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Last active October 8, 2018 15:54
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autoscroll + navbar
// types
module Types
open Fable.Import.Browser
let sectionHeaders = [
type Model = {
scrollListener : EventListener option
type Msg =
| AddScrollListener of EventListener option
// update nav bar according to section currently navigated through
let handleScroll event =
let pos = window.scrollY
let selectedSection =
sectionHeaders // from Type
|> ( fun id ->
let elem = document.getElementById id
let pos = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top
(id, pos)
with f ->
(id, 10000.)
|> Seq.filter( fun (id,pos) -> pos < 10. )
|> Seq.sortByDescending( fun (id,pos) -> pos )
|> ( fun (id, pos) -> id )
|> Seq.head
// client code
div [
ClassName cssClass
Ref( fun _ ->
if model.scrollListener.IsNone then
let mutable listener = EventListener(ignore)
listener <- EventListener handleScroll
document.addEventListener("scroll", !^ listener)
AddScrollListener <| Some listener |> dispatch
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