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Last active July 26, 2016 23:39
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Developing Against Kubernetes on OS X

When developing against/for Kubernetes, there are two major technologies that you need to have setup:

I have what I believe to be a very, very simple local development setup using these two technologies that I want to share with you. That being said, let's get started.


Before we install the two tools below, we must first install To do this, visit the releases page and download the latest .dmg. Double-click the downloaded .dmg and drag the application to /Applications using the provided shortcut. Once you've installed the, run the application (/Applications/ and you should see a menu bar icon that looks like the CoreOS logo with an X in the middle.


There are many ways to install and use Docker from an OS X box. My Docker setup requires using a standalone application that is controllable from the OS X menu bar. This project is called the CoreOS VM.


To install the CoreOS VM, visit the releases page and download the latest .dmg. Double-click the .dmg and drag the application to /Applications using the provided shortcut. Once you've installed the CoreOS VM, run the application (/Applications/ and you should see a menu bar icon that looks like the CoreOS logo. Click the menu bar icon, select Run and follow the prompt. It's that simple.


Once the CoreOS VM is running, you have Docker running within the VM but you still need to update your CLI environment to be able to find the Docker executables and the Docker server. To do this, you will need to run the following, preferably by updating the appropriate shell startup script to do this for you:

  • Add the docker executable (and others) to PATH: export PATH="~/coreos-osx/bin:$PATH"
  • Tell the docker executable where your Docker server is: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

At this point you should be able to run docker images and see something like this:

REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
uifd/ui-for-docker   latest              526a9ea81a62        9 weeks ago         7.391 MB


Using this Docker server is no different than any other Docker installation. It just works. But there is one more useful thing that the CoreOS VM provides, it contains a Docker registry located at Why might you need this? Well Kubernetes has to download images from somewhere and typically during development you will want to build/run/test things locally. Having a local Docker repository allows you to build/tag/push/... to your local repository as part of your development process without having to perform these operations against your live Docker repository. The cool thing is that Kubernetes can just as easily use the Docker images in your local Docker repository just as easily as it does images stored on DockerHub.


To give you an idea of how I use a local Docker repository for development, let me show you how I build/tag/push when developing the k8s-router. These are the steps I use:

  • Build my image: docker build -t k8s-router .
  • Tag my image: docker tag -f k8s-router
  • Push my image: docker push

Then in Kubernetes land, I use as my image name and Kubernetes will pull the image I just built from my local Docker registry as expected. I was able to do this without updating the deployed images on DockerHub.

Now when you're done with development and you want to build your official images that will land in your Docker repository of choice, just use the same commands above but alter them for your production environment. Here is an example:

  • Build my image: docker build -t k8s-router .
  • Tag my image (version): docker tag -f k8s-router thirtyx/k8s-router:1.0.2
  • Tag my image (latest): docker tag -f k8s-router thirtyx/k8s-router:latest
  • Push my image(s): docker push thirtyx/k8s-router

The cool thing abou this is that you're building your development images using the same procedure that you will do for production but having a local Docker repository allows you to only push things to your official Docker repository when you're ready.


Just like with Docker, there are many ways to create a development cluster for Kubernetes. And just like with my Docker setup, I rely on a standalone application that is controllable from the OS X menu bar for Kubernetes. This project is called Kube-Solo and it's from the same person that brought you the CoreOS VM mentioned above.


Just like the CoreOS VM mentioned above, to install the CoreOS VM, visit the releases page and download the latest .dmg. Double-click the .dmg and drag the application to /Applications using the provided shortcut. nce you've installed the Kube-Solo VM, run the application (/Applications/ and you should see a menu bar icon that looks like the Kubernetes logo. Click the menu bar icon, select Run and follow the prompt. Again, super simple.


I'm sure you're seeing a consistent them here but just like the CoreOS VM mentioned above, at this point you have a VM running a Kubernetes cluster but you need to update your environment to use it. To do this, you will need to run the following, preferrably by updating the appropriate shell startup script to do this for you:

  • Add the kubectl executable (and others) to PATH: export PATH="~/kube-solo/bin:$PATH"
  • (Optional) Tell the kubectl wrapper where to find your Kubernetes client configuration file (kubectl from Kube-Solo is a wrapper that defaults to another location otherwise): export KUBE_CONFIG=~/.kube/config (This can be useful when you already have a kubectl config file, you want to use the same location that kubectl uses by default or you plan on using a single kubectl config file for multiple clusters)

At this point you should be able to run kubectl get nodes and see something like this:

NAME           STATUS    AGE   Ready     1m


Using this Docker server is no different than any other Kubernetes installation. It just works.

Note: All of this was prior to minikube existing. I still haven't had the time to look into minikube but if it changes my development setup, I will let you know.

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