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Last active August 28, 2016 07:50
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WIP on Pixi bindings
// Type definitions for Pixi.js 3.0.9 dev
// Project:
// Definitions by: clark-stevenson <>
// Definitions:
namespace Fable.Import
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
open Fable.Import.Browser
module PIXI =
type RendererType =
abstract member UNKNOWN: float
abstract member WEBGL: float
abstract member CANVAS: float
type BlendModes =
abstract member NORMAL: float
abstract member ADD: float
abstract member MULTIPLY: float
abstract member SCREEN: float
abstract member OVERLAY: float
abstract member DARKEN: float
abstract member LIGHTEN: float
abstract member COLOR_DODGE: float
abstract member COLOR_BURN: float
abstract member HARD_LIGHT: float
abstract member SOFT_LIGHT: float
abstract member DIFFERENCE: float
abstract member EXCLUSION: float
abstract member HUE: float
abstract member SATURATION: float
abstract member COLOR: float
abstract member LUMINOSITY: float
type DrawModes =
abstract member POINTS: float
abstract member LINES: float
abstract member LINE_LOOP: float
abstract member LINE_STRIP: float
abstract member TRIANGLES: float
abstract member TRIANGLE_STRIP: float
abstract member TRIANGLE_FAN: float
type ScaleModes =
abstract member DEFAULT: float
abstract member LINEAR: float
abstract member NEAREST: float
type DefaultRenderOptions =
abstract member view: HTMLCanvasElement
abstract member resolution: float
abstract member antialias: bool
abstract member forceFXAA: bool
abstract member autoResize: bool
abstract member transparent: bool
abstract member backgroundColor: float
abstract member clearBeforeRender: bool
abstract member preserveDrawingBuffer: bool
abstract member roundPixels: bool
type Shapes =
abstract member POLY: float
abstract member RECT: float
abstract member CIRC: float
abstract member ELIP: float
abstract member RREC: float
type InteractionEvent =
abstract stopped: bool with get, set
abstract target: obj with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract data: obj (*InteractionData*) with get, set
abstract stopPropagation: unit -> unit
type EventEmitter() =
member __.listeners(``event``: string): ResizeArray<Function> = failwith "JS only"
member __.emit(``event``: string, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.on(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.once(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeListener(``event``: string, ?fn: Function, ?context: obj, ?once: bool): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeAllListeners(?``event``: string): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member``event``: string, ?fn: Function, ?context: obj, ?once: bool): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.addListener(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
and DisplayObject() =
inherit EventEmitter()
// interface interaction.InteractiveTarget
member __._originalRenderWebGL with get(): WebGLRenderer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._originalRenderCanvas with get(): CanvasRenderer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._originalUpdateTransform with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._originalHitTest with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._cachedSprite with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._originalDestroy with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.cacheAsBitmap with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._sr with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._cr with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._bounds with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._currentBounds with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._mask with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._cachedObject with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.position with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.scale with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pivot with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.rotation with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderable with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.alpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.visible with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.parent with get(): Container = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Container): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.worldAlpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.worldTransform with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.filterArea with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.worldVisible with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.mask with get(): U2<Graphics, Sprite> option = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<Graphics, Sprite> option): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.filters with get(): ResizeArray<AbstractFilter> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<AbstractFilter>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interactive with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.buttonMode with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interactiveChildren with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.defaultCursor with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.hitArea with get(): HitArea = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HitArea): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCachedWebGL(renderer: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._initCachedDisplayObject(renderer: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCachedCanvas(renderer: CanvasRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._initCachedDisplayObjectCanvas(renderer: CanvasRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._getCachedBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __._destroyCachedDisplayObject(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._cacheAsBitmapDestroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateTransform(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(?matrix: Matrix): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.getLocalBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.toGlobal(position: Point): Point = failwith "JS only"
member __.toLocal(position: Point, ?from: DisplayObject): Point = failwith "JS only"
member __.generateTexture(renderer: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>, scaleMode: float, resolution: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
member __.setParent(container: Container): Container = failwith "JS only"
member __.setTransform(?x: float, ?y: float, ?scaleX: float, ?scaleY: float, ?rotation: float, ?skewX: float, ?skewY: float, ?pivotX: float, ?pivotY: float): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getChildByName(name: string): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.getGlobalPosition(point: Point): Point = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('click',$1...)")>] member __.on_click(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mousedown',$1...)")>] member __.on_mousedown(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mouseout',$1...)")>] member __.on_mouseout(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mouseover',$1...)")>] member __.on_mouseover(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mouseup',$1...)")>] member __.on_mouseup(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mouseclick',$1...)")>] member __.on_mouseclick(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('mouseupoutside',$1...)")>] member __.on_mouseupoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('rightclick',$1...)")>] member __.on_rightclick(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('rightdown',$1...)")>] member __.on_rightdown(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('rightup',$1...)")>] member __.on_rightup(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('rightupoutside',$1...)")>] member __.on_rightupoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('tap',$1...)")>] member __.on_tap(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('touchend',$1...)")>] member __.on_touchend(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('touchendoutside',$1...)")>] member __.on_touchendoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('touchmove',$1...)")>] member __.on_touchmove(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('touchstart',$1...)")>] member __.on_touchstart(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.on(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('click',$1...)")>] member __.once_click(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mousedown',$1...)")>] member __.once_mousedown(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mouseout',$1...)")>] member __.once_mouseout(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mouseover',$1...)")>] member __.once_mouseover(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mouseup',$1...)")>] member __.once_mouseup(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mouseclick',$1...)")>] member __.once_mouseclick(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('mouseupoutside',$1...)")>] member __.once_mouseupoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('rightclick',$1...)")>] member __.once_rightclick(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('rightdown',$1...)")>] member __.once_rightdown(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('rightup',$1...)")>] member __.once_rightup(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('rightupoutside',$1...)")>] member __.once_rightupoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('tap',$1...)")>] member __.once_tap(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('touchend',$1...)")>] member __.once_touchend(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('touchendoutside',$1...)")>] member __.once_touchendoutside(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('touchmove',$1...)")>] member __.once_touchmove(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('touchstart',$1...)")>] member __.once_touchstart(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.once(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Container","PIXI")>] Container() =
inherit DisplayObject()
member __.onChildrenChange with get(): Func<unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.children with get(): ResizeArray<DisplayObject> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<DisplayObject>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderWebGL(renderer: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCanvas(renderer: CanvasRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.addChild([<ParamArray>] child: DisplayObject[]): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.addChildAt(child: DisplayObject, index: float): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.swapChildren(child: DisplayObject, child2: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getChildIndex(child: DisplayObject): float = failwith "JS only"
member __.setChildIndex(child: DisplayObject, index: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getChildAt(index: float): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeChild(child: DisplayObject): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeChildAt(index: float): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeChildren(?beginIndex: float, ?endIndex: float): ResizeArray<DisplayObject> = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(?destroyChildren: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.generateTexture(renderer: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>, ?resolution: float, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderWebGL(renderer: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderCanvas(renderer: CanvasRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('added',$1...)")>] member __.once_added(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.once(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('removed',$1...)")>] member __.once_removed(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('added',$1...)")>] member __.on_added(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.on(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('removed',$1...)")>] member __.on_removed(fn: Func<InteractionEvent, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("GraphicsData","PIXI")>] GraphicsData(lineWidth: float, lineColor: float, lineAlpha: float, fillColor: float, fillAlpha: float, fill: bool, shape: U4<Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon>) =
member __.lineWidth with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineColor with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineAlpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fillColor with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fillAlpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fill with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shape with get(): U4<Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U4<Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._lineTint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._fillTint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): GraphicsData = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Graphics","PIXI")>] Graphics() =
inherit Container()
member __.boundsDirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.glDirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fillAlpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineWidth with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineColor with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.isMask with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.boundsPadding with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineStyle(?lineWidth: float, ?color: float, ?alpha: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.moveTo(x: float, y: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.lineTo(x: float, y: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.quadraticCurveTo(cpX: float, cpY: float, toX: float, toY: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.bezierCurveTo(cpX: float, cpY: float, cpX2: float, cpY2: float, toX: float, toY: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.arcTo(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, radius: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.arc(cx: float, cy: float, radius: float, startAngle: float, endAngle: float, ?anticlockwise: bool): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.beginFill(color: float, ?alpha: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.endFill(): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawRect(x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawRoundedRect(x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float, radius: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawCircle(x: float, y: float, radius: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawEllipse(x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawPolygon(path: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ResizeArray<Point>>): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.clear(): Graphics = failwith "JS only"
member __.generateTexture(renderer: U2<WebGLRenderer, CanvasRenderer>, ?resolution: float, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(?matrix: Matrix): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.containsPoint(point: Point): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateLocalBounds(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawShape(shape: U4<Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon>): GraphicsData = failwith "JS only"
and GraphicsRenderer =
abstract start: unit -> unit
abstract stop: unit -> unit
abstract flush: unit -> unit
abstract render: ?``object``: obj -> unit
and WebGLGraphicsData =
interface end
and [<Import("Point","PIXI")>] Point(?x: float, ?y: float) =
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Point = failwith "JS only"
member __.copy(p: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.equals(p: Point): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.set(?x: float, ?y: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Matrix","PIXI")>] Matrix() =
member __.a with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.b with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.c with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.d with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tx with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.ty with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.IDENTITY with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.TEMP_MATRIX with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fromArray(array: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.toArray(?transpose: bool, ?out: ResizeArray<float>): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only"
member __.apply(pos: Point, ?newPos: Point): Point = failwith "JS only"
member __.applyInverse(pos: Point, ?newPos: Point): Point = failwith "JS only"
member __.translate(x: float, y: float): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.scale(x: float, y: float): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.rotate(angle: float): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.append(matrix: Matrix): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.prepend(matrix: Matrix): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.invert(): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.identity(): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.copy(matrix: Matrix): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.set(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, tx: float, ty: float): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.setTransform(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, sr: float, cr: float, cy: float, sy: float, nsx: float, cs: float): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
and HitArea =
abstract contains: x: float * y: float -> bool
and [<Import("Circle","PIXI")>] Circle(?x: float, ?y: float, ?radius: float) =
interface HitArea with
member __.contains(x: float, y: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.radius with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Circle = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Ellipse","PIXI")>] Ellipse(?x: float, ?y: float, ?width: float, ?height: float) =
interface HitArea with
member __.contains(x: float, y: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Ellipse = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Polygon","PIXI")>] Polygon([<ParamArray>] points: float[]) =
interface HitArea with
member __.contains(x: float, y: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.closed with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.points with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Polygon = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Rectangle","PIXI")>] Rectangle(?x: float, ?y: float, ?width: float, ?height: float) =
interface HitArea with
member __.contains(x: float, y: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.EMPTY with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("RoundedRectangle","PIXI")>] RoundedRectangle(?x: float, ?y: float, ?width: float, ?height: float, ?radius: float) =
interface HitArea with
member __.contains(x: float, y: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.x with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.radius with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.EMPTY with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
and [<KeyValueList>]
ParticleContainerProperties =
| Scale of bool
| Position of bool
| Rotation of bool
| Uvs of bool
| Alpha of bool
and [<Import("ParticleContainer","PIXI")>] ParticleContainer(?size: float, ?properties: ParticleContainerProperties list, ?batchSize: float) =
inherit Container()
member __._maxSize with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._batchSize with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._properties with get(): ResizeArray<bool> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<bool>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._buffers with get(): ResizeArray<WebGLBuffer> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<WebGLBuffer>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._bufferToUpdate with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onChildrenChange with get(): Func<float, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<float, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interactiveChildren with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.roundPixels with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setProperties(properties: ParticleContainerProperties list): unit = failwith "JS only"
and ParticleBuffer =
abstract gl: WebGLRenderingContext with get, set
abstract vertSize: float with get, set
abstract vertByteSize: float with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract dynamicProperties: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract staticProperties: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract staticStride: float with get, set
abstract staticBuffer: obj with get, set
abstract staticData: obj with get, set
abstract dynamicStride: float with get, set
abstract dynamicBuffer: obj with get, set
abstract dynamicData: obj with get, set
abstract initBuffers: unit -> unit
abstract bind: unit -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
and ParticleRenderer =
interface end
and ParticleShader =
interface end
and [<KeyValueList>]
RendererOptions =
| View of HTMLCanvasElement
| Transparent of bool
| Antialias of bool
| AutoResize of bool
| Resolution of float
| ClearBeforeRendering of bool
| PreserveDrawingBuffer of bool
| ForceFXAA of bool
| RoundPixels of bool
| BackgroundColor of float
and [<Import("SystemRenderer","PIXI")>] SystemRenderer(system: string, ?width: float, ?height: float, ?options: RendererOptions list) =
inherit EventEmitter()
member __._backgroundColor with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._backgroundColorRgb with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._backgroundColorString with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._tempDisplayObjectParent with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._lastObjectRendered with get(): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``type`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.view with get(): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.transparent with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.autoResize with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendModes with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.preserveDrawingBuffer with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clearBeforeRender with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.roundPixels with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.backgroundColor with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(``object``: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(width: float, height: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(?removeView: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("CanvasRenderer","PIXI")>] CanvasRenderer(?width: float, ?height: float, ?options: RendererOptions list) =
inherit SystemRenderer("")
member __.context with get(): CanvasRenderingContext2D = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.refresh with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maskManager with get(): CanvasMaskManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasMaskManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.roundPixels with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.smoothProperty with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderDisplayObject(displayObject: DisplayObject, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._mapBlendModes(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(``object``: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(w: float, h: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("CanvasBuffer","PIXI")>] CanvasBuffer(width: float, height: float) =
member __.canvas with get(): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.context with get(): CanvasRenderingContext2D = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clear(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(width: float, height: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("CanvasGraphics","PIXI")>] CanvasGraphics() =
static member renderGraphicsMask(graphics: Graphics, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member updateGraphicsTint(graphics: Graphics): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member renderGraphics(graphics: Graphics, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("CanvasMaskManager","PIXI")>] CanvasMaskManager() =
member __.pushMask(maskData: obj, renderer: U2<WebGLRenderer, CanvasRenderer>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popMask(renderer: U2<WebGLRenderer, CanvasRenderer>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("CanvasTinter","PIXI")>] CanvasTinter() =
member __.cacheStepsPerColorChannel with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.convertTintToImage with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vanUseMultiply with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tintMethod with get(): Function = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Function): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member getTintedTexture(sprite: DisplayObject, color: float): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only"
static member tintWithMultiply(texture: Texture, color: float, canvas: HTMLDivElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member tintWithOverlay(texture: Texture, color: float, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member tintWithPerPixel(texture: Texture, color: float, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member roundColor(color: float): float = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("WebGLRenderer","PIXI")>] WebGLRenderer(?width: float, ?height: float, ?options: RendererOptions list) =
inherit SystemRenderer("")
member __._useFXAA with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._FXAAFilter with get(): obj (* filters.FXAAFilter *) = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj (* filters.FXAAFilter *)): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._contextOptions with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderTargetStack with get(): ResizeArray<RenderTarget> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<RenderTarget>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.handleContextLost with get(): Func<WebGLContextEvent, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<WebGLContextEvent, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._managedTextures with get(): ResizeArray<Texture> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Texture>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawCount with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shaderManager with get(): ShaderManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ShaderManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maskManager with get(): MaskManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: MaskManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stencilManager with get(): StencilManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StencilManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.filterManager with get(): FilterManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: FilterManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendModeManager with get(): BlendModeManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BlendModeManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentRenderTarget with get(): RenderTarget = failwith "JS only" and set(v: RenderTarget): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentRenderer with get(): ObjectRenderer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ObjectRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._initContext(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._createContext(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._mapGlModes(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(``object``: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderDisplayObject(displayObject: DisplayObject, renderTarget: RenderTarget, clear: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setObjectRenderer(objectRenderer: ObjectRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setRenderTarget(renderTarget: RenderTarget): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateTexture(texture: U2<BaseTexture, Texture>): U2<BaseTexture, Texture> = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroyTexture(texture: U2<BaseTexture, Texture>, ?_skipRemove: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("AbstractFilter","PIXI")>] AbstractFilter(?vertexSrc: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>>, ?fragmentSrc: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>>, ?uniforms: obj) =
member __.vertexSrc with get(): ResizeArray<string> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<string>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fragmentSrc with get(): ResizeArray<string> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<string>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.uniforms with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.padding with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getShader(renderer: WebGLRenderer): Shader = failwith "JS only"
member __.applyFilter(renderer: WebGLRenderer, input: RenderTarget, output: RenderTarget, ?clear: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.syncUniform(uniform: WebGLUniformLocation): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("SpriteMaskFilter","PIXI")>] SpriteMaskFilter(sprite: Sprite) =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.maskSprite with get(): Sprite = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Sprite): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maskMatrix with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.offset with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.applyFilter(renderer: WebGLRenderbuffer, input: RenderTarget, output: RenderTarget): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("BlendModeManager","PIXI")>] BlendModeManager(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __.setBlendMode(blendMode: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("FilterManager","PIXI")>] FilterManager(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __.filterStack with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderer with get(): WebGLRenderer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.texturePool with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onContextChange with get(): Func<unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setFilterStack(filterStack: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushFilter(target: RenderTarget, filters: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popFilter(): AbstractFilter = failwith "JS only"
member __.getRenderTarget(?clear: bool): RenderTarget = failwith "JS only"
member __.returnRenderTarget(renderTarget: RenderTarget): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.applyFilter(shader: U2<Shader, AbstractFilter>, inputTarget: RenderTarget, outputTarget: RenderTarget, ?clear: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.calculateMappedMatrix(filterArea: Rectangle, sprite: Sprite, ?outputMatrix: Matrix): Matrix = failwith "JS only"
member __.capFilterArea(filterArea: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(width: float, height: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("MaskManager","PIXI")>] MaskManager() =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __.stencilStack with get(): StencilMaskStack = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StencilMaskStack): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.reverse with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.count with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.alphaMaskPool with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushMask(target: RenderTarget, maskData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popMask(target: RenderTarget, maskData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushSpriteMask(target: RenderTarget, maskData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popSpriteMask(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushStencilMask(target: RenderTarget, maskData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popStencilMask(target: RenderTarget, maskData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("ShaderManager","PIXI")>] ShaderManager(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __._currentId with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentShader with get(): Shader = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Shader): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maxAttibs with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.attribState with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tempAttribState with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stack with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setAttribs(attribs: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setShader(shader: Shader): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("StencilManager","PIXI")>] StencilManager(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __.setMaskStack(stencilMaskStack: StencilMaskStack): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushStencil(graphics: Graphics, webGLData: WebGLGraphicsData): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.bindGraphics(graphics: Graphics, webGLData: WebGLGraphicsData): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popStencil(graphics: Graphics, webGLData: WebGLGraphicsData): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.pushMask(maskData: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.popMask(maskData: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("WebGLManager","PIXI")>] WebGLManager(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
member __.onContextChange with get(): Func<unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderer with get(): WebGLRenderer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Shader","PIXI")>] Shader(shaderManager: ShaderManager, vertexSrc: string, fragmentSrc: string, uniforms: obj, attributes: obj) =
member __.attributes with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.textureCount with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.uniforms with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.uuid with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): WebGLRenderingContext = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderingContext): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shaderManager with get(): ShaderManager = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ShaderManager): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.program with get(): WebGLProgram = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLProgram): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vertexSrc with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fragmentSrc with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._glCompile(``type``: obj, src: obj): Shader = failwith "JS only"
member __.init(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.cacheUniformLocations(keys: ResizeArray<string>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.cacheAttributeLocations(keys: ResizeArray<string>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.compile(): WebGLProgram = failwith "JS only"
member __.syncUniform(uniform: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.syncUniforms(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.initSampler2D(uniform: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("ComplexPrimitiveShader","PIXI")>] ComplexPrimitiveShader(shaderManager: ShaderManager) =
inherit Shader(unbox null, null, null, null, null)
and [<Import("PrimitiveShader","PIXI")>] PrimitiveShader(shaderManager: ShaderManager) =
inherit Shader(unbox null, null, null, null, null)
and [<Import("TextureShader","PIXI")>] TextureShader(shaderManager: ShaderManager, ?vertexSrc: string, ?fragmentSrc: string, ?customUniforms: obj, ?customAttributes: obj) =
inherit Shader(unbox null, null, null, null, null)
and StencilMaskStack =
abstract stencilStack: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract reverse: bool with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
and [<Import("ObjectRenderer","PIXI")>] ObjectRenderer() =
inherit WebGLManager(unbox null)
member __.start(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stop(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.flush(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(?``object``: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("RenderTarget","PIXI")>] RenderTarget(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, width: float, height: float, scaleMode: float, resolution: float, root: bool) =
member with get(): WebGLRenderingContext = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderingContext): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.frameBuffer with get(): WebGLFramebuffer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLFramebuffer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.size with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.projectionMatrix with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.transform with get(): Matrix = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.frame with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stencilBuffer with get(): WebGLRenderbuffer = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebGLRenderbuffer): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stencilMaskStack with get(): StencilMaskStack = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StencilMaskStack): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.filterStack with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.scaleMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.root with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clear(?bind: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.attachStencilBuffer(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.activate(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.calculateProjection(protectionFrame: Matrix): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(width: float, height: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and Quad =
abstract gl: WebGLRenderingContext with get, set
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract uvs: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract colors: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract indices: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract vertexBuffer: WebGLBuffer with get, set
abstract indexBuffer: WebGLBuffer with get, set
abstract map: rect: Rectangle * rect2: Rectangle -> unit
abstract upload: unit -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
and [<Import("Sprite","PIXI")>] Sprite(?texture: Texture) =
inherit Container()
member __._texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.cachedTint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.anchor with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shader with get(): U2<Shader, AbstractFilter> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<Shader, AbstractFilter>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromFrame(frameId: string): Sprite = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImage(imageId: string, ?crossorigin: bool, ?scaleMode: float): Sprite = failwith "JS only"
member __._onTextureUpdate(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(?matrix: Matrix): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.getLocalBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.containsPoint(point: Point): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(?destroyTexture: bool, ?destroyBaseTexture: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("SpriteRenderer","PIXI")>] SpriteRenderer() =
inherit ObjectRenderer()
member __.vertSize with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vertByteSize with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.size with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vertices with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.positions with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.colors with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.indices with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentBatchSize with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.sprites with get(): ResizeArray<Sprite> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Sprite>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shader with get(): U2<Shader, AbstractFilter> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<Shader, AbstractFilter>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderBatch(texture: Texture, size: float, startIndex: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(sprite: Sprite): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.flush(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.start(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<KeyValueList>]
TextStyle =
| Font of string
| Fill of U2<string,float>
| Align of string
| Stroke of U2<string,float>
| StrokeThickness of float
| WordWrap of bool
| WordWrapWidth of float
| LineHeight of float
| DropShadow of bool
| DropShadowColor of U2<string, float>
| DropShadowAngle of float
| DropShadowDistance of float
| Padding of float
| TextBaseline of string
| LineJoin of string
| MiterLimit of float
and [<Import("Text","PIXI")>] Text(?text: string, ?style: TextStyle list, ?resolution: float) =
inherit Sprite()
member __.fontPropertiesCache with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fontPropertiesCanvas with get(): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.fontPropertiesContext with get(): CanvasRenderingContext2D = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._text with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._style with get(): TextStyle list = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TextStyle list): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.canvas with get(): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HTMLCanvasElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.context with get(): CanvasRenderingContext2D = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.text with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): TextStyle list = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TextStyle list): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateText(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateTexture(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.determineFontProperties(fontStyle: TextStyle list): TextStyle list = failwith "JS only"
member __.wordWrap(text: string): bool = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("BaseTexture","PIXI")>] BaseTexture(source: U2<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement>, ?scaleMode: float, ?resolution: float) =
inherit EventEmitter()
member __._glTextures with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.uuid with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.realWidth with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.realHeight with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.scaleMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.hasLoaded with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.isLoading with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.source with get(): U3<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U3<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.premultipliedAlpha with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.imageUrl with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.isPowerOfTwo with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.mipmap with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImage(imageUrl: string, ?crossorigin: bool, ?scaleMode: float): BaseTexture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromCanvas(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ?scaleMode: float): BaseTexture = failwith "JS only"
member __._sourceLoaded(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.update(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.loadSource(source: U2<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dispose(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateSourceImage(newSrc: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('dispose',$1...)")>] member __.on_dispose(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] member __.on_error(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('loaded',$1...)")>] member __.on_loaded(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('update',$1...)")>] member __.on_update(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.on(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('dispose',$1...)")>] member __.once_dispose(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] member __.once_error(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('loaded',$1...)")>] member __.once_loaded(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('update',$1...)")>] member __.once_update(fn: Func<BaseTexture, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.once(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("RenderTexture","PIXI")>] RenderTexture(renderer: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>, ?width: float, ?height: float, ?scaleMode: float, ?resolution: float) =
inherit Texture(unbox null)
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderer with get(): U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.valid with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderWebGL(displayObject: DisplayObject, ?matrix: Matrix, ?clear: bool, ?updateTransform: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderCanvas(displayObject: DisplayObject, ?matrix: Matrix, ?clear: bool, ?updateTransform: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(displayObject: DisplayObject, ?matrix: Matrix, ?clear: bool, ?updateTransform: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resize(width: float, height: float, ?updateBase: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clear(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getImage(): HTMLImageElement = failwith "JS only"
member __.getPixels(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only"
member __.getPixel(x: float, y: float): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBase64(): string = failwith "JS only"
member __.getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("Texture","PIXI")>] Texture(baseTexture: BaseTexture, ?frame: Rectangle, ?crop: Rectangle, ?trim: Rectangle, ?rotate: float) =
inherit BaseTexture(unbox null)
member __.EMPTY with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._frame with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._uvs with get(): TextureUvs = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TextureUvs): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.noFrame with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.baseTexture with get(): BaseTexture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BaseTexture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.trim with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.valid with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.requiresUpdate with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.crop with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.rotate with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.frame with get(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Rectangle): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImage(imageUrl: string, ?crossOrigin: bool, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromFrame(frameId: string): Texture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromCanvas(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromVideo(video: U2<HTMLVideoElement, string>, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromVideoUrl(videoUrl: string, ?scaleMode: float): Texture = failwith "JS only"
static member addTextureToCache(texture: Texture, id: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member removeTextureFromCache(id: string): Texture = failwith "JS only"
member __.onBaseTextureUpdated(baseTexture: BaseTexture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onBaseTextureLoaded(baseTexture: BaseTexture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._updateUvs(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.update(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(?destroyBase: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.clone(): Texture = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("TextureUvs","PIXI")>] TextureUvs() =
member __.x0 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y0 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.x1 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y1 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.x2 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y2 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.x3 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y3 with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.set(frame: Rectangle, baseFrame: Rectangle, rotate: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("VideoBaseTexture","PIXI")>] VideoBaseTexture(source: HTMLVideoElement, ?scaleMode: float) =
inherit BaseTexture(unbox null)
member __._loaded with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.autoUpdate with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromVideo(video: HTMLVideoElement, ?scaleMode: float): VideoBaseTexture = failwith "JS only"
static member fromUrl(videoSrc: U4<string, obj, ResizeArray<string>, ResizeArray<obj>>): VideoBaseTexture = failwith "JS only"
member __._onUpdate(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._onPlayStart(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._onPlayStop(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._onCanPlay(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("utils","PIXI")>] utils() =
member __.TextureCache with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.BaseTextureCache with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member uuid(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member hex2rgb(hex: float, ?out: ResizeArray<float>): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only"
static member hex2String(hex: float): string = failwith "JS only"
static member rgb2hex(rgb: ResizeArray<float>): float = failwith "JS only"
static member canUseNewCanvasBlendModel(): bool = failwith "JS only"
static member getNextPowerOfTwo(number: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member isPowerOfTwo(width: float, height: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
static member getResolutionOfUrl(url: string): float = failwith "JS only"
static member sayHello(``type``: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member isWebGLSupported(): bool = failwith "JS only"
static member sign(n: float): float = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("GroupD8","PIXI")>] GroupD8 =
static member E with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member MIRROR_HORIZONTAL with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member MIRROR_VERTICAL with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member N with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NE with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NW with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member S with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SE with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SW with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member W with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member add(rotationSecond: float, rotationFirst: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member byDirection(dx: float, dy: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member inv(rotation: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member isSwapWidthHeight(rotation: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
static member matrixAppendRotationInv(matrix: Matrix, rotation: float, tx: float, ty: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member rotate180(rotation: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member sub(rotationSecond: float, rotationFirst: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member uX(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member uY(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member vX(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member vY(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
module extras =
type BitmapTextStyle =
| Font of U2<string, obj>
| Align of string
| Tint of float
and [<Import("extras.BitmapText","PIXI")>] BitmapText(text: string, ?style: BitmapTextStyle list) =
inherit Container()
member __.fonts with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._glyphs with get(): ResizeArray<Sprite> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Sprite>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._font with get(): U2<string, obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<string, obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._text with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.textWidth with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.textHeight with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maxWidth with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.maxLineHeight with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tint with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.align with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.font with get(): U2<string, obj> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<string, obj>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.text with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateText(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("extras.MovieClip","PIXI")>] MovieClip(textures: ResizeArray<Texture>) =
inherit Sprite()
member __._textures with get(): ResizeArray<Texture> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Texture>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._durations with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._currentTime with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.animationSpeed with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.loop with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onComplete with get(): Func<unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentFrame with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.playing with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.totalFrames with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.textures with get(): ResizeArray<Texture> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Texture>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromFrames(frame: ResizeArray<string>): MovieClip = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImages(images: ResizeArray<string>): MovieClip = failwith "JS only"
member __.update(deltaTime: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stop(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.gotoAndStop(frameName: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.gotoAndPlay(frameName: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("extras.TilingSprite","PIXI")>] TilingSprite(texture: Texture, width: float, height: float) =
inherit Sprite()
member __._tileScaleOffset with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._tilingTexture with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._refreshTexture with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._uvs with get(): ResizeArray<TextureUvs> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<TextureUvs>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tileScale with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.tilePosition with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.originalTexture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member fromFrame(frameId: string): Sprite = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImage(imageId: string, ?crossorigin: bool, ?scaleMode: float): Sprite = failwith "JS only"
static member fromFrame(frameId: string, ?width: float, ?height: float): TilingSprite = failwith "JS only"
static member fromImage(imageId: string, ?width: float, ?height: float, ?crossorigin: bool, ?scaleMode: float): TilingSprite = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.generateTilingTexture(renderer: U2<WebGLRenderer, CanvasRenderer>, texture: Texture, ?forcePowerOfTwo: bool): Texture = failwith "JS only"
member __.containsPoint(point: Point): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
module filters =
type [<Import("filters.AsciiFilter","PIXI")>] AsciiFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.size with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.BloomFilter","PIXI")>] BloomFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurX with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurY with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.BlurFilter","PIXI")>] BlurFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blurXFilter with get(): BlurXFilter = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BlurXFilter): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurYFilter with get(): BlurYFilter = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BlurYFilter): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.passes with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurX with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurY with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.BlurXFilter","PIXI")>] BlurXFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.passes with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.strength with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.BlurYFilter","PIXI")>] BlurYFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.passes with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.strength with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.SmartBlurFilter","PIXI")>] SmartBlurFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
and [<Import("filters.ColorMatrixFilter","PIXI")>] ColorMatrixFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.matrix with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._loadMatrix(matrix: ResizeArray<float>, multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._multiply(out: ResizeArray<float>, a: ResizeArray<float>, b: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._colorMatrix(matrix: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.brightness(b: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.greyscale(scale: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blackAndWhite(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.hue(rotation: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.contrast(amount: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.saturate(amount: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.desaturate(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.negative(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.sepia(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.technicolor(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.polaroid(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.toBGR(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.kodachrome(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.browni(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vintage(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.colorTone(desaturation: float, toned: float, lightColor: string, darkColor: string, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.night(intensity: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.predator(amount: float, ?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lsd(?multiply: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.reset(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.ColorStepFilter","PIXI")>] ColorStepFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.step with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.ConvolutionFilter","PIXI")>] ConvolutionFilter(matrix: ResizeArray<float>, width: float, height: float) =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.matrix with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.width with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.height with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.CrossHatchFilter","PIXI")>] CrossHatchFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
and [<Import("filters.DisplacementFilter","PIXI")>] DisplacementFilter(sprite: Sprite, ?scale: float) =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.scale with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.DotScreenFilter","PIXI")>] DotScreenFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.scale with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.angle with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.BlurYTintFilter","PIXI")>] BlurYTintFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.DropShadowFilter","PIXI")>] DropShadowFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurX with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blurY with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.color with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.alpha with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.distance with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.angle with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.GrayFilter","PIXI")>] GrayFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.gray with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.InvertFilter","PIXI")>] InvertFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.invert with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.NoiseFilter","PIXI")>] NoiseFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.noise with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.PixelateFilter","PIXI")>] PixelateFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.size with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.RGBSplitFilter","PIXI")>] RGBSplitFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.SepiaFilter","PIXI")>] SepiaFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.sepia with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.ShockwaveFilter","PIXI")>] ShockwaveFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``params`` with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.time with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.TiltShiftAxisFilter","PIXI")>] TiltShiftAxisFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.gradientBlur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.start with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``end`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.updateDelta(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.TiltShiftFilter","PIXI")>] TiltShiftFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.blur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.gradientBlur with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.start with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.``end`` with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.TiltShiftXFilter","PIXI")>] TiltShiftXFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.updateDelta(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.TiltShiftYFilter","PIXI")>] TiltShiftYFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.updateDelta(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.TwistFilter","PIXI")>] TwistFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.offset with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.radius with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.angle with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("filters.FXAAFilter","PIXI")>] FXAAFilter() =
inherit AbstractFilter()
member __.applyFilter(renderer: WebGLRenderer, input: RenderTarget, output: RenderTarget): unit = failwith "JS only"
module interaction =
type [<Import("interaction.InteractionData","PIXI")>] InteractionData() =
member __.``global`` with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): DisplayObject = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DisplayObject): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.originalEvent with get(): Event = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Event): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getLocalPosition(displayObject: DisplayObject, ?point: Point, ?globalPos: Point): Point = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("interaction.InteractionManager","PIXI")>] InteractionManager(renderer: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>, ?options: obj) =
member __.interactionDOMElement with get(): HTMLElement = failwith "JS only" and set(v: HTMLElement): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.eventsAdded with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._tempPoint with get(): Point = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Point): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onMouseDown with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processMouseDown with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onMouseUp with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processMouseUp with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onMouseMove with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processMouseMove with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onMouseOut with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processMouseOverOut with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onTouchStart with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processTouchStart with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onTouchEnd with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processTouchEnd with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.onTouchMove with get(): Func<Event, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<Event, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processTouchMove with get(): Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderer with get(): U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<CanvasRenderer, WebGLRenderer>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.autoPreventDefault with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interactionFrequency with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.mouse with get(): InteractionData = failwith "JS only" and set(v: InteractionData): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.eventData with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interactiveDataPool with get(): ResizeArray<InteractionData> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<InteractionData>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.last with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.currentCursorStyle with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resolution with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setTargetElement(element: HTMLElement, resolution: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.addEvents(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeEvents(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dispatchEvent(displayObject: DisplayObject, eventString: string, eventData: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getTouchData(touchEvent: InteractionData): InteractionData = failwith "JS only"
member __.returnTouchData(touchData: InteractionData): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.update(deltaTime: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.mapPositionToPoint(point: Point, x: float, y: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.processInteractive(point: Point, displayObject: DisplayObject, func: Func<DisplayObject, bool, unit>, hitTest: bool, interactive: bool): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and InteractiveTarget =
abstract interactive: bool with get, set
abstract buttonMode: bool with get, set
abstract interactiveChildren: bool with get, set
abstract defaultCursor: string with get, set
abstract hitArea: HitArea with get, set
module loaders =
type LoaderOptions =
abstract crossOrigin: bool option with get, set
abstract loadType: float option with get, set
abstract xhrType: string option with get, set
and ResourceDictionary =
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: index: string -> Resource with get, set
and [<Import("loaders.Loader","PIXI")>] Loader(?baseUrl: string, ?concurrency: float) =
// interface EventEmitter
member __.baseUrl with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.progress with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.loading with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.resources with get(): ResourceDictionary = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResourceDictionary): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.add(name: string, url: string, ?options: LoaderOptions, ?cb: Func<unit>): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.add(url: string, ?options: LoaderOptions, ?cb: Func<unit>): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.add(obj: obj, ?options: LoaderOptions, ?cb: Func<unit>): Loader = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('complete',$1...)")>] member __.on_complete(fn: Func<Loader, obj, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] member __.on_error(fn: Func<Error, Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('load',$1...)")>] member __.on_load(fn: Func<Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('progress',$1...)")>] member __.on_progress(fn: Func<Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.on('start',$1...)")>] member __.on_start(fn: Func<Loader, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.on(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('complete',$1...)")>] member __.once_complete(fn: Func<Loader, obj, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] member __.once_error(fn: Func<Error, Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('load',$1...)")>] member __.once_load(fn: Func<Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('progress',$1...)")>] member __.once_progress(fn: Func<Loader, Resource, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
[<Emit("$0.once('start',$1...)")>] member __.once_start(fn: Func<Loader, unit>, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.once(``event``: string, fn: Function, ?context: obj): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only"
member __.before(fn: Function): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.pre(fn: Function): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.after(fn: Function): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.``use``(fn: Function): Loader = failwith "JS only"
member __.reset(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.load(?cb: Func<Loader, obj, unit>): Loader = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("loaders.Resource","PIXI")>] Resource(?name: string, ?url: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>>, ?options: LoaderOptions) =
inherit EventEmitter()
member __.LOAD_TYPE with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.XHR_READ_STATE with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.textures with get(): ResizeArray<Texture> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Texture>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.url with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.crossOrigin with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.loadType with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.xhrType with get(): string = failwith "JS only" and set(v: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.error with get(): Error = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Error): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.xhr with get(): XMLHttpRequest = failwith "JS only" and set(v: XMLHttpRequest): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.complete(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.load(?cb: Func<unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
module mesh =
type [<Import("mesh.Mesh","PIXI")>] Mesh(texture: Texture, ?vertices: ResizeArray<float>, ?uvs: ResizeArray<float>, ?indices: ResizeArray<float>, ?drawMode: float) =
inherit Container()
member __.DRAW_MODES with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.uvs with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.vertices with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.indices with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.dirty with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.blendMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.canvasPadding with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.drawMode with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.shader with get(): U2<Shader, AbstractFilter> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: U2<Shader, AbstractFilter>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._texture with get(): Texture = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Texture): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getBounds(?matrix: Matrix): Rectangle = failwith "JS only"
member __.containsPoint(point: Point): bool = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCanvasTriangleMesh(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCanvasTriangles(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._renderCanvasDrawTriangle(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, vertices: float, uvs: float, index0: float, index1: float, index2: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.renderMeshFlat(mesh: Mesh): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._onTextureUpdate(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("mesh.Rope","PIXI")>] Rope(texture: Texture, points: ResizeArray<Point>) =
inherit Mesh(unbox null)
member __._ready with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.points with get(): ResizeArray<Point> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<Point>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.colors with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getTextureUvs(): TextureUvs = failwith "JS only"
member __.refresh(): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("mesh.Plane","PIXI")>] Plane(texture: Texture, ?segmentsX: float, ?segmentsY: float) =
inherit Mesh(unbox null)
member __.segmentsX with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.segmentsY with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
and [<Import("mesh.MeshRenderer","PIXI")>] MeshRenderer(renderer: WebGLRenderer) =
inherit ObjectRenderer()
member __.indices with get(): ResizeArray<float> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ResizeArray<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._initWebGL(mesh: Mesh): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.render(mesh: Mesh): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.flush(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.start(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.destroy(): unit = failwith "JS only"
// and MeshShader =
// inherit Shader
module ticker =
type [<Import("ticker.Ticker","PIXI")>] Ticker() =
member __._emitter with get(): EventEmitter = failwith "JS only" and set(v: EventEmitter): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._requestId with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._maxElapsedMS with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.autoStart with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.deltaTime with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.elapsedMS with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.lastTime with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.speed with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.started with get(): bool = failwith "JS only" and set(v: bool): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.FPS with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.minFPS with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._tick(time: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._requestIfNeeded(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._cancelIfNeeded(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __._startIfPossible(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.add(fn: Func<float, unit>, ?context: obj): Ticker = failwith "JS only"
member __.addOnce(fn: Func<float, unit>, ?context: obj): Ticker = failwith "JS only"
member __.remove(fn: Func<float, unit>, ?context: obj): Ticker = failwith "JS only"
member __.start(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stop(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.update(): unit = failwith "JS only"
type [<Import("ticker","PIXI")>] Globals =
static member shared with get(): Ticker = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Ticker): unit = failwith "JS only"
module GroupD8 =
type [<Import("GroupD8","PIXI")>] Globals =
static member E with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member MIRROR_HORIZONTAL with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member MIRROR_VERTICAL with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member N with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NE with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NW with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member S with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SE with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SW with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member W with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member add(rotationSecond: float, rotationFirst: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member byDirection(dx: float, dy: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member inv(rotation: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member isSwapWidthHeight(rotation: float): bool = failwith "JS only"
static member matrixAppendRotationInv(matrix: Matrix, rotation: float, tx: float, ty: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member rotate180(rotation: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member sub(rotationSecond: float, rotationFirst: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member uX(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member uY(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member vX(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
static member vY(ind: float): float = failwith "JS only"
type [<Import("*","PIXI")>] Globals =
static member VERSION with get(): string = failwith "JS only"
static member PI_2 with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member RAD_TO_DEG with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member DEG_TO_RAD with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member TARGET_FPMS with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member RENDERER_TYPE with get(): RendererType = failwith "JS only"
static member BLEND_MODES with get(): BlendModes = failwith "JS only"
static member DRAW_MODES with get(): DrawModes = failwith "JS only"
static member SCALE_MODES with get(): ScaleModes = failwith "JS only"
static member RETINA_PREFIX with get(): string = failwith "JS only"
static member RESOLUTION with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member FILTER_RESOLUTION with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member DEFAULT_RENDER_OPTIONS with get(): DefaultRenderOptions = failwith "JS only"
static member SHAPES with get(): Shapes = failwith "JS only"
static member SPRITE_BATCH_SIZE with get(): float = failwith "JS only"
static member loader with get(): loaders.Loader = failwith "JS only"
static member autoDetectRenderer(width: float, height: float, ?options: RendererOptions list, ?noWebGL: bool): U2<WebGLRenderer, CanvasRenderer> = failwith "JS only"
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