
j := i
while ( j := InStr(opt, "'",, j+1) ) {
str := SubStr(opt, i+1, j-i-1)
if ( SubStr(str, end) != "\" )
opt := SubStr(opt, 1, i) . SubStr(opt, j+1)
%push%(quoted, str)
%push%(s_opt, opt)
if !IsObject(form)
form := {}, key := ""
for i, opt in StrSplit( %del%(s_opt, 1), delims )
if (opt == "")
if (opt ~= "^-(f|(?i)[cipto]|cap|fnt|ico|pos|to|opt)$")
form[ key := args[SubStr(opt, 2, 1)] ] := ""
else if (opt == "-F") ;// case-sensitive
form[ key := "callback" ] := ""
else if ( opt ~= (is_v2? "i)^f[a-z_]\w*$" : "i)^f[a-z0-9_@]+$") )
form.callback := Func(SubStr(opt, 2))
else if (opt == "'")
form[key] := %del%(quoted, 1), key := ""
else if (opt ~= "i)^[xyw](\d+|Center)$")
form.pos .= " " . opt
else if (opt ~= "i)^t\d+$")
form.timeout := SubStr(opt, 2) + 0
key? ( form[key] := opt, key := "" ) : form.options .= " " . opt
;// Create EntryForm window
Gui New, % "+HwndhForm +LabelEF_ " . form.options
;// Initialize font, InputBox uses 's10, MS Shell Dlg 2' on OS >= WIN_7??
form.font := form.HasKey("font") ? StrSplit(form.font, ",", " `t`r`n")
: ["s10", "MS Shell Dlg 2"]
Gui Font, % form.font[1], % form.font[2]
Gui Margin, 10, 10
;// Initialize window position
if !InStr(form.pos, "w")
form.pos .= " w375" ;// same default width as InputBox
if !InStr(form.pos, "x")
form.pos .= " xCenter"
if !InStr(form.pos, "y")
form.pos .= " yCenter"
;// Show hidden
Gui Show, % "Hide " form.pos, % form.caption
;// Set window icon if specified
; Small icon for the caption | large icon for Alt+Tab and taskbar(v2 only??)
if form.HasKey("icon")
form.icon := StrSplit(form.icon, ",", " `t`r`n")
DllCall(ExtractIconEx, "Str", form.icon[1], "Int", form.icon[2] + 0
, "UIntP", hIconL, "UIntP", hIconS, "UInt", 2)
;// WM_SETICON = 0x0080
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hForm, "Int", 0x0080, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hIconS)
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hForm, "Int", 0x0080, "Ptr", 1, "Ptr", hIconL)
;// Get GUI width-(left+right) margin, controls are confined within this width
VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
, DllCall("GetClientRect", "Ptr", hForm, "Ptr", &RECT)
, width := NumGet(RECT, 8, "UInt")-20
;// Add the EntryForm fields
for idx, field in fields
;// Parse arguments/options
if !IsObject(field)
field := {}, key := ""
for i, opt in StrSplit( %del%(s_opt, 1), delims )
if (opt == "")
if (opt ~= "^-([pdo]|fnt|in|cb|[fd]s|tt|ud|opt)$")
field[ key := args[opt] ] := ""
else if (opt == "'")
field[key] := %del%(quoted, 1), key := ""
else if (opt ~= "i)^\*(E|CB|DDL|LB|DT)$")
field.input := SubStr(opt, 2)
key? ( field[key] := opt, key := "" ) : field.options .= " " . opt
;// Input field control type, defaults to Edit(E). The ff are allowed:
; ComboBox(CB), DropDownList(DDL), ListBox(LB), DateTime(DT)
ctrl := input_ctrls[ field.HasKey("input") ? field.input : "E" ]
;// Set font
if field.HasKey("font")
field.font := StrSplit(field.font, ";", " `t`r`n")
if ( (font := %del%(field.font, 1)) != "" )
field.font.prompt := StrSplit(font, ",", " `t`r`n")
if ( (font := %del%(field.font, 1)) != "" )
field.font.input := StrSplit(font, ",", " `t`r`n")
for is_input, ftype in { 0: "prompt", 1: "input" }
if ( font := field.font[ftype] ) {
Gui Font
Gui Font, % font[1], % font[2]
Gui Add, % is_input ? ctrl : "Text"
, % "xm w" width " Hwndh" ftype . ( is_input
? " y+5 " field.options
: " Wrap y" ( idx == 1 ? 10 : input_posY+input_posH+10 ) )
, % field[ is_input ? "default" : "prompt" ]
if !font
Gui Font
Gui Font, % form.font[1], % form.font[2]
flds[idx] := hInput
GuiControlGet input_pos, Pos, %hInput%
;// ToolTip
if field.HasKey("tip")
tt.ctrl := hInput, tt.text := field.tip
gosub EF_SetToolTip
if (ctrl != "Edit") ;// skip rest of loop for other control types
;// ES_MULTILINE := 0x0004
is_mline := DllCall(GetWindowLong, "Ptr", hInput, "Int", -16, "Ptr") & 0x0004
;// Cue banner | EM_SETCUEBANNER = 0x1501
if field.HasKey("cue")
SendMessage 0x1501, 0, % ObjGetAddress(field, "cue"),, ahk_id %hInput%
;// Buddy UpDown control
if field.HasKey("updown")
Gui Add, Updown, % field.updown
;// Add browse file AND/OR folder buttons if specified
j := 0
for i, btn in ["file", "dir"]
if !field.HasKey(btn)
;// Get default button size based on system's default font
if !btn_size ;// static variable
Gui New
; Gui Font, s10, MS Shell Dlg 2 ;// Used by InputBox??
Gui Add, Button, r1
GuiControlGet, btn_size, Pos, Button1
Gui Destroy
btn_size := btn_sizeH
Gui %hForm%:Default
j += 1
GuiControl, Move, %hInput%, % "w" wd := width - ( (btn_size + 3) * (is_mline? 1 : j) )
; GuiControlGet input_pos, Pos, %hInput%
if (j > 1)
GuiControl Move, %hBtn%, % "x" wd + 13 ;// 13 = margin + padding
Gui Add, Button, % "w" btn_size " h" btn_size
. " y" ( j > 1 && is_mline ? "+3" : input_posY )
. " xm+" width - btn_size
. " HwndhBtn gEF_Select" btn
GuiControl % "+v" ( vBtn := "ef_btn_" . hBtn ), %hBtn%
Create BUTTON_IMAGELIST structure ->
typedef struct {
RECT margin;
UINT uAlign;
sizeof BUTTON_IMAGELIST = Ptr(A_PtrSize) + RECT(16) + UInt(4)
VarSetCapacity(BTN_IMGLIST, A_PtrSize + 20, 0)
;// Image list for select file/folder buttons
if !himl
himl := { "file": IL_Create(1, 5), "dir": IL_Create(1, 5) }
, IL_Add(himl.file, "shell32.dll", 56) ;// 56 = 1-based index
, IL_Add(himl.dir, "imageres.dll", 205) ;// 205 = 1-based index
;// Set himl member of struct
NumPut(himl[btn], BTN_IMGLIST, 0, "Ptr")
;// Set margin member | 1px??
Loop 4
NumPut(1, BTN_IMGLIST, A_PtrSize+A_Index*4-4, "UInt")
;// Set uAlign member | BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER := 4
NumPut(4, BTN_IMGLIST, A_PtrSize+16, "UInt")
SendMessage 0x1602, 0, % &BTN_IMGLIST,, ahk_id %hBtn%
btns[vBtn] := { "input": hInput, "args": [] }
;// Parse option arguments, comma-delimited
ii := jj := 0
while (ii := InStr(field[btn] . ",", ",",, ii+1))
b_arg := SubStr(field[btn], jj+1, ii-jj-1)
k := -1
while (k := InStr(b_arg, "\,",, k+2))
b_arg := SubStr(b_arg, 1, k-1) . SubStr(b_arg, k+1)
if (SubStr(b_arg, end) != "\")
%push%(btns[vBtn].args, b_arg), jj := ii
tt.ctrl := hBtn, tt.text := "Browse " . (btn != "file" ? "folder" : btn)
gosub EF_SetToolTip
;// Add OK and Cancel buttons
Gui Add, Button, % "w100 r1 gEF_OK xm+" (width/2)-110 " y" input_posY + input_posH + 20, &OK
Gui Add, Button, x+20 yp wp hp gEF_Cancel, Cancel
;// Show the EntryForm and wait for it to close / gets destroyed
Gui Show, % "AutoSize " form.pos, % form.caption
;// Caller has defined a callback function
; However, if Tn(timeout) is specified, callback function is ignored
if ( form.timeout ? 0 : form.callback )
;// Store some values needed by Gui/GuiControl event(s) routine
; v1.1+: GUI handles(+HwndhGui) are stored as string(hex format),
; convert to integer for consistency with v2.0-a050+
cb_forms[hForm+0] := { "callback": form.callback, "flds": flds, "hTip": hTip
, "hIconS": hIconS, "hIconL": hIconL, "btns": btns }
;// return, on event, the callback function is called passing the
; output as the first parameter.
return true
dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows On
WinWaitClose ahk_id %hForm%,, % form.timeout/1000
if ErrorLevel
gosub EF_Timeout ;// WinClose ahk_id %hForm% -> triggers EF_CLose
DetectHiddenWindows %dhw%
;// { "event": [ OK, Cancel, Close, Escape, Timeout ], "output": [ field1, field2 ... ] }
return ret
/* Event handlers and helper subroutines
if ( callback := cb_forms.HasKey(hForm := A_Gui+0) ) ;// Regardless of AHK version, A_Gui is in hex format
callback := cb_forms[hForm].callback
, flds := cb_forms[hForm].flds
, hTip := cb_forms[hForm].hTip
, hIconS := cb_forms[hForm].hIconS
, hIconL := cb_forms[hForm].hIconL
;// Make sure remaining integer keys are not affected/adjusted
; v2.0-a049+: ObjRemove does not affect remaining integer keys
, ObjRemove( cb_forms, ( is_v2? [hForm] : [hForm, ""] )* )
ret := { "event": SubStr(A_ThisLabel, 4), "output": [] } ;// return value
for i, hInput in flds
GuiControlGet text,, %hInput%
ret.output[A_Index] := text
if ( NumGet( &(ret.output) + 4*A_PtrSize ) <= 1 ) ;// ObjCount()
ret.output := ret.output[1]
;// Destroy tooltip
if hTip
DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", hTip)
Gui Destroy
;// Destroy window icon(s) (if any)
if hIconL
DllCall("DestroyIcon", "Ptr", hIconL)
if hIconS
DllCall("DestroyIcon", "Ptr", hIconS)
if callback
%callback%(ret) ;// call the callback function and pass output
/* FileSelectFile(v1.1) / FileSelect(v2.0-a) workaround
EF_SelectFile: ;// [Options, RootDir\Filename, Prompt, Filter]
if cb_forms.HasKey(A_Gui + 0)
btns := cb_forms[A_Gui + 0].btns
hInput := btns[A_GuiControl].input ;// handle of asscoiated Edit control
, dlg_args := btns[A_GuiControl].args
, opt := dlg_args[1]
if ( (prompt := dlg_args[3]) == "" )
prompt := "Select File - " . A_ScriptName
if ( (filter := dlg_args[4]) == "" )
filter := "All Files (*.*)"
;// Initialize lpstrFile, output goes here
VarSetCapacity(lpstrFile, 0xffff)
;// Get initial dir and/or initial file name
GuiControlGet init_dir,, %hInput%
if (init_dir == "")
init_dir := dlg_args[2]
if !InStr(FileExist(init_dir), "D")
init_file := is_v2 ? init_dir : "init_dir"
SplitPath %init_file%, init_file, init_dir
if (init_file != "")
StrPut(init_file, &lpstrFile + 0), init_file := ""
;// Flags member of OPENFILENAME struct
flags := 0x80000|0x4 ;// OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_HIDEREADONLY
flag := SubStr(opt, InStr( "MS", SubStr(opt, 1, 1) ) ? 2 : 1) + 0
for i in flag ? fs_flags : 0
if (flag & i)
flags |= fs_flags[i]
if InStr(opt, "M")
flags |= 0x200 ;// OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = 0x200
;// Setup lpstrFilter member of OPENFILENAME struct
VarSetCapacity( lpstrFilter, 2*StrLen(filter) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0 )
, ext := SubStr(filter, InStr( filter,"(" )+1, -1)
, flen1 := (StrLen(filter) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)
, flen2 := (StrLen(ext) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)
, StrPut(filter, &lpstrFilter + 0, flen1)
, StrPut(ext, &lpstrFilter + flen1, flen2)
, NumPut(0, lpstrFilter, flen1 + flen2, A_IsUnicode ? "UShort" : "UChar")
;// Create OPENFILENAME struct and set members
VarSetCapacity(OPENFILENAME, sizeof_OFN, 0)
, NumPut(sizeof_OFN, OPENFILENAME, 0, "UInt") ;// lStructSize
, NumPut(A_Gui, OPENFILENAME, 4, "Ptr") ;// hwndOwner
, NumPut(&lpstrFilter, OPENFILENAME, 4 + 2*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;// lpstrFilter
, NumPut(1, OPENFILENAME, 8 + 4*A_PtrSize, "UInt") ;// nFilterIndex
, NumPut(&lpstrFile, OPENFILENAME, 12 + 4*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;// lpstrFile
, NumPut(0xffff, OPENFILENAME, 12 + 5*A_PtrSize, "UInt") ;// nMaxFile
, NumPut(&init_dir, OPENFILENAME, 20 + 6*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;// lpstrInitialDir
, NumPut(&prompt, OPENFILENAME, 20 + 7*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;// lpstrTitle
, NumPut(flags, OPENFILENAME, 20 + 8*A_PtrSize, "UInt") ;// Flags
;// GetFileName := "comdlg32\" . ( InStr(opt, "S") ? "GetSaveFileName" : "GetOpenFileName" )
if !DllCall("comdlg32\" . ( InStr(opt, "S") ? "GetSaveFileName" : "GetOpenFileName" ), "Ptr", &OPENFILENAME)
;// Extract selected file name(s) from buffer
; dir := DllCall("MulDiv", "Int", &lpstrFile, "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "Str")
addr := &lpstrFile, sel := dir := StrGet(addr), files := "" ;// initialize blank
if ( StrLen(dir) != 3 )
dir .= "\"
if (flags & 0x200) ;// OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
while (sel := StrGet( addr += (StrLen(sel) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1) ))
files .= dir . sel . "`n"
GuiControl,, %hInput%, % SubStr(files ? files : dir, 1, -1)
/* FileSelectFolder(v1.1) / DirSelect(v2.0-a) workaround
EF_SelectDir: ;// [StartingFolder, Options, Prompt]
if cb_forms.HasKey(A_Gui + 0)
btns := cb_forms[A_Gui + 0].btns
hInput := btns[A_GuiControl].input
, dlg_args := btns[A_GuiControl].args
if ( (prompt := dlg_args[3]) == "" )
prompt := "Select Folder - " . A_ScriptName
flags := 0x1 ;// BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 0x1
if ( (flag := ds_flags[dlg_args[2] + 0]) != "" )
flags |= flag
;// Get starting folder
GuiControlGet init_dir,, %hInput%
if !InStr(FileExist(init_dir), "D")
if ( (init_dir := dlg_args[1]) == "" )
init_dir := "*" . A_MyDocuments
if !shell ;// this is a static variable, we don't initialize it unless needed
shell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
if !( folder := shell.BrowseForFolder(A_Gui + 0, prompt, flags, init_dir) )
GuiControl,, %hInput%, % folder.self.Path
/* Create/attach tooltip routine
if !NumGet( &tt + 4 * A_PtrSize ) ;// no arguments
if !hTip ;// this is a static variable
;// WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x8, CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000
hTip := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", "UInt", 0x8, "Str", "tooltips_class32"
, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0x80000002 ;// WS_POPUP:=0x80000000|TTS_NOPREFIX:=0x02
, "Int", 0x80000000, "Int", 0x80000000, "Int", 0x80000000, "Int", 0x80000000
, "Ptr", hForm, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hTip, "Int", 0x0418, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
;// for Windows XP issues
if is_xp
tt_tmp := tt, tt := { "ctrl": hForm, "text": "" }
gosub EF_SetToolTip ;// attach empty tip to GUI
tt := tt_tmp, tt_tmp := ""
;// Create TOOLINFO struct and set members
VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO, sizeof_TOOLINFO, 0)
, NumPut(sizeof_TOOLINFO, TOOLINFO, 0, "UInt")
, NumPut(0x11, TOOLINFO, 4, "UInt") ;// TTF_IDISHWND:=0x0001|TTF_SUBCLASS:=0x0010
, NumPut(hForm, TOOLINFO, 8, "Ptr")
, NumPut(tt.ctrl, TOOLINFO, 8 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
, NumPut(ObjGetAddress(tt, "text"), TOOLINFO, 24 + (3 * A_PtrSize), "Ptr")
;// TTM_ADDTOOL := A_IsUnicode ? 0x0432 : 0x0404
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hTip, "Int", TTM_ADDTOOL, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &TOOLINFO)
tt := {}
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SouzaRM commented Jun 27, 2021

Good job!
Very nice!

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