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Created September 25, 2019 11:54
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Unreal types for Fable
module rec Fable.Import.Unreal
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Field =
inherit UObject
abstract GetMetaData: Key: string -> string
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Enum =
inherit Field
abstract GetEnumeratorName: EnumeratorValue: float -> string
abstract GetEnumeratorUserFriendlyName: EnumeratorValue: float -> string
abstract GetEnumeratorValueFromIndex: EnumeratorIndex: float -> float
abstract GetValidValue: EnumeratorValue: float -> float
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Package =
inherit UObject
abstract DeletePackage: unit -> bool
abstract FindWorldInPackage: unit -> World
abstract SavePackage: Filename: string -> bool
abstract GetLongPackagePath: unit -> string
abstract HasAnyPackageFlags: Flags: float -> bool
abstract LoadPackage: PackageName: string -> Package
type UnrealEngineClass =
obj option
type timeout_handle =
obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DirectoryItem =
abstract Name: string with get, set
abstract bIsDirectory: bool with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> DirectoryItem
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] UObject =
abstract StaticClass: obj option with get, set
abstract ExecuteUbergraph: EntryPoint: float -> unit
abstract AddWhitelistedObject: unit -> unit
abstract BroadcastAssetCreated: unit -> unit
abstract MarkPackageDirty: unit -> bool
abstract ModifyObject: bAlwaysMarkDirty: bool -> unit
abstract OpenEditorForAsset: unit -> bool
abstract PostEditChange: unit -> unit
abstract DestroyUObject: unit -> unit
abstract CreateEnum: Name: string * DisplayNames: ResizeArray<string> -> Enum
abstract CreatePackage: PackageName: string -> Package
abstract Duplicate: Outer: UObject * Name: string -> UObject
abstract FindObjectWithOuter: ClassToLookFor: UnrealEngineClass * NameToLookFor: string -> UObject
abstract FindPackage: PackageName: string -> Package
abstract GetArchetypePathName: unit -> string
abstract GetDir: WhichDir: string -> string
abstract GetFields: bIncludeSuper: bool -> ResizeArray<Field>
abstract GetFileSize: Filename: string -> float
abstract GetName: unit -> string
abstract GetObjectsWithOuter: ?Results: ResizeArray<UObject> * ?bIncludeNestedObjects: bool * ?ExclusionFlags: float * ?ExclusionInternalFlags: float -> obj
abstract GetOuter: unit -> UObject
abstract GetOutermost: unit -> UObject
abstract HasAnyFlags: Flags: float -> bool
abstract ReadDirectory: Directory: string * ?OutItems: ResizeArray<DirectoryItem> -> obj
abstract ReadFile: Filename: string -> bool
abstract ReadStringFromFile: Filename: string -> string
abstract SetObjectFlags: Flags: float -> unit
abstract WriteFile: Filename: string -> bool
abstract WriteStringToFile: Filename: string * Data: string * EncodingOptions: obj -> bool
abstract GetDatasmithUserData: unit -> obj //DatasmithAssetUserData
abstract GetDatasmithUserDataKeysAndValuesForValue: StringToMatch: string * ?OutKeys: ResizeArray<string> * ?OutValues: ResizeArray<string> -> obj
abstract GetDatasmithUserDataValueForKey: Key: string -> string
abstract RedirectVislog: DestinationOwner: UObject -> unit
abstract Conv_ObjectToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_ObjectToSoftObjectReference: unit -> UObject
abstract Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToObject: unit -> UObject
abstract Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToString: unit -> string
abstract CreateCopyForUndoBuffer: unit -> unit
abstract DoesImplementInterface: Interface: UnrealEngineClass -> bool
abstract EqualEqual_SoftObjectReference: B: UObject -> bool
abstract GetDisplayName: unit -> string
abstract GetObjectName: unit -> string
abstract GetPathName: unit -> string
abstract GetPrimaryAssetIdFromObject: unit -> obj //PrimaryAssetId
abstract GetPrimaryAssetIdFromSoftObjectReference: unit -> obj //PrimaryAssetId
abstract IsValid: unit -> bool
abstract IsValidSoftObjectReference: unit -> bool
abstract K2_ClearTimer: FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract K2_GetTimerElapsedTime: FunctionName: string -> float
abstract K2_GetTimerRemainingTime: FunctionName: string -> float
abstract K2_IsTimerActive: FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_IsTimerPaused: FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_PauseTimer: FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract K2_SetTimer: FunctionName: string * Time: float * bLooping: bool -> obj //TimerHandle
abstract K2_TimerExists: FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_UnPauseTimer: FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract NotEqual_SoftObjectReference: B: UObject -> bool
abstract SetBoolPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: bool -> unit
abstract SetBytePropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetClassPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: UnrealEngineClass -> unit
abstract SetCollisionProfileNameProperty: PropertyName: string * Value: obj //CollisionProfileName -> unit
abstract SetFloatPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetInterfacePropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
abstract SetIntPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetLinearColorPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj //LinearColor -> unit
abstract SetNamePropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetObjectPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: UObject -> unit
abstract SetRotatorPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj //Rotator -> unit
abstract SetSoftClassPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj //Class -> unit
abstract SetSoftObjectPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: UObject -> unit
abstract SetStringPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetStructurePropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj// GenericStruct -> unit
abstract SetTextPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetTransformPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj//Transform -> unit
abstract SetVectorPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: Vector -> unit
abstract TransactObject: unit -> unit
abstract Conv_ObjectToString: unit -> string
abstract EqualEqual_ObjectObject: B: UObject -> bool
abstract NotEqual_ObjectObject: B: UObject -> bool
abstract SelectObject: B: UObject * bSelectA: bool -> UObject
abstract SetArrayPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: ResizeArray<float> -> unit
abstract GetObjectClass: unit -> UnrealEngineClass
abstract SetSetPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
abstract SetMapPropertyByName: PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] UObjectStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> UObject
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: Outer: UObject -> UObject
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> UObject
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> UObject
abstract GetClassObject: unit -> obj//Class
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> UObject
abstract GetDefaultSubobjectByName: Name: string -> UObject
abstract SetDefaultSubobjectClass: Name: string -> unit
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> UObject
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> UObject
abstract AddWhitelistedObject: InObject: UObject -> unit
abstract BroadcastAssetCreated: NewAsset: UObject -> unit
abstract MarkPackageDirty: InObject: UObject -> bool
abstract ModifyObject: UObject: UObject * bAlwaysMarkDirty: bool -> unit
abstract OpenEditorForAsset: Asset: UObject -> bool
abstract PostEditChange: InObject: UObject -> unit
abstract DestroyUObject: UObject: UObject -> unit
abstract CreateEnum: Outer: UObject * Name: string * DisplayNames: ResizeArray<string> -> Enum
abstract CreatePackage: Outer: UObject * PackageName: string -> Package
abstract Duplicate: UObject: UObject * Outer: UObject * Name: string -> UObject
abstract FindObjectWithOuter: Outer: UObject * ClassToLookFor: UnrealEngineClass * NameToLookFor: string -> UObject
abstract FindPackage: InOuter: UObject * PackageName: string -> Package
abstract GetArchetypePathName: UObject: UObject -> string
abstract GetDir: UObject: UObject * WhichDir: string -> string
abstract GetFields: UObject: UObject * bIncludeSuper: bool -> ResizeArray<Field>
abstract GetFileSize: UObject: UObject * Filename: string -> float
abstract GetName: UObject: UObject -> string
abstract GetObjectsWithOuter: Outer: UObject * ?Results: ResizeArray<UObject> * ?bIncludeNestedObjects: bool * ?ExclusionFlags: float * ?ExclusionInternalFlags: float -> obj
abstract GetOuter: UObject: UObject -> UObject
abstract GetOutermost: UObject: UObject -> UObject
abstract HasAnyFlags: UObject: UObject * Flags: float -> bool
abstract ReadDirectory: UObject: UObject * Directory: string * ?OutItems: ResizeArray<DirectoryItem> -> obj
abstract ReadFile: UObject: UObject * Filename: string -> bool
abstract ReadStringFromFile: UObject: UObject * Filename: string -> string
abstract SetObjectFlags: Obj: UObject * Flags: float -> unit
abstract WriteFile: UObject: UObject * Filename: string -> bool
abstract WriteStringToFile: UObject: UObject * Filename: string * Data: string * EncodingOptions: obj//EJavascriptEncodingOptions -> bool
abstract GetDatasmithUserData: UObject: UObject -> obj//DatasmithAssetUserData
abstract GetDatasmithUserDataKeysAndValuesForValue: UObject: UObject * StringToMatch: string * ?OutKeys: ResizeArray<string> * ?OutValues: ResizeArray<string> -> obj
abstract GetDatasmithUserDataValueForKey: UObject: UObject * Key: string -> string
abstract RedirectVislog: SourceOwner: UObject * DestinationOwner: UObject -> unit
abstract Conv_ObjectToText: InObj: UObject -> string
abstract Conv_ObjectToSoftObjectReference: UObject: UObject -> UObject
abstract Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToObject: softobject: UObject -> UObject
abstract Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToString: SoftObjectReference: UObject -> string
abstract CreateCopyForUndoBuffer: ObjectToModify: UObject -> unit
abstract DoesImplementInterface: TestObject: UObject * Interface: UnrealEngineClass -> bool
abstract EqualEqual_SoftObjectReference: A: UObject * B: UObject -> bool
abstract GetDisplayName: UObject: UObject -> string
abstract GetObjectName: UObject: UObject -> string
abstract GetPathName: UObject: UObject -> string
abstract GetPrimaryAssetIdFromObject: UObject: UObject -> obj//PrimaryAssetId
abstract GetPrimaryAssetIdFromSoftObjectReference: SoftObjectReference: UObject -> obj//PrimaryAssetId
abstract IsValid: UObject: UObject -> bool
abstract IsValidSoftObjectReference: SoftObjectReference: UObject -> bool
abstract K2_ClearTimer: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract K2_GetTimerElapsedTime: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> float
abstract K2_GetTimerRemainingTime: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> float
abstract K2_IsTimerActive: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_IsTimerPaused: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_PauseTimer: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract K2_SetTimer: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string * Time: float * bLooping: bool -> obj//TimerHandle
abstract K2_TimerExists: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> bool
abstract K2_UnPauseTimer: UObject: UObject * FunctionName: string -> unit
abstract NotEqual_SoftObjectReference: A: UObject * B: UObject -> bool
abstract SetBoolPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: bool -> unit
abstract SetBytePropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetClassPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: UnrealEngineClass -> unit
abstract SetCollisionProfileNameProperty: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//CollisionProfileName -> unit
abstract SetFloatPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetInterfacePropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
abstract SetIntPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: float -> unit
abstract SetLinearColorPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//LinearColor -> unit
abstract SetNamePropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetObjectPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: UObject -> unit
abstract SetRotatorPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//Rotator -> unit
abstract SetSoftClassPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//Class -> unit
abstract SetSoftObjectPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: UObject -> unit
abstract SetStringPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetStructurePropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//GenericStruct -> unit
abstract SetTextPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: string -> unit
abstract SetTransformPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj//Transform -> unit
abstract SetVectorPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: Vector -> unit
abstract TransactObject: UObject: UObject -> unit
abstract Conv_ObjectToString: InObj: UObject -> string
abstract EqualEqual_ObjectObject: A: UObject * B: UObject -> bool
abstract NotEqual_ObjectObject: A: UObject * B: UObject -> bool
abstract SelectObject: A: UObject * B: UObject * bSelectA: bool -> UObject
abstract SetArrayPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: ResizeArray<float> -> unit
abstract GetObjectClass: UObject: UObject -> UnrealEngineClass
abstract SetSetPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
abstract SetMapPropertyByName: UObject: UObject * PropertyName: string * Value: obj option -> unit
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EOrientPositionSelector =
| [<CompiledName "Orientation">] Orientation
| [<CompiledName "Position">] Position
| [<CompiledName "OrientationAndPosition">] OrientationAndPosition
| [<CompiledName "EOrientPositionSelector_MAX">] EOrientPositionSelector_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Quat =
abstract X: float with get, set
abstract Y: float with get, set
abstract Z: float with get, set
abstract W: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Quat
abstract SetBaseOrientation: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] QuatStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Quat
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Quat
abstract SetBaseOrientation: InBaseOrientation: Quat -> unit
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EEasingFunc =
| [<CompiledName "Linear">] Linear
| [<CompiledName "Step">] Step
| [<CompiledName "SinusoidalIn">] SinusoidalIn
| [<CompiledName "SinusoidalOut">] SinusoidalOut
| [<CompiledName "SinusoidalInOut">] SinusoidalInOut
| [<CompiledName "EaseIn">] EaseIn
| [<CompiledName "EaseOut">] EaseOut
| [<CompiledName "EaseInOut">] EaseInOut
| [<CompiledName "ExpoIn">] ExpoIn
| [<CompiledName "ExpoOut">] ExpoOut
| [<CompiledName "ExpoInOut">] ExpoInOut
| [<CompiledName "CircularIn">] CircularIn
| [<CompiledName "CircularOut">] CircularOut
| [<CompiledName "CircularInOut">] CircularInOut
| [<CompiledName "EEasingFunc_MAX">] EEasingFunc_MAX
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] ELerpInterpolationMode =
| [<CompiledName "QuatInterp">] QuatInterp
| [<CompiledName "EulerInterp">] EulerInterp
| [<CompiledName "DualQuatInterp">] DualQuatInterp
| [<CompiledName "ELerpInterpolationMode_MAX">] ELerpInterpolationMode_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Rotator =
abstract Pitch: float with get, set
abstract Yaw: float with get, set
abstract Roll: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Rotator
abstract GetBaseRotationAndBaseOffsetInMeters: ?OutBaseOffsetInMeters: Vector -> obj
abstract GetBaseRotationAndPositionOffset: ?OutPosOffset: Vector -> obj
abstract GetPose: ?DevicePosition: Vector * ?NeckPosition: Vector * ?bUseOrienationForPlayerCamera: bool * ?bUsePositionForPlayerCamera: bool * ?PositionScale: Vector -> obj
abstract SetBaseRotationAndBaseOffsetInMeters: BaseOffsetInMeters: Vector * Options: EOrientPositionSelector -> unit
abstract SetBaseRotationAndPositionOffset: PosOffset: Vector * Options: EOrientPositionSelector -> unit
abstract SetBaseRotation: unit -> unit
abstract Conv_RotatorToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_RotatorToString: unit -> string
abstract BreakRotator: ?Roll: float * ?Pitch: float * ?Yaw: float -> obj
abstract BreakRotIntoAxes: ?X: Vector * ?Y: Vector * ?Z: Vector -> obj
abstract ComposeRotators: B: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract Conv_RotatorToTransform: unit -> Transform
abstract Conv_RotatorToVector: unit -> Vector
abstract EqualEqual_RotatorRotator: B: Rotator * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract GetAxes: ?X: Vector * ?Y: Vector * ?Z: Vector -> obj
abstract GetForwardVector: unit -> Vector
abstract GetRightVector: unit -> Vector
abstract GetUpVector: unit -> Vector
abstract Multiply_RotatorFloat: B: float -> Rotator
abstract Multiply_RotatorInt: B: float -> Rotator
abstract NegateRotator: unit -> Rotator
abstract NormalizedDeltaRotator: B: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract NotEqual_RotatorRotator: B: Rotator * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract REase: B: Rotator * Alpha: float * bShortestPath: bool * EasingFunc: EEasingFunc * BlendExp: float * Steps: float -> Rotator
abstract RInterpTo: Target: Rotator * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Rotator
abstract RInterpTo_Constant: Target: Rotator * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Rotator
abstract RLerp: B: Rotator * Alpha: float * bShortestPath: bool -> Rotator
abstract SelectRotator: B: Rotator * bPickA: bool -> Rotator
abstract IsValidAIRotation: unit -> bool
abstract GetOrientationAndPosition: ?DevicePosition: Vector -> obj
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Transform =
abstract Rotation: Quat with get, set
abstract Translation: Vector with get, set
abstract Scale3D: Vector with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Transform
abstract Conv_TransformToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_TransformToString: unit -> string
abstract BreakTransform: ?Location: Vector * ?Rotation: Rotator * ?Scale: Vector -> obj
abstract ComposeTransforms: B: Transform -> Transform
abstract ConvertTransformToRelative: ParentTransform: Transform -> Transform
abstract EqualEqual_TransformTransform: B: Transform -> bool
abstract InverseTransformDirection: Direction: Vector -> Vector
abstract InverseTransformLocation: Location: Vector -> Vector
abstract InverseTransformRotation: Rotation: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract InvertTransform: unit -> Transform
abstract NearlyEqual_TransformTransform: B: Transform * LocationTolerance: float * RotationTolerance: float * Scale3DTolerance: float -> bool
abstract SelectTransform: B: Transform * bPickA: bool -> Transform
abstract TEase: B: Transform * Alpha: float * EasingFunc: EEasingFunc * BlendExp: float * Steps: float -> Transform
abstract TInterpTo: Target: Transform * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Transform
abstract TLerp: B: Transform * Alpha: float * InterpMode: ELerpInterpolationMode -> Transform
abstract Transform_Determinant: unit -> float
abstract TransformDirection: Direction: Vector -> Vector
abstract TransformLocation: Location: Vector -> Vector
abstract TransformRotation: Rotation: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract K2_LookAt: TargetPosition: Vector * LookAtVector: Vector * bUseUpVector: bool * UpVector: Vector * ClampConeInDegree: float -> Transform
abstract CalibrateExternalTrackingToHMD: unit -> unit
abstract UpdateExternalTrackingHMDPosition: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RotatorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Rotator
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Rotator
abstract GetBaseRotationAndBaseOffsetInMeters: ?OutRotation: Rotator * ?OutBaseOffsetInMeters: Vector -> obj
abstract GetBaseRotationAndPositionOffset: ?OutRot: Rotator * ?OutPosOffset: Vector -> obj
abstract GetPose: ?DeviceRotation: Rotator * ?DevicePosition: Vector * ?NeckPosition: Vector * ?bUseOrienationForPlayerCamera: bool * ?bUsePositionForPlayerCamera: bool * ?PositionScale: Vector -> obj
abstract SetBaseRotationAndBaseOffsetInMeters: Rotation: Rotator * BaseOffsetInMeters: Vector * Options: EOrientPositionSelector -> unit
abstract SetBaseRotationAndPositionOffset: BaseRot: Rotator * PosOffset: Vector * Options: EOrientPositionSelector -> unit
abstract SetBaseRotation: InBaseRotation: Rotator -> unit
abstract Conv_RotatorToText: InRot: Rotator -> string
abstract Conv_RotatorToString: InRot: Rotator -> string
abstract BreakRotator: InRot: Rotator * ?Roll: float * ?Pitch: float * ?Yaw: float -> obj
abstract BreakRotIntoAxes: InRot: Rotator * ?X: Vector * ?Y: Vector * ?Z: Vector -> obj
abstract ComposeRotators: A: Rotator * B: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract Conv_RotatorToTransform: InRotator: Rotator -> Transform
abstract Conv_RotatorToVector: InRot: Rotator -> Vector
abstract EqualEqual_RotatorRotator: A: Rotator * B: Rotator * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract GetAxes: A: Rotator * ?X: Vector * ?Y: Vector * ?Z: Vector -> obj
abstract GetForwardVector: InRot: Rotator -> Vector
abstract GetRightVector: InRot: Rotator -> Vector
abstract GetUpVector: InRot: Rotator -> Vector
abstract Multiply_RotatorFloat: A: Rotator * B: float -> Rotator
abstract Multiply_RotatorInt: A: Rotator * B: float -> Rotator
abstract NegateRotator: A: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract NormalizedDeltaRotator: A: Rotator * B: Rotator -> Rotator
abstract NotEqual_RotatorRotator: A: Rotator * B: Rotator * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract REase: A: Rotator * B: Rotator * Alpha: float * bShortestPath: bool * EasingFunc: EEasingFunc * BlendExp: float * Steps: float -> Rotator
abstract RInterpTo: Current: Rotator * Target: Rotator * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Rotator
abstract RInterpTo_Constant: Current: Rotator * Target: Rotator * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Rotator
abstract RLerp: A: Rotator * B: Rotator * Alpha: float * bShortestPath: bool -> Rotator
abstract SelectRotator: A: Rotator * B: Rotator * bPickA: bool -> Rotator
abstract IsValidAIRotation: Rotation: Rotator -> bool
abstract GetOrientationAndPosition: ?DeviceRotation: Rotator * ?DevicePosition: Vector -> obj
abstract MakeRotator: Roll: float * Pitch: float * Yaw: float -> Rotator
abstract RandomRotator: bRoll: bool -> Rotator
abstract RandomRotatorFromStream: bRoll: bool * Stream: obj -> Rotator //RandomStream -> Rotator
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector2D =
abstract X: float with get, set
abstract Y: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Vector2D
abstract Conv_Vector2dToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_Vector2dToString: unit -> string
abstract Add_Vector2DFloat: B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Add_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract BreakVector2D: ?X: float * ?Y: float -> obj
abstract Conv_Vector2DToVector: Z: float -> Vector
abstract CrossProduct2D: B: Vector2D -> float
abstract Divide_Vector2DFloat: B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Divide_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract DotProduct2D: B: Vector2D -> float
abstract EqualEqual_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract MakeBox2D: Max: Vector2D -> Box2D
abstract Multiply_Vector2DFloat: B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Multiply_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract Normal2D: unit -> Vector2D
abstract NotEqual_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract Subtract_Vector2DFloat: B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Subtract_Vector2DVector2D: B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract Vector2DInterpTo: Target: Vector2D * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector2D
abstract Vector2DInterpTo_Constant: Target: Vector2D * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector2D
abstract VSize2D: unit -> float
abstract VSize2DSquared: unit -> float
abstract SetSpectatorScreenModeTexturePlusEyeLayout: EyeRectMax: Vector2D * TextureRectMin: Vector2D * TextureRectMax: Vector2D * bDrawEyeFirst: bool * bClearBlack: bool * bUseAlpha: bool -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box2D =
abstract Min: Vector2D with get, set
abstract Max: Vector2D with get, set
abstract bIsValid: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Box2D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box2DStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Box2D
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Box2D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector2DStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Vector2D
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Vector2D
abstract Conv_Vector2dToText: InVec: Vector2D -> string
abstract Conv_Vector2dToString: InVec: Vector2D -> string
abstract Add_Vector2DFloat: A: Vector2D * B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Add_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract BreakVector2D: InVec: Vector2D * ?X: float * ?Y: float -> obj
abstract Conv_Vector2DToVector: InVector2D: Vector2D * Z: float -> Vector
abstract CrossProduct2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> float
abstract Divide_Vector2DFloat: A: Vector2D * B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Divide_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract DotProduct2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> float
abstract EqualEqual_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract MakeBox2D: Min: Vector2D * Max: Vector2D -> Box2D
abstract Multiply_Vector2DFloat: A: Vector2D * B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Multiply_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract Normal2D: A: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract NotEqual_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract Subtract_Vector2DFloat: A: Vector2D * B: float -> Vector2D
abstract Subtract_Vector2DVector2D: A: Vector2D * B: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract Vector2DInterpTo: Current: Vector2D * Target: Vector2D * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector2D
abstract Vector2DInterpTo_Constant: Current: Vector2D * Target: Vector2D * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector2D
abstract VSize2D: A: Vector2D -> float
abstract VSize2DSquared: A: Vector2D -> float
abstract SetSpectatorScreenModeTexturePlusEyeLayout: EyeRectMin: Vector2D * EyeRectMax: Vector2D * TextureRectMin: Vector2D * TextureRectMax: Vector2D * bDrawEyeFirst: bool * bClearBlack: bool * bUseAlpha: bool -> unit
abstract GenerateDynamicImageResource: InDynamicBrushName: string -> Vector2D
abstract MakeVector2D: X: float * Y: float -> Vector2D
abstract NextSobolCell2D: index: float * NumCells: float * PreviousValue: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract RandomSobolCell2D: index: float * NumCells: float * Cell: Vector2D * Seed: Vector2D -> Vector2D
abstract GetMousePositionOnPlatform: unit -> Vector2D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector =
abstract X: float with get, set
abstract Y: float with get, set
abstract Z: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Vector
abstract SegmentIntersection2D: SegmentEndA: Vector * SegmentStartB: Vector * SegmentEndB: Vector * ?IntersectionPoint: Vector -> obj
//abstract GenerateBoxMesh: ?Vertices: ResizeArray<Vector> * ?Triangles: ResizeArray<float> * ?Normals: ResizeArray<Vector> * ?UVs: ResizeArray<Vector2D> * ?Tangents: ResizeArray<ProcMeshTangent> -> obj
//abstract GetPointGuardianIntersection: BoundaryType: EBoundaryType -> GuardianTestResult
//abstract GetRawSensorData: ?LinearAcceleration: Vector * ?AngularVelocity: Vector * ?LinearVelocity: Vector * ?TimeInSeconds: float * ?DeviceType: ETrackedDeviceType -> obj
abstract SetPositionScale3D: unit -> unit
abstract SetBasePosition: unit -> unit
abstract GetClosestARPin: ?PinID: Guid -> obj
abstract Conv_VectorToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_VectorToString: unit -> string
abstract Add_VectorFloat: B: float -> Vector
abstract Add_VectorInt: B: float -> Vector
abstract Add_VectorVector: B: Vector -> Vector
abstract BreakVector: ?X: float * ?Y: float * ?Z: float -> obj
abstract ClampVectorSize: Min: float * Max: float -> Vector
abstract Conv_VectorToLinearColor: unit -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_VectorToRotator: unit -> Rotator
abstract Conv_VectorToTransform: unit -> Transform
abstract Conv_VectorToVector2D: unit -> Vector2D
abstract Cross_VectorVector: B: Vector -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorFloat: B: float -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorInt: B: float -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorVector: B: Vector -> Vector
abstract Dot_VectorVector: B: Vector -> float
abstract EqualEqual_VectorVector: B: Vector * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract FindClosestPointOnLine: LineOrigin: Vector * LineDirection: Vector -> Vector
abstract FindClosestPointOnSegment: SegmentStart: Vector * SegmentEnd: Vector -> Vector
abstract FindLookAtRotation: Target: Vector -> Rotator
abstract FindNearestPointsOnLineSegments: Segment1End: Vector * Segment2Start: Vector * Segment2End: Vector * ?Segment1Point: Vector * ?Segment2Point: Vector -> obj
abstract FTruncVector: unit -> IntVector
abstract GetAzimuthAndElevation: ReferenceFrame: Transform * ?Azimuth: float * ?Elevation: float -> obj
abstract GetDirectionUnitVector: To: Vector -> Vector
abstract GetMaxElement: unit -> float
abstract GetMinElement: unit -> float
abstract GetPointDistanceToLine: LineOrigin: Vector * LineDirection: Vector -> float
abstract GetPointDistanceToSegment: SegmentStart: Vector * SegmentEnd: Vector -> float
abstract GetReflectionVector: SurfaceNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract GetSlopeDegreeAngles: FloorNormal: Vector * UpVector: Vector * ?OutSlopePitchDegreeAngle: float * ?OutSlopeRollDegreeAngle: float -> obj
abstract GetYawPitchFromVector: ?Yaw: float * ?Pitch: float -> obj
abstract GreaterGreater_VectorRotator: B: Rotator -> Vector
abstract IsPointInBox: BoxOrigin: Vector * BoxExtent: Vector -> bool
abstract IsPointInBoxWithTransform: BoxWorldTransform: Transform * BoxExtent: Vector -> bool
abstract LessLess_VectorRotator: B: Rotator -> Vector
abstract LinePlaneIntersection: LineEnd: Vector * APlane: Plane * ?T: float * ?Intersection: Vector -> obj
abstract LinePlaneIntersection_OriginNormal: LineEnd: Vector * PlaneOrigin: Vector * PlaneNormal: Vector * ?T: float * ?Intersection: Vector -> obj
abstract MakeBox: Max: Vector -> Box
abstract MakePlaneFromPointAndNormal: Normal: Vector -> Plane
abstract MakeRotationFromAxes: Right: Vector * Up: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromX: unit -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromXY: Y: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromXZ: Z: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromY: unit -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromYX: X: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromYZ: Z: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZ: unit -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZX: X: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZY: Y: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeTransform: Rotation: Rotator * Scale: Vector -> Transform
abstract MirrorVectorByNormal: InNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorFloat: B: float -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorInt: B: float -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorVector: B: Vector -> Vector
abstract NegateVector: unit -> Vector
abstract Normal: unit -> Vector
abstract NotEqual_VectorVector: B: Vector * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract ProjectPointOnToPlane: PlaneBase: Vector * PlaneNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract ProjectVectorOnToPlane: PlaneNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract ProjectVectorOnToVector: Target: Vector -> Vector
abstract RandomPointInBoundingBox: BoxExtent: Vector -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegrees: ConeHalfAngleInDegrees: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegreesFromStream: ConeHalfAngleInDegrees: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians: ConeHalfAngleInRadians: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadiansFromStream: ConeHalfAngleInRadians: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegrees: MaxYawInDegrees: float * MaxPitchInDegrees: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegreesFromStream: MaxYawInDegrees: float * MaxPitchInDegrees: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadians: MaxYawInRadians: float * MaxPitchInRadians: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadiansFromStream: MaxYawInRadians: float * MaxPitchInRadians: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RotateAngleAxis: AngleDeg: float * Axis: Vector -> Vector
abstract RotatorFromAxisAndAngle: Angle: float -> Rotator
abstract SelectVector: B: Vector * bPickA: bool -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorFloat: B: float -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorInt: B: float -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorVector: B: Vector -> Vector
abstract VEase: B: Vector * Alpha: float * EasingFunc: EEasingFunc * BlendExp: float * Steps: float -> Vector
abstract VectorSpringInterp: Target: Vector * ?SpringState: VectorSpringState * ?Stiffness: float * ?CriticalDampingFactor: float * ?DeltaTime: float * ?Mass: float -> obj
abstract VInterpTo: Target: Vector * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector
abstract VInterpTo_Constant: Target: Vector * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector
abstract VLerp: B: Vector * Alpha: float -> Vector
abstract VSize: unit -> float
abstract VSizeSquared: unit -> float
abstract VSizeXY: unit -> float
abstract K2_TwoBoneIK: JointPos: Vector * EndPos: Vector * JointTarget: Vector * Effector: Vector * ?OutJointPos: Vector * ?OutEndPos: Vector * ?bAllowStretching: bool * ?StartStretchRatio: float * ?MaxStretchScale: float -> obj
abstract IsValidAIDirection: unit -> bool
abstract IsValidAILocation: unit -> bool
abstract GetPositionalTrackingCameraParameters: ?CameraRotation: Rotator * ?HFOV: float * ?VFOV: float * ?CameraDistance: float * ?NearPlane: float * ?FarPlane: float -> obj
abstract GetTrackingSensorParameters: ?Rotation: Rotator * ?LeftFOV: float * ?RightFOV: float * ?TopFOV: float * ?BottomFOV: float * ?Distance: float * ?NearPlane: float * ?FarPlane: float * ?IsActive: bool * ?index: float -> obj
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VectorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Vector
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Vector
//abstract SegmentIntersection2D: SegmentStartA: Vector * SegmentEndA: Vector * SegmentStartB: Vector * SegmentEndB: Vector * ?IntersectionPoint: Vector -> obj
//abstract GenerateBoxMesh: BoxRadius: Vector * ?Vertices: ResizeArray<Vector> * ?Triangles: ResizeArray<float> * ?Normals: ResizeArray<Vector> * ?UVs: ResizeArray<Vector2D> * ?Tangents: ResizeArray<ProcMeshTangent> -> obj
//abstract GetPointGuardianIntersection: Point: Vector * BoundaryType: EBoundaryType -> GuardianTestResult
//abstract GetRawSensorData: ?AngularAcceleration: Vector * ?LinearAcceleration: Vector * ?AngularVelocity: Vector * ?LinearVelocity: Vector * ?TimeInSeconds: float * ?DeviceType: ETrackedDeviceType -> obj
abstract SetPositionScale3D: PosScale3D: Vector -> unit
abstract SetBasePosition: InBasePosition: Vector -> unit
abstract GetClosestARPin: SearchPoint: Vector * ?PinID: Guid -> obj
abstract Conv_VectorToText: InVec: Vector -> string
abstract Conv_VectorToString: InVec: Vector -> string
abstract Add_VectorFloat: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Add_VectorInt: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Add_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> Vector
abstract BreakVector: InVec: Vector * ?X: float * ?Y: float * ?Z: float -> obj
abstract ClampVectorSize: A: Vector * Min: float * Max: float -> Vector
abstract Conv_VectorToLinearColor: InVec: Vector -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_VectorToRotator: InVec: Vector -> Rotator
abstract Conv_VectorToTransform: InLocation: Vector -> Transform
abstract Conv_VectorToVector2D: InVector: Vector -> Vector2D
abstract Cross_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorFloat: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorInt: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Divide_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> Vector
abstract Dot_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> float
abstract EqualEqual_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract FindClosestPointOnLine: Point: Vector * LineOrigin: Vector * LineDirection: Vector -> Vector
abstract FindClosestPointOnSegment: Point: Vector * SegmentStart: Vector * SegmentEnd: Vector -> Vector
abstract FindLookAtRotation: Start: Vector * Target: Vector -> Rotator
abstract FindNearestPointsOnLineSegments: Segment1Start: Vector * Segment1End: Vector * Segment2Start: Vector * Segment2End: Vector * ?Segment1Point: Vector * ?Segment2Point: Vector -> obj
abstract FTruncVector: InVector: Vector -> IntVector
abstract GetAzimuthAndElevation: InDirection: Vector * ReferenceFrame: Transform * ?Azimuth: float * ?Elevation: float -> obj
abstract GetDirectionUnitVector: From: Vector * To: Vector -> Vector
abstract GetMaxElement: A: Vector -> float
abstract GetMinElement: A: Vector -> float
abstract GetPointDistanceToLine: Point: Vector * LineOrigin: Vector * LineDirection: Vector -> float
abstract GetPointDistanceToSegment: Point: Vector * SegmentStart: Vector * SegmentEnd: Vector -> float
abstract GetReflectionVector: Direction: Vector * SurfaceNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract GetSlopeDegreeAngles: MyRightYAxis: Vector * FloorNormal: Vector * UpVector: Vector * ?OutSlopePitchDegreeAngle: float * ?OutSlopeRollDegreeAngle: float -> obj
abstract GetYawPitchFromVector: InVec: Vector * ?Yaw: float * ?Pitch: float -> obj
abstract GreaterGreater_VectorRotator: A: Vector * B: Rotator -> Vector
abstract IsPointInBox: Point: Vector * BoxOrigin: Vector * BoxExtent: Vector -> bool
abstract IsPointInBoxWithTransform: Point: Vector * BoxWorldTransform: Transform * BoxExtent: Vector -> bool
abstract LessLess_VectorRotator: A: Vector * B: Rotator -> Vector
abstract LinePlaneIntersection: LineStart: Vector * LineEnd: Vector * APlane: Plane * ?T: float * ?Intersection: Vector -> obj
abstract LinePlaneIntersection_OriginNormal: LineStart: Vector * LineEnd: Vector * PlaneOrigin: Vector * PlaneNormal: Vector * ?T: float * ?Intersection: Vector -> obj
abstract MakeBox: Min: Vector * Max: Vector -> Box
abstract MakePlaneFromPointAndNormal: Point: Vector * Normal: Vector -> Plane
abstract MakeRotationFromAxes: Forward: Vector * Right: Vector * Up: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromX: X: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromXY: X: Vector * Y: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromXZ: X: Vector * Z: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromY: Y: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromYX: Y: Vector * X: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromYZ: Y: Vector * Z: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZ: Z: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZX: Z: Vector * X: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeRotFromZY: Z: Vector * Y: Vector -> Rotator
abstract MakeTransform: Location: Vector * Rotation: Rotator * Scale: Vector -> Transform
abstract MirrorVectorByNormal: InVect: Vector * InNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorFloat: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorInt: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Multiply_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> Vector
abstract NegateVector: A: Vector -> Vector
abstract Normal: A: Vector -> Vector
abstract NotEqual_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector * ErrorTolerance: float -> bool
abstract ProjectPointOnToPlane: Point: Vector * PlaneBase: Vector * PlaneNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract ProjectVectorOnToPlane: V: Vector * PlaneNormal: Vector -> Vector
abstract ProjectVectorOnToVector: V: Vector * Target: Vector -> Vector
abstract RandomPointInBoundingBox: Origin: Vector * BoxExtent: Vector -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegrees: ConeDir: Vector * ConeHalfAngleInDegrees: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegreesFromStream: ConeDir: Vector * ConeHalfAngleInDegrees: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians: ConeDir: Vector * ConeHalfAngleInRadians: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadiansFromStream: ConeDir: Vector * ConeHalfAngleInRadians: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegrees: ConeDir: Vector * MaxYawInDegrees: float * MaxPitchInDegrees: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInDegreesFromStream: ConeDir: Vector * MaxYawInDegrees: float * MaxPitchInDegrees: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadians: ConeDir: Vector * MaxYawInRadians: float * MaxPitchInRadians: float -> Vector
//abstract RandomUnitVectorInEllipticalConeInRadiansFromStream: ConeDir: Vector * MaxYawInRadians: float * MaxPitchInRadians: float * Stream: RandomStream -> Vector
abstract RotateAngleAxis: InVect: Vector * AngleDeg: float * Axis: Vector -> Vector
abstract RotatorFromAxisAndAngle: Axis: Vector * Angle: float -> Rotator
abstract SelectVector: A: Vector * B: Vector * bPickA: bool -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorFloat: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorInt: A: Vector * B: float -> Vector
abstract Subtract_VectorVector: A: Vector * B: Vector -> Vector
abstract VEase: A: Vector * B: Vector * Alpha: float * EasingFunc: EEasingFunc * BlendExp: float * Steps: float -> Vector
abstract VectorSpringInterp: Current: Vector * Target: Vector * ?SpringState: VectorSpringState * ?Stiffness: float * ?CriticalDampingFactor: float * ?DeltaTime: float * ?Mass: float -> obj
abstract VInterpTo: Current: Vector * Target: Vector * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector
abstract VInterpTo_Constant: Current: Vector * Target: Vector * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> Vector
abstract VLerp: A: Vector * B: Vector * Alpha: float -> Vector
abstract VSize: A: Vector -> float
abstract VSizeSquared: A: Vector -> float
abstract VSizeXY: A: Vector -> float
abstract K2_TwoBoneIK: RootPos: Vector * JointPos: Vector * EndPos: Vector * JointTarget: Vector * Effector: Vector * ?OutJointPos: Vector * ?OutEndPos: Vector * ?bAllowStretching: bool * ?StartStretchRatio: float * ?MaxStretchScale: float -> obj
abstract IsValidAIDirection: DirectionVector: Vector -> bool
abstract IsValidAILocation: Location: Vector -> bool
abstract GetPositionalTrackingCameraParameters: ?CameraOrigin: Vector * ?CameraRotation: Rotator * ?HFOV: float * ?VFOV: float * ?CameraDistance: float * ?NearPlane: float * ?FarPlane: float -> obj
abstract GetTrackingSensorParameters: ?Origin: Vector * ?Rotation: Rotator * ?LeftFOV: float * ?RightFOV: float * ?TopFOV: float * ?BottomFOV: float * ?Distance: float * ?NearPlane: float * ?FarPlane: float * ?IsActive: bool * ?index: float -> obj
//abstract GetGuardianDimensions: BoundaryType: EBoundaryType -> Vector
abstract Conv_FloatToVector: InFloat: float -> Vector
abstract CreateVectorFromYawPitch: Yaw: float * Pitch: float * Length: float -> Vector
abstract GetVectorArrayAverage: Vectors: ResizeArray<Vector> -> Vector
abstract MakeVector: X: float * Y: float * Z: float -> Vector
abstract RandomUnitVector: unit -> Vector
abstract NextSobolCell3D: index: float * NumCells: float * PreviousValue: Vector -> Vector
abstract RandomSobolCell3D: index: float * NumCells: float * Cell: Vector * Seed: Vector -> Vector
abstract GetActorArrayAverageLocation: Actors: ResizeArray<Actor> -> Vector
abstract K2_MakePerlinNoiseVectorAndRemap: X: float * Y: float * Z: float * RangeOutMinX: float * RangeOutMaxX: float * RangeOutMinY: float * RangeOutMaxY: float * RangeOutMinZ: float * RangeOutMaxZ: float -> Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Guid =
abstract A: float with get, set
abstract B: float with get, set
abstract C: float with get, set
abstract D: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Guid
abstract GetARPinPositionAndOrientation: ?Position: Vector * ?Orientation: Rotator * ?PinFoundInEnvironment: bool -> obj
abstract Conv_GuidToString: unit -> string
abstract EqualEqual_GuidGuid: B: Guid -> bool
abstract Invalidate_Guid: unit -> obj
abstract IsValid_Guid: unit -> bool
abstract NotEqual_GuidGuid: B: Guid -> bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GuidStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Guid
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Guid
abstract GetARPinPositionAndOrientation: PinID: Guid * ?Position: Vector * ?Orientation: Rotator * ?PinFoundInEnvironment: bool -> obj
abstract Conv_GuidToString: InGuid: Guid -> string
abstract EqualEqual_GuidGuid: A: Guid * B: Guid -> bool
abstract Invalidate_Guid: ?InGuid: Guid -> obj
abstract IsValid_Guid: InGuid: Guid -> bool
abstract NotEqual_GuidGuid: A: Guid * B: Guid -> bool
abstract NewGuid: unit -> Guid
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EPassableWorldError =
| [<CompiledName "None">] None
| [<CompiledName "LowMapQuality">] LowMapQuality
| [<CompiledName "UnableToLocalize">] UnableToLocalize
| [<CompiledName "Unavailable">] Unavailable
| [<CompiledName "PrivilegeDenied">] PrivilegeDenied
| [<CompiledName "InvalidParam">] InvalidParam
| [<CompiledName "UnspecifiedFailure">] UnspecifiedFailure
| [<CompiledName "PrivilegeRequestPending">] PrivilegeRequestPending
| [<CompiledName "EPassableWorldError_MAX">] EPassableWorldError_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Color =
abstract B: float with get, set
abstract G: float with get, set
abstract R: float with get, set
abstract A: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Color
abstract Conv_ColorToLinearColor: unit -> LinearColor
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ColorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Color
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Color
abstract Conv_ColorToLinearColor: InColor: Color -> LinearColor
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LinearColor =
abstract R: float with get, set
abstract G: float with get, set
abstract B: float with get, set
abstract A: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_ColorToText: unit -> string
abstract Conv_ColorToString: unit -> string
abstract BreakColor: ?R: float * ?G: float * ?B: float * ?A: float -> obj
abstract CInterpTo: Target: LinearColor * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_LinearColorToColor: unit -> Color
abstract Conv_LinearColorToVector: unit -> Vector
abstract HSVToRGB_Vector: ?RGB: LinearColor -> obj
abstract LinearColorLerp: B: LinearColor * Alpha: float -> LinearColor
abstract LinearColorLerpUsingHSV: B: LinearColor * Alpha: float -> LinearColor
abstract Multiply_LinearColorFloat: B: float -> LinearColor
abstract Multiply_LinearColorLinearColor: B: LinearColor -> LinearColor
abstract RGBToHSV: ?H: float * ?S: float * ?V: float * ?A: float -> obj
abstract RGBToHSV_Vector: ?HSV: LinearColor -> obj
abstract SelectColor: B: LinearColor * bPickA: bool -> LinearColor
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LinearColorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> LinearColor
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_ColorToText: InColor: LinearColor -> string
abstract Conv_ColorToString: InColor: LinearColor -> string
abstract BreakColor: InColor: LinearColor * ?R: float * ?G: float * ?B: float * ?A: float -> obj
abstract CInterpTo: Current: LinearColor * Target: LinearColor * DeltaTime: float * InterpSpeed: float -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_LinearColorToColor: InLinearColor: LinearColor -> Color
abstract Conv_LinearColorToVector: InLinearColor: LinearColor -> Vector
abstract HSVToRGB_Vector: HSV: LinearColor * ?RGB: LinearColor -> obj
abstract LinearColorLerp: A: LinearColor * B: LinearColor * Alpha: float -> LinearColor
abstract LinearColorLerpUsingHSV: A: LinearColor * B: LinearColor * Alpha: float -> LinearColor
abstract Multiply_LinearColorFloat: A: LinearColor * B: float -> LinearColor
abstract Multiply_LinearColorLinearColor: A: LinearColor * B: LinearColor -> LinearColor
abstract RGBToHSV: InColor: LinearColor * ?H: float * ?S: float * ?V: float * ?A: float -> obj
abstract RGBToHSV_Vector: RGB: LinearColor * ?HSV: LinearColor -> obj
abstract SelectColor: A: LinearColor * B: LinearColor * bPickA: bool -> LinearColor
abstract Conv_FloatToLinearColor: InFloat: float -> LinearColor
abstract HSVToRGB: H: float * S: float * V: float * A: float -> LinearColor
abstract MakeColor: R: float * G: float * B: float * A: float -> LinearColor
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IntVector =
abstract X: float with get, set
abstract Y: float with get, set
abstract Z: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> IntVector
abstract Conv_IntVectorToString: unit -> string
abstract Conv_IntVectorToVector: unit -> Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IntVectorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> IntVector
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> IntVector
abstract Conv_IntVectorToString: InIntVec: IntVector -> string
abstract Conv_IntVectorToVector: InIntVector: IntVector -> Vector
abstract Conv_IntToIntVector: inInt: float -> IntVector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Plane =
inherit Vector
abstract W: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Plane
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PlaneStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Plane
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Plane
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box =
abstract Min: Vector with get, set
abstract Max: Vector with get, set
abstract IsValid: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Box
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BoxStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Box
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Box
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VectorSpringState =
abstract clone: unit -> VectorSpringState
abstract ResetVectorSpringState: unit -> obj
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VectorSpringStateStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> VectorSpringState
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> VectorSpringState
abstract ResetVectorSpringState: ?SpringState: VectorSpringState -> obj
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Actor =
inherit UObject
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextPropertyTestObject =
inherit UObject
abstract DefaultedText: string with get, set
abstract UndefaultedText: string with get, set
abstract TransientText: string with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextPropertyTestObjectStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> TextPropertyTestObject
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> TextPropertyTestObject
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> TextPropertyTestObject
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> TextPropertyTestObject
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> TextPropertyTestObject
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> TextPropertyTestObject
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MaterialInterface =
inherit UObject
//abstract SubsurfaceProfile: SubsurfaceProfile with get, set
//abstract LightmassSettings: LightmassMaterialInterfaceSettings with get, set
abstract bTextureStreamingDataSorted: bool with get, set
abstract TextureStreamingDataVersion: float with get, set
//abstract TextureStreamingData: ResizeArray<MaterialTextureInfo> with get, set
//abstract AssetUserData: ResizeArray<AssetUserData> with get, set
//abstract PreviewMesh: SoftObjectPath with get, set
//abstract ThumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo with get, set
abstract LayerParameterExpansion: obj option with get, set
//abstract AssetImportData: AssetImportData with get, set
abstract LightingGuid: Guid with get, set
abstract SetForceMipLevelsToBeResident: OverrideForceMiplevelsToBeResident: bool * bForceMiplevelsToBeResidentValue: bool * ForceDuration: float * CinematicTextureGroups: float -> unit
//abstract GetPhysicalMaterial: unit -> PhysicalMaterial
//abstract GetBaseMaterial: unit -> Material
//abstract SpawnDecalAttached: DecalSize: Vector * AttachToComponent: SceneComponent * AttachPointName: string * Location: Vector * Rotation: Rotator * LocationType: EAttachLocation * LifeSpan: float -> DecalComponent
//abstract MakeBrushFromMaterial: Width: float * Height: float -> SlateBrush
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MaterialInterfaceStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> MaterialInterface
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> MaterialInterface
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> MaterialInterface
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> MaterialInterface
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> MaterialInterface
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> MaterialInterface
//abstract SpawnDecalAttached: DecalMaterial: MaterialInterface * DecalSize: Vector * AttachToComponent: SceneComponent * AttachPointName: string * Location: Vector * Rotation: Rotator * LocationType: EAttachLocation * LifeSpan: float -> DecalComponent
//abstract MakeBrushFromMaterial: Material: MaterialInterface * Width: float * Height: float -> SlateBrush
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] ERadialImpulseFalloff =
| [<CompiledName "RIF_Constant">] RIF_Constant
| [<CompiledName "RIF_Linear">] RIF_Linear
| [<CompiledName "RIF_MAX">] RIF_MAX
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EDetachmentRule =
| [<CompiledName "KeepRelative">] KeepRelative
| [<CompiledName "KeepWorld">] KeepWorld
| [<CompiledName "EDetachmentRule_MAX">] EDetachmentRule_MAX
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EMoveComponentAction =
| [<CompiledName "Move">] Move
| [<CompiledName "Stop">] Stop
| [<CompiledName "Return">] Return
| [<CompiledName "EMoveComponentAction_MAX">] EMoveComponentAction_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ActorComponent =
inherit UObject
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SceneComponent =
inherit ActorComponent
abstract PhysicsVolume: obj option with get, set
abstract AttachParent: SceneComponent with get, set
abstract AttachSocketName: string with get, set
abstract AttachChildren: ResizeArray<SceneComponent> with get, set
abstract ClientAttachedChildren: ResizeArray<SceneComponent> with get, set
abstract RelativeLocation: Vector with get, set
abstract RelativeRotation: Rotator with get, set
abstract RelativeScale3D: Vector with get, set
abstract ComponentVelocity: Vector with get, set
abstract bComponentToWorldUpdated: bool with get, set
abstract bAbsoluteLocation: bool with get, set
abstract bAbsoluteRotation: bool with get, set
abstract bAbsoluteScale: bool with get, set
abstract bVisible: bool with get, set
abstract bHiddenInGame: bool with get, set
abstract bShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume: bool with get, set
abstract bBoundsChangeTriggersStreamingDataRebuild: bool with get, set
abstract bUseAttachParentBound: bool with get, set
abstract bAbsoluteTranslation: bool with get, set
abstract bVisualizeComponent: bool with get, set
//abstract Mobility: EComponentMobility with get, set
//abstract DetailMode: EDetailMode with get, set
//abstract PhysicsVolumeChangedDelegate: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PhysicsVolume -> unit)> with get, set
abstract RelativeTranslation: Vector with get, set
abstract ToggleVisibility: bPropagateToChildren: bool -> unit
abstract SnapTo: InParent: SceneComponent * InSocketName: string -> bool
abstract SetWorldScale3D: NewScale: Vector -> unit
abstract SetVisibility: bNewVisibility: bool * bPropagateToChildren: bool -> unit
abstract SetShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume: bInShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume: bool -> unit
abstract SetRelativeScale3D: NewScale3D: Vector -> unit
//abstract SetMobility: NewMobility: EComponentMobility -> unit
abstract SetHiddenInGame: NewHidden: bool * bPropagateToChildren: bool -> unit
abstract SetAbsolute: bNewAbsoluteLocation: bool * bNewAbsoluteRotation: bool * bNewAbsoluteScale: bool -> unit
abstract ResetRelativeTransform: unit -> unit
abstract OnRep_Visibility: OldValue: bool -> unit
abstract OnRep_Transform: unit -> unit
abstract OnRep_AttachSocketName: unit -> unit
abstract OnRep_AttachParent: unit -> unit
abstract OnRep_AttachChildren: unit -> unit
//abstract K2_SetWorldTransform: NewTransform: Transform * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetWorldRotation: NewRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetWorldLocationAndRotation: NewLocation: Vector * NewRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetWorldLocation: NewLocation: Vector * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetRelativeTransform: NewTransform: Transform * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetRelativeRotation: NewRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetRelativeLocationAndRotation: NewLocation: Vector * NewRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_SetRelativeLocation: NewLocation: Vector * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
abstract K2_GetComponentToWorld: unit -> Transform
abstract K2_GetComponentScale: unit -> Vector
abstract K2_GetComponentRotation: unit -> Rotator
abstract K2_GetComponentLocation: unit -> Vector
abstract K2_DetachFromComponent: LocationRule: EDetachmentRule * RotationRule: EDetachmentRule * ScaleRule: EDetachmentRule * bCallModify: bool -> unit
//abstract K2_AttachToComponent: Parent: SceneComponent * SocketName: string * LocationRule: EAttachmentRule * RotationRule: EAttachmentRule * ScaleRule: EAttachmentRule * bWeldSimulatedBodies: bool -> bool
//abstract K2_AttachTo: InParent: SceneComponent * InSocketName: string * AttachType: EAttachLocation * bWeldSimulatedBodies: bool -> bool
//abstract K2_AddWorldTransform: DeltaTransform: Transform * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddWorldRotation: DeltaRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddWorldOffset: DeltaLocation: Vector * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddRelativeRotation: DeltaRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddRelativeLocation: DeltaLocation: Vector * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddLocalTransform: DeltaTransform: Transform * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddLocalRotation: DeltaRotation: Rotator * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
//abstract K2_AddLocalOffset: DeltaLocation: Vector * bSweep: bool * ?SweepHitResult: HitResult * ?bTeleport: bool -> obj
abstract IsVisible: unit -> bool
abstract IsSimulatingPhysics: BoneName: string -> bool
abstract IsAnySimulatingPhysics: unit -> bool
abstract GetUpVector: unit -> Vector
//abstract GetSocketTransform: InSocketName: string * TransformSpace: ERelativeTransformSpace -> Transform
abstract GetSocketRotation: InSocketName: string -> Rotator
abstract GetSocketQuaternion: InSocketName: string -> Quat
abstract GetSocketLocation: InSocketName: string -> Vector
abstract GetShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume: unit -> bool
abstract GetRightVector: unit -> Vector
abstract GetRelativeTransform: unit -> Transform
//abstract GetPhysicsVolume: unit -> PhysicsVolume
abstract GetParentComponents: ?Parents: ResizeArray<SceneComponent> -> obj
abstract GetNumChildrenComponents: unit -> float
abstract GetForwardVector: unit -> Vector
abstract GetComponentVelocity: unit -> Vector
abstract GetChildrenComponents: bIncludeAllDescendants: bool * ?Children: ResizeArray<SceneComponent> -> obj
abstract GetChildComponent: ChildIndex: float -> SceneComponent
abstract GetAttachSocketName: unit -> string
abstract GetAttachParent: unit -> SceneComponent
abstract GetAllSocketNames: unit -> ResizeArray<string>
abstract DoesSocketExist: InSocketName: string -> bool
abstract DetachFromParent: bMaintainWorldPosition: bool * bCallModify: bool -> unit
abstract SetMobile: unit -> unit
//abstract SetMobility: Type: EComponentMobility -> unit
abstract GetComponentBounds: ?Origin: Vector * ?BoxExtent: Vector * ?SphereRadius: float -> obj
//abstract MoveComponentTo: TargetRelativeLocation: Vector * TargetRelativeRotation: Rotator * bEaseOut: bool * bEaseIn: bool * OverTime: float * bForceShortestRotationPath: bool * MoveAction: EMoveComponentAction * LatentInfo: LatentActionInfo -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SceneComponentStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> SceneComponent
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> SceneComponent
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> SceneComponent
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> SceneComponent
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> SceneComponent
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> SceneComponent
abstract SetMobile: SceneComponent: SceneComponent -> unit
//abstract SetMobility: SceneComponent: SceneComponent * Type: EComponentMobility -> unit
abstract GetComponentBounds: Component: SceneComponent * ?Origin: Vector * ?BoxExtent: Vector * ?SphereRadius: float -> obj
//abstract MoveComponentTo: Component: SceneComponent * TargetRelativeLocation: Vector * TargetRelativeRotation: Rotator * bEaseOut: bool * bEaseIn: bool * OverTime: float * bForceShortestRotationPath: bool * MoveAction: EMoveComponentAction * LatentInfo: LatentActionInfo -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PrimitiveComponent =
inherit SceneComponent
abstract MinDrawDistance: float with get, set
abstract LDMaxDrawDistance: float with get, set
abstract CachedMaxDrawDistance: float with get, set
//abstract DepthPriorityGroup: ESceneDepthPriorityGroup with get, set
//abstract ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup: ESceneDepthPriorityGroup with get, set
//abstract IndirectLightingCacheQuality: EIndirectLightingCacheQuality with get, set
//abstract LightmapType: ELightmapType with get, set
abstract bEnableAutoLODGeneration: bool with get, set
abstract bUseMaxLODAsImposter: bool with get, set
abstract ExcludeForSpecificHLODLevels: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract bNeverDistanceCull: bool with get, set
abstract bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState: bool with get, set
abstract bGenerateOverlapEvents: bool with get, set
abstract bMultiBodyOverlap: bool with get, set
abstract bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove: bool with get, set
abstract bTraceComplexOnMove: bool with get, set
abstract bReturnMaterialOnMove: bool with get, set
abstract bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup: bool with get, set
abstract bAllowCullDistanceVolume: bool with get, set
abstract bHasMotionBlurVelocityMeshes: bool with get, set
abstract bVisibleInReflectionCaptures: bool with get, set
abstract bRenderInMainPass: bool with get, set
abstract bRenderInMono: bool with get, set
abstract bReceivesDecals: bool with get, set
abstract bOwnerNoSee: bool with get, set
abstract bOnlyOwnerSee: bool with get, set
abstract bTreatAsBackgroundForOcclusion: bool with get, set
abstract bUseAsOccluder: bool with get, set
abstract bSelectable: bool with get, set
abstract bForceMipStreaming: bool with get, set
abstract bHasPerInstanceHitProxies: bool with get, set
abstract CastShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bAffectDynamicIndirectLighting: bool with get, set
abstract bAffectDistanceFieldLighting: bool with get, set
abstract bCastDynamicShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastStaticShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastVolumetricTranslucentShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bSelfShadowOnly: bool with get, set
abstract bCastFarShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastInsetShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastCinematicShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastHiddenShadow: bool with get, set
abstract bCastShadowAsTwoSided: bool with get, set
abstract bLightAsIfStatic: bool with get, set
abstract bLightAttachmentsAsGroup: bool with get, set
abstract bReceiveMobileCSMShadows: bool with get, set
abstract bSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights: bool with get, set
abstract bIgnoreRadialImpulse: bool with get, set
abstract bIgnoreRadialForce: bool with get, set
abstract bApplyImpulseOnDamage: bool with get, set
abstract bReplicatePhysicsToAutonomousProxy: bool with get, set
abstract AlwaysLoadOnClient: bool with get, set
abstract AlwaysLoadOnServer: bool with get, set
abstract bUseEditorCompositing: bool with get, set
abstract bRenderCustomDepth: bool with get, set
//abstract bHasCustomNavigableGeometry: EHasCustomNavigableGeometry with get, set
//abstract CanBeCharacterBase: ECanBeCharacterBase with get, set
//abstract CanCharacterStepUpOn: ECanBeCharacterBase with get, set
//abstract LightingChannels: LightingChannels with get, set
//abstract CustomDepthStencilWriteMask: ERendererStencilMask with get, set
abstract CustomDepthStencilValue: float with get, set
abstract TranslucencySortPriority: float with get, set
abstract VisibilityId: float with get, set
abstract LpvBiasMultiplier: float with get, set
abstract BoundsScale: float with get, set
abstract LastSubmitTime: float with get, set
abstract LastRenderTime: float with get, set
abstract LastRenderTimeOnScreen: float with get, set
abstract MoveIgnoreActors: ResizeArray<Actor> with get, set
abstract MoveIgnoreComponents: ResizeArray<PrimitiveComponent> with get, set
//abstract BodyInstance: BodyInstance with get, set
//abstract OnComponentHit: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> Actor -> PrimitiveComponent -> Vector -> HitResult -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnComponentBeginOverlap: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> Actor -> PrimitiveComponent -> float -> bool -> HitResult -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnComponentEndOverlap: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> Actor -> PrimitiveComponent -> float -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnComponentWake: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> string -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnComponentSleep: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> string -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnBeginCursorOver: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnEndCursorOver: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnClicked: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> Key -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnReleased: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(PrimitiveComponent -> Key -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnInputTouchBegin: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(ETouchIndex -> PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnInputTouchEnd: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(ETouchIndex -> PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnInputTouchEnter: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(ETouchIndex -> PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
//abstract OnInputTouchLeave: UnrealEngineMulticastDelegate<(ETouchIndex -> PrimitiveComponent -> unit)> with get, set
abstract LODParentPrimitive: PrimitiveComponent with get, set
//abstract PostPhysicsComponentTick: PrimitiveComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction with get, set
abstract WakeRigidBody: BoneName: string -> unit
abstract WakeAllRigidBodies: unit -> unit
//abstract SetWalkableSlopeOverride: NewOverride: WalkableSlopeOverride -> unit
abstract SetUseCCD: InUseCCD: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetTranslucentSortPriority: NewTranslucentSortPriority: float -> unit
abstract SetSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights: bNewSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights: bool -> unit
abstract SetSimulatePhysics: bSimulate: bool -> unit
abstract SetRenderInMono: bValue: bool -> unit
abstract SetRenderInMainPass: bValue: bool -> unit
abstract SetRenderCustomDepth: bValue: bool -> unit
abstract SetReceivesDecals: bNewReceivesDecals: bool -> unit
//abstract SetPhysMaterialOverride: NewPhysMaterial: PhysicalMaterial -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsMaxAngularVelocityInRadians: NewMaxAngVel: float * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsMaxAngularVelocityInDegrees: NewMaxAngVel: float * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsMaxAngularVelocity: NewMaxAngVel: float * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsLinearVelocity: NewVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsAngularVelocityInRadians: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetPhysicsAngularVelocity: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetOwnerNoSee: bNewOwnerNoSee: bool -> unit
abstract SetOnlyOwnerSee: bNewOnlyOwnerSee: bool -> unit
abstract SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision: bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision: bool -> unit
abstract SetMaterialByName: MaterialSlotName: string * Material: MaterialInterface -> unit
abstract SetMaterial: ElementIndex: float * Material: MaterialInterface -> unit
abstract SetMassScale: BoneName: string * InMassScale: float -> unit
abstract SetMassOverrideInKg: BoneName: string * MassInKg: float * bOverrideMass: bool -> unit
//abstract SetLockedAxis: LockedAxis: EDOFMode -> unit
abstract SetLinearDamping: InDamping: float -> unit
abstract SetGenerateOverlapEvents: bInGenerateOverlapEvents: bool -> unit
abstract SetEnableGravity: bGravityEnabled: bool -> unit
//abstract SetCustomDepthStencilWriteMask: WriteMaskBit: ERendererStencilMask -> unit
abstract SetCustomDepthStencilValue: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetCullDistance: NewCullDistance: float -> unit
//abstract SetConstraintMode: ConstraintMode: EDOFMode -> unit
//abstract SetCollisionResponseToChannel: Channel: ECollisionChannel * NewResponse: ECollisionResponse -> unit
//abstract SetCollisionResponseToAllChannels: NewResponse: ECollisionResponse -> unit
abstract SetCollisionProfileName: InCollisionProfileName: string -> unit
//abstract SetCollisionObjectType: Channel: ECollisionChannel -> unit
//abstract SetCollisionEnabled: NewType: ECollisionEnabled -> unit
abstract SetCenterOfMass: CenterOfMassOffset: Vector * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract SetCastShadow: NewCastShadow: bool -> unit
abstract SetBoundsScale: NewBoundsScale: float -> unit
abstract SetAngularDamping: InDamping: float -> unit
abstract SetAllUseCCD: InUseCCD: bool -> unit
abstract SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity: NewVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool -> unit
abstract SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocityInRadians: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool -> unit
abstract SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool -> unit
abstract SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity: NewAngVel: Vector * bAddToCurrent: bool -> unit
abstract SetAllMassScale: InMassScale: float -> unit
abstract ScaleByMomentOfInertia: InputVector: Vector * BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract PutRigidBodyToSleep: BoneName: string -> unit
//abstract K2_SphereTraceComponent: TraceStart: Vector * TraceEnd: Vector * SphereRadius: float * bTraceComplex: bool * bShowTrace: bool * bPersistentShowTrace: bool * ?HitLocation: Vector * ?HitNormal: Vector * ?BoneName: string * ?OutHit: HitResult -> obj
//abstract K2_SphereOverlapComponent: InSphereCentre: Vector * InSphereRadius: float * bTraceComplex: bool * bShowTrace: bool * bPersistentShowTrace: bool * ?HitLocation: Vector * ?HitNormal: Vector * ?BoneName: string * ?OutHit: HitResult -> obj
//abstract K2_LineTraceComponent: TraceStart: Vector * TraceEnd: Vector * bTraceComplex: bool * bShowTrace: bool * bPersistentShowTrace: bool * ?HitLocation: Vector * ?HitNormal: Vector * ?BoneName: string * ?OutHit: HitResult -> obj
abstract K2_IsQueryCollisionEnabled: unit -> bool
abstract K2_IsPhysicsCollisionEnabled: unit -> bool
abstract K2_IsCollisionEnabled: unit -> bool
//abstract K2_BoxOverlapComponent: InBoxCentre: Vector * InBox: Box * bTraceComplex: bool * bShowTrace: bool * bPersistentShowTrace: bool * ?HitLocation: Vector * ?HitNormal: Vector * ?BoneName: string * ?OutHit: HitResult -> obj
abstract IsOverlappingComponent: OtherComp: PrimitiveComponent -> bool
abstract IsOverlappingActor: Other: Actor -> bool
abstract IsGravityEnabled: unit -> bool
abstract IsAnyRigidBodyAwake: unit -> bool
abstract IgnoreComponentWhenMoving: Component: PrimitiveComponent * bShouldIgnore: bool -> unit
abstract IgnoreActorWhenMoving: Actor: Actor * bShouldIgnore: bool -> unit
//abstract GetWalkableSlopeOverride: unit -> WalkableSlopeOverride
abstract GetPhysicsLinearVelocityAtPoint: Point: Vector * BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetPhysicsLinearVelocity: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetPhysicsAngularVelocityInRadians: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetPhysicsAngularVelocity: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetOverlappingComponents: ?OutOverlappingComponents: ResizeArray<PrimitiveComponent> -> obj
abstract GetOverlappingActors: ?OverlappingActors: ResizeArray<Actor> * ?ClassFilter: UnrealEngineClass -> obj
abstract GetNumMaterials: unit -> float
abstract GetMaterialFromCollisionFaceIndex: FaceIndex: float * ?SectionIndex: float -> obj
abstract GetMaterial: ElementIndex: float -> MaterialInterface
abstract GetMassScale: BoneName: string -> float
abstract GetMass: unit -> float
abstract GetLinearDamping: unit -> float
abstract GetInertiaTensor: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetGenerateOverlapEvents: unit -> bool
//abstract GetCollisionResponseToChannel: Channel: ECollisionChannel -> ECollisionResponse
abstract GetCollisionProfileName: unit -> string
//abstract GetCollisionObjectType: unit -> ECollisionChannel
//abstract GetCollisionEnabled: unit -> ECollisionEnabled
abstract GetClosestPointOnCollision: Point: Vector * ?OutPointOnBody: Vector * ?BoneName: string -> obj
abstract GetCenterOfMass: BoneName: string -> Vector
abstract GetAngularDamping: unit -> float
//abstract CreateDynamicMaterialInstance: ElementIndex: float * SourceMaterial: MaterialInterface * OptionalName: string -> MaterialInstanceDynamic
//abstract CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceDynamicFromMaterial: ElementIndex: float * Parent: MaterialInterface -> MaterialInstanceDynamic
//abstract CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceDynamic: ElementIndex: float -> MaterialInstanceDynamic
abstract CopyArrayOfMoveIgnoreComponents: unit -> ResizeArray<PrimitiveComponent>
abstract CopyArrayOfMoveIgnoreActors: unit -> ResizeArray<Actor>
abstract ClearMoveIgnoreComponents: unit -> unit
abstract ClearMoveIgnoreActors: unit -> unit
//abstract CanCharacterStepUp: Pawn: Pawn -> bool
abstract AddTorqueInRadians: Torque: Vector * BoneName: string * bAccelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddTorqueInDegrees: Torque: Vector * BoneName: string * bAccelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddTorque: Torque: Vector * BoneName: string * bAccelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddRadialImpulse: Origin: Vector * Radius: float * Strength: float * Falloff: ERadialImpulseFalloff * bVelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddRadialForce: Origin: Vector * Radius: float * Strength: float * Falloff: ERadialImpulseFalloff * bAccelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddImpulseAtLocation: Impulse: Vector * Location: Vector * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract AddImpulse: Impulse: Vector * BoneName: string * bVelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddForceAtLocationLocal: Force: Vector * Location: Vector * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract AddForceAtLocation: Force: Vector * Location: Vector * BoneName: string -> unit
abstract AddForce: Force: Vector * BoneName: string * bAccelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddAngularImpulseInRadians: Impulse: Vector * BoneName: string * bVelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddAngularImpulseInDegrees: Impulse: Vector * BoneName: string * bVelChange: bool -> unit
abstract AddAngularImpulse: Impulse: Vector * BoneName: string * bVelChange: bool -> unit
//abstract ComponentOverlapActors: ComponentTransform: Transform * ObjectTypes: ResizeArray<EObjectTypeQuery> * ActorClassFilter: UnrealEngineClass * ActorsToIgnore: ResizeArray<Actor> * ?OutActors: ResizeArray<Actor> -> obj
//abstract ComponentOverlapComponents: ComponentTransform: Transform * ObjectTypes: ResizeArray<EObjectTypeQuery> * ComponentClassFilter: UnrealEngineClass * ActorsToIgnore: ResizeArray<Actor> * ?OutComponents: ResizeArray<PrimitiveComponent> -> obj
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PrimitiveComponentStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> PrimitiveComponent
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> PrimitiveComponent
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> PrimitiveComponent
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> PrimitiveComponent
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> PrimitiveComponent
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> PrimitiveComponent
//abstract ComponentOverlapActors: Component: PrimitiveComponent * ComponentTransform: Transform * ObjectTypes: ResizeArray<EObjectTypeQuery> * ActorClassFilter: UnrealEngineClass * ActorsToIgnore: ResizeArray<Actor> * ?OutActors: ResizeArray<Actor> -> obj
//abstract ComponentOverlapComponents: Component: PrimitiveComponent * ComponentTransform: Transform * ObjectTypes: ResizeArray<EObjectTypeQuery> * ComponentClassFilter: UnrealEngineClass * ActorsToIgnore: ResizeArray<Actor> * ?OutComponents: ResizeArray<PrimitiveComponent> -> obj
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EHorizTextAligment =
| [<CompiledName "EHTA_Left">] EHTA_Left
| [<CompiledName "EHTA_Center">] EHTA_Center
| [<CompiledName "EHTA_Right">] EHTA_Right
| [<CompiledName "EHTA_MAX">] EHTA_MAX
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EVerticalTextAligment =
| [<CompiledName "EVRTA_TextTop">] EVRTA_TextTop
| [<CompiledName "EVRTA_TextCenter">] EVRTA_TextCenter
| [<CompiledName "EVRTA_TextBottom">] EVRTA_TextBottom
| [<CompiledName "EVRTA_QuadTop">] EVRTA_QuadTop
| [<CompiledName "EVRTA_MAX">] EVRTA_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextRenderComponent =
inherit PrimitiveComponent
abstract text: string with get, set
abstract TextMaterial: MaterialInterface with get, set
abstract Font: Font with get, set
abstract HorizontalAlignment: EHorizTextAligment with get, set
abstract VerticalAlignment: EVerticalTextAligment with get, set
abstract TextRenderColor: Color with get, set
abstract XScale: float with get, set
abstract YScale: float with get, set
abstract WorldSize: float with get, set
abstract InvDefaultSize: float with get, set
abstract HorizSpacingAdjust: float with get, set
abstract VertSpacingAdjust: float with get, set
abstract bAlwaysRenderAsText: bool with get, set
abstract SetYScale: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetXScale: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetWorldSize: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetVertSpacingAdjust: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetVerticalAlignment: Value: EVerticalTextAligment -> unit
abstract SetTextRenderColor: Value: Color -> unit
abstract SetTextMaterial: Material: MaterialInterface -> unit
abstract SetText: Value: string -> unit
abstract SetHorizSpacingAdjust: Value: float -> unit
abstract SetHorizontalAlignment: Value: EHorizTextAligment -> unit
abstract SetFont: Value: Font -> unit
abstract K2_SetText: Value: string -> unit
abstract GetTextWorldSize: unit -> Vector
abstract GetTextLocalSize: unit -> Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextureParameterValue =
abstract ParameterName: string with get, set
//abstract ParameterInfo: MaterialParameterInfo with get, set
//abstract ParameterValue: Texture with get, set
abstract ExpressionGUID: Guid with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> TextureParameterValue
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextureParameterValueStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> TextureParameterValue
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> TextureParameterValue
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EFontCacheType =
| [<CompiledName "Offline">] Offline
| [<CompiledName "Runtime">] Runtime
| [<CompiledName "EFontCacheType_MAX">] EFontCacheType_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontCharacter =
abstract StartU: float with get, set
abstract StartV: float with get, set
abstract USize: float with get, set
abstract VSize: float with get, set
abstract TextureIndex: float with get, set
abstract VerticalOffset: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> FontCharacter
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontCharacterStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> FontCharacter
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> FontCharacter
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EFontImportCharacterSet =
| [<CompiledName "FontICS_Default">] FontICS_Default
| [<CompiledName "FontICS_Ansi">] FontICS_Ansi
| [<CompiledName "FontICS_Symbol">] FontICS_Symbol
| [<CompiledName "FontICS_MAX">] FontICS_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontImportOptionsData =
abstract FontName: string with get, set
abstract Height: float with get, set
abstract bEnableAntialiasing: bool with get, set
abstract bEnableBold: bool with get, set
abstract bEnableItalic: bool with get, set
abstract bEnableUnderline: bool with get, set
abstract bAlphaOnly: bool with get, set
abstract CharacterSet: EFontImportCharacterSet with get, set
abstract Chars: string with get, set
abstract UnicodeRange: string with get, set
abstract CharsFilePath: string with get, set
abstract CharsFileWildcard: string with get, set
abstract bCreatePrintableOnly: bool with get, set
abstract bIncludeASCIIRange: bool with get, set
abstract ForegroundColor: LinearColor with get, set
abstract bEnableDropShadow: bool with get, set
abstract TexturePageWidth: float with get, set
abstract TexturePageMaxHeight: float with get, set
abstract XPadding: float with get, set
abstract YPadding: float with get, set
abstract ExtendBoxTop: float with get, set
abstract ExtendBoxBottom: float with get, set
abstract ExtendBoxRight: float with get, set
abstract ExtendBoxLeft: float with get, set
abstract bEnableLegacyMode: bool with get, set
abstract Kerning: float with get, set
abstract bUseDistanceFieldAlpha: bool with get, set
abstract DistanceFieldScaleFactor: float with get, set
abstract DistanceFieldScanRadiusScale: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> FontImportOptionsData
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontImportOptionsDataStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> FontImportOptionsData
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> FontImportOptionsData
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EFontHinting =
| [<CompiledName "Default">] Default
| [<CompiledName "Auto">] Auto
| [<CompiledName "AutoLight">] AutoLight
| [<CompiledName "Monochrome">] Monochrome
| [<CompiledName "None">] None
| [<CompiledName "EFontHinting_MAX">] EFontHinting_MAX
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] EFontLoadingPolicy =
| [<CompiledName "LazyLoad">] LazyLoad
| [<CompiledName "Stream">] Stream
| [<CompiledName "Inline">] Inline
| [<CompiledName "EFontLoadingPolicy_MAX">] EFontLoadingPolicy_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontBulkData =
inherit UObject
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontBulkDataStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> FontBulkData
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> FontBulkData
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> FontBulkData
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> FontBulkData
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> FontBulkData
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> FontBulkData
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontData =
abstract FontFilename: string with get, set
abstract Hinting: EFontHinting with get, set
abstract LoadingPolicy: EFontLoadingPolicy with get, set
abstract SubFaceIndex: float with get, set
abstract FontFaceAsset: UObject with get, set
abstract BulkDataPtr: FontBulkData with get, set
abstract FontData: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> FontData
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontDataStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> FontData
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> FontData
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TypefaceEntry =
abstract Name: string with get, set
abstract Font: FontData with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> TypefaceEntry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TypefaceEntryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> TypefaceEntry
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> TypefaceEntry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Typeface =
abstract Fonts: ResizeArray<TypefaceEntry> with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Typeface
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TypefaceStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Typeface
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Typeface
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeFallbackFont =
abstract Typeface: Typeface with get, set
abstract ScalingFactor: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> CompositeFallbackFont
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeFallbackFontStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> CompositeFallbackFont
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> CompositeFallbackFont
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] ERangeBoundTypes =
| [<CompiledName "Exclusive">] Exclusive
| [<CompiledName "Inclusive">] Inclusive
| [<CompiledName "Open">] Open
| [<CompiledName "ERangeBoundTypes_MAX">] ERangeBoundTypes_MAX
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32RangeBound =
abstract Type: ERangeBoundTypes with get, set
abstract Value: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Int32RangeBound
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32RangeBoundStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Int32RangeBound
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Int32RangeBound
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32Range =
abstract LowerBound: Int32RangeBound with get, set
abstract UpperBound: Int32RangeBound with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Int32Range
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32RangeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Int32Range
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Int32Range
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeSubFont =
inherit CompositeFallbackFont
abstract CharacterRanges: ResizeArray<Int32Range> with get, set
abstract Cultures: string with get, set
abstract EditorName: string with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> CompositeSubFont
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeSubFontStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> CompositeSubFont
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> CompositeSubFont
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeFont =
abstract DefaultTypeface: Typeface with get, set
abstract FallbackTypeface: CompositeFallbackFont with get, set
abstract SubTypefaces: ResizeArray<CompositeSubFont> with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> CompositeFont
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompositeFontStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> CompositeFont
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> CompositeFont
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Font =
inherit UObject
abstract FontCacheType: EFontCacheType with get, set
abstract Characters: ResizeArray<FontCharacter> with get, set
//abstract Textures: ResizeArray<Texture2D> with get, set
abstract IsRemapped: float with get, set
abstract EmScale: float with get, set
abstract Ascent: float with get, set
abstract Descent: float with get, set
abstract Leading: float with get, set
abstract Kerning: float with get, set
abstract ImportOptions: FontImportOptionsData with get, set
abstract NumCharacters: float with get, set
abstract MaxCharHeight: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract ScalingFactor: float with get, set
abstract LegacyFontSize: float with get, set
abstract LegacyFontName: string with get, set
abstract CompositeFont: CompositeFont with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> Font
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> Font
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> Font
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> Font
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> Font
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Font
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontParameterValue =
abstract ParameterName: string with get, set
//abstract ParameterInfo: MaterialParameterInfo with get, set
abstract FontValue: Font with get, set
abstract FontPage: float with get, set
abstract ExpressionGUID: Guid with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> FontParameterValue
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontParameterValueStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> FontParameterValue
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> FontParameterValue
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextRenderComponentStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> TextRenderComponent
abstract Load: ResourceName: string -> TextRenderComponent
abstract Find: Outer: UObject * ResourceName: string -> TextRenderComponent
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> TextRenderComponent
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> TextRenderComponent
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> TextRenderComponent
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextRenderActor =
inherit Actor
abstract TextRender: TextRenderComponent with get, set
//abstract SpriteComponent: BillboardComponent with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextRenderActorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: unit -> TextRenderActor
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: InWorld: World * ?Location: Vector * ?Rotation: Rotator -> TextRenderActor
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> TextRenderActor
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> TextRenderActor
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> TextRenderActor
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ActorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">] abstract Create: InWorld: World * ?Location: Vector * ?Rotation: Rotator -> Actor
abstract GetDefaultObject: unit -> Actor
abstract CreateDefaultSubobject: Name: string * ?Transient: bool * ?Required: bool * ?Abstract: bool -> Actor
abstract C: Other: U2<UObject, obj option> -> Actor
abstract ClearActorLabel: Actor: Actor -> unit
abstract GetActorLabel: Actor: Actor -> string
abstract GetFolderPath: Actor: Actor -> string
abstract IsActorLabelEditable: Actor: Actor -> bool
abstract SetActorLabel: Actor: Actor * NewActorLabel: string * bMarkDirty: bool -> unit
abstract SetFolderPath: Actor: Actor * NewFolderPath: string -> unit
abstract SetFolderPath_Recursively: Actor: Actor * NewFolderPath: string -> unit
abstract SetIsTemporarilyHiddenInEditor: Actor: Actor * bIsHidden: bool -> unit
abstract Actor_GetWorld: Actor: Actor -> World
abstract GetLastRenderTime: Actor: Actor -> float
//abstract GetLevel: Actor: Actor -> Level
abstract IsPendingKill: InActor: Actor -> bool
abstract ReregisterAllComponents: Actor: Actor -> unit
abstract SetActorFlags: Actor: Actor * Flags: float -> unit
abstract SetRootComponent: Actor: Actor * Component: SceneComponent -> unit
abstract SetFocusActor: InFocusActor: Actor -> unit
abstract GetActorBounds: Actor: Actor * ?Origin: Vector * ?BoxExtent: Vector -> obj
//abstract ApplyDamage: DamagedActor: Actor * BaseDamage: float * EventInstigator: Controller * DamageCauser: Actor * DamageTypeClass: UnrealEngineClass -> float
//abstract ApplyPointDamage: DamagedActor: Actor * BaseDamage: float * HitFromDirection: Vector * HitInfo: HitResult * EventInstigator: Controller * DamageCauser: Actor * DamageTypeClass: UnrealEngineClass -> float
abstract FinishSpawningActor: Actor: Actor * SpawnTransform: Transform -> Actor
//abstract GetAIController: ControlledActor: Actor -> AIController
//abstract GetBlackboard: Target: Actor -> BlackboardComponent
//abstract AddDeviceVisualizationComponentBlocking: Target: Actor * XRDeviceId: XRDeviceId * bManualAttachment: bool * RelativeTransform: Transform -> PrimitiveComponent
//abstract AddNamedDeviceVisualizationComponentBlocking: Target: Actor * SystemName: string * DeviceName: string * bManualAttachment: bool * RelativeTransform: Transform * ?XRDeviceId: XRDeviceId -> obj
type World =
inherit UObject
let [<Global>] GWorld: World = jsNative
let [<Global>] Vector : VectorStatic = jsNative
let [<Global>] Rotator : RotatorStatic = jsNative
let [<Global>] Actor : ActorStatic = jsNative
let [<Global>] TextRenderActor : TextRenderActorStatic = jsNative
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