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Created August 16, 2013 22:46
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// AngularFire is an officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase.
// The bindings let you associate a Firebase URL with a model (or set of
// models), and they will be transparently kept in sync across all clients
// currently using your app. The 2-way data binding offered by AngularJS works
// as normal, except that the changes are also sent to all other clients
// instead of just a server.
// AngularFire 0.3
// License: MIT
"use strict";
// Define the `firebase` module under which all AngularFire services will live.
angular.module("firebase", []).value("Firebase", Firebase);
// Define the `angularFire` service for implicit syncing. `angularFire` binds a
// model to $scope and keeps the data synchronized with a Firebase location
// both ways.
angular.module("firebase").factory("angularFire", ["$q", "$parse", "$timeout",
function($q, $parse, $timeout) {
// The factory returns a new instance of the `AngularFire` object, defined
// below, everytime it is called. The factory takes 4 arguments:
// * `ref`: A Firebase URL or reference. A reference with limits
// or queries applied may be provided.
// * `$scope`: The scope with which the bound model is associated.
// * `name`: The name of the model.
// * `type`: The type of data that will be stored it the model
// (or is present on the Firebase URL provided). Pass in
// `{}` for Object, `[]` for Array (default), `""` for
// String and `true` for Boolean.
return function(ref, scope, name, type) {
var af = new AngularFire($q, $parse, $timeout, ref);
return af.associate(scope, name, type);
// The `AngularFire` object that implements implicit synchronization.
function AngularFire($q, $parse, $timeout, ref) {
this._q = $q;
this._parse = $parse;
this._timeout = $timeout;
this._initial = true;
this._remoteValue = false;
// `ref` can either be a string (URL to a Firebase location), or a
// `Firebase` object.
if (typeof ref == "string") {
this._fRef = new Firebase(ref);
} else {
this._fRef = ref;
AngularFire.prototype = {
// This function is called by the factory to create a new 2-way binding
// between a particular model in a `$scope` and a particular Firebase
// location.
associate: function($scope, name, type) {
var self = this;
if (type == undefined) {
type = [];
var deferred = this._q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
// We're currently listening for value changes to implement synchronization.
// This needs to be optimized, see
// [Ticket #25](
this._fRef.on("value", function(snap) {
var resolve = false;
if (deferred) {
resolve = deferred;
deferred = false;
self._remoteValue = type;
if (snap && snap.val() != undefined) {
var val = snap.val();
// If the remote type doesn't match what was provided, log a message
// and exit.
if (typeof val != typeof type) {
self._log("Error: type mismatch");
// Also distinguish between objects and arrays.
var check = Object.prototype.toString;
if ( != {
self._log("Error: type mismatch");
self._remoteValue = angular.copy(val);
// If the new remote value is the same as the local value, ignore.
if (angular.equals(val, self._parse(name)($scope))) {
// Update the local model to reflect remote changes.
self._timeout(function() {
self._resolve($scope, name, resolve, self._remoteValue)
return promise;
// Disassociation added via
// [pull request #34](
// This function is provided to the promise returned by `angularFire`
// when it is fulfilled. Invoking it will stop the two-way synchronization.
disassociate: function() {
var self = this;
if (self._unregister) {
// If `deferred` is a valid promise, it will be resolved with `val`, and
// the model will be watched for future (local) changes. `$scope[name]`
// will also be updated to the provided value.
_resolve: function($scope, name, deferred, val) {
var self = this;
this._parse(name).assign($scope, angular.copy(val));
this._remoteValue = angular.copy(val);
if (deferred) {
deferred.resolve(function() {
this._watch($scope, name);
// Watch for local changes.
_watch: function($scope, name) {
var self = this;
self._unregister = $scope.$watch(name, function() {
// When the local value is set for the first time, via the .on('value')
// callback, we ignore it.
if (self._initial) {
self._initial = false;
// If the new local value matches the current remote value, we don't
// trigger a remote update.
var val = JSON.parse(angular.toJson(self._parse(name)($scope)));
if (angular.equals(val, self._remoteValue)) {
}, true);
// Also watch for scope destruction and unregister.
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
// Helper function to log messages.
_log: function(msg) {
if (console && console.log) {
// Define the `angularFireCollection` service for explicit syncing.
// `angularFireCollection` provides a collection object that you can modify.
// [Original code](
// by @petebacondarwin.
angular.module("firebase").factory("angularFireCollection", ["$timeout",
function($timeout) {
return function(collectionUrlOrRef, initialCb) {
// An internal representation of a model present in the collection.
function angularFireItem(ref, index) {
this.$ref = ref.ref();
this.$id =;
this.$index = index;
angular.extend(this, {priority: ref.getPriority()}, ref.val());
// Implementation of firebase priority ordering:
var firebaseOrder = [
// Partition into [ no priority, number as priority, string as priority ]
function(item) {
if (item.$priority == null) {
return 0;
} else if (angular.isNumber(item.$priority)) {
return 1;
} else if (angular.isString(item.$priority)) {
return 2;
// Within partions, sort first by priority (lexical or numerical,
// no priority skips this level of sorting by returning Infinity)
function(item) {
return item.$priority ? item.$priority : Infinity;
// Finally, sort items of equal priority lexically by name
function(item) {
return item.$id;
var indexes = {};
var collection = [];
// The provided ref can either be a string (URL to a Firebase location)
// or an object of type `Firebase`. Firebase objects with limits or
// queries applies may also be provided.
var collectionRef;
if (typeof collectionUrlOrRef == "string") {
collectionRef = new Firebase(collectionUrlOrRef);
} else {
collectionRef = collectionUrlOrRef;
function getIndex(prevId) {
return prevId ? indexes[prevId] + 1 : 0;
// Add an item to the local collection.
function addChild(index, item) {
indexes[item.$id] = index;
collection.splice(index, 0, item);
// Remove an item from the local collection.
function removeChild(id) {
var index = indexes[id];
collection.splice(index, 1);
indexes[id] = undefined;
// Update an existing child in the local collection.
function updateChild (index, item) {
collection[index] = item;
// Move an existing child to a new location in the collection (usually
// triggered by a priority change).
function moveChild (from, to, item) {
collection.splice(from, 1);
collection.splice(to, 0, item);
updateIndexes(from, to);
// Update the index table.
function updateIndexes(from, to) {
var length = collection.length;
to = to || length;
if (to > length) {
to = length;
for (var index = from; index < to; index++) {
var item = collection[index];
item.$index = indexes[item.$id] = index;
// Trigger the initial callback, if one was provided.
if (initialCb && typeof initialCb == "function") {
collectionRef.once("value", initialCb);
// Attach handlers for remote child added, removed, changed and moved
// events.
collectionRef.on("child_added", function(data, prevId) {
$timeout(function() {
var index = getIndex(prevId);
addChild(index, new angularFireItem(data, index));
collectionRef.on("child_removed", function(data) {
$timeout(function() {
var id =;
var pos = indexes[id];
collectionRef.on("child_changed", function(data, prevId) {
$timeout(function() {
var index = indexes[];
var newIndex = getIndex(prevId);
var item = new angularFireItem(data, index);
updateChild(index, item);
if (newIndex !== index) {
moveChild(index, newIndex, item);
collectionRef.on("child_moved", function(ref, prevId) {
$timeout(function() {
var oldIndex = indexes[];
var newIndex = getIndex(prevId);
var item = collection[oldIndex];
moveChild(oldIndex, newIndex, item);
// `angularFireCollection` exposes four methods on the collection
// returned.
// Retrieve object by name.
collection.getByName = function(name) {
return collection[indexes[name]];
// Add an object to the remote collection. Adding an object is the
// equivalent of calling `push()` on a Firebase reference.
collection.add = function(item, cb) {
var ref;
if (!cb) {
ref = collectionRef.ref().push(item);
} else {
ref = collectionRef.ref().push(item, cb);
return ref;
// Remove an object from the remote collection.
collection.remove = function(itemOrId, cb) {
var item = angular.isString(itemOrId) ?
collection[indexes[itemOrId]] : itemOrId;
if (!cb) {
} else {
// Update an object in the remote collection.
collection.update = function(itemOrId, cb) {
var item = angular.isString(itemOrId) ?
collection[indexes[itemOrId]] : itemOrId;
var copy = {};
// Update all properties, unless they're ones created by Angular.
angular.forEach(item, function(value, key) {
if (key.indexOf("$") !== 0) {
copy[key] = value;
if (!cb) {
} else {
item.$ref.set(copy, cb);
collection.order = firebaseOrder;
return collection;
// Defines the `angularFireAuth` service that provides authentication support
// for AngularFire.
angular.module("firebase").factory("angularFireAuth", [
"$rootScope", "$parse", "$timeout", "$location", "$route", "$q",
function($rootScope, $parse, $timeout, $location, $route, $q) {
// Helper function to extract claims from a JWT. Does *not* verify the
// validity of the token.
function deconstructJWT(token) {
var segments = token.split(".");
if (!segments instanceof Array || segments.length !== 3) {
throw new Error("Invalid JWT");
var claims = segments[1];
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(claims))));
// Updates the provided model.
function updateExpression(scope, name, val, cb) {
if (name) {
$timeout(function() {
$parse(name).assign(scope, val);
// A function to check whether the current path requires authentication,
// and if so, whether a redirect to a login page is needed.
function authRequiredRedirect(route, path, self) {
if (route.authRequired && !self._authenticated){
if (route.pathTo === undefined) {
self._redirectTo = $location.path();
} else {
self._redirectTo = route.pathTo === path ? "/" : route.pathTo;
return {
// Initializes the authentication service. Takes a Firebase URL and
// an options object, that may contain the following properties:
// * `scope`: The scope to which user authentication status will be
// bound to. Defaults to `$rootScope` if not provided.
// * `name`: Name of the model to which user auth state is bound.
// * `callback`: A function that will be called when there is a change
// in authentication state.
// * `path`: The path to which the user will be redirected if the
// `authRequired` property was set to true in the `$routeProvider`, and
// the user isn't logged in.
// * `simple`: AngularFireAuth requires inclusion of the
// `firebase-simple-login.js` file by default. If this value is set to
// false, this requirement is waived, but only custom login functionality
// will be enabled.
initialize: function(url, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
this._scope = $rootScope;
if (options.scope) {
this._scope = options.scope;
if ( {
this._name =;
this._cb = function(){};
if (options.callback && typeof options.callback === "function") {
this._cb = options.callback;
this._redirectTo = null;
this._authenticated = false;
if (options.path) {
// Check if the current page requires authentication.
if ($route.current) {
authRequiredRedirect($route.current, options.path, self);
// Set up a handler for all future route changes, so we can check
// if authentication is required.
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function(e, next) {
authRequiredRedirect(next, options.path, self);
// Initialize user authentication state to `null`.
this._ref = new Firebase(url);
if (options.simple && options.simple === false) {
updateExpression(this._scope, this._name, null);
// Initialize Simple Login.
if (!window.FirebaseSimpleLogin) {
var err = new Error("FirebaseSimpleLogin undefined, " +
"did you include firebase-simple-login.js?");
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", err);
var client = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(this._ref, function(err, user) {
self._cb(err, user);
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", err);
} else if (user) {
} else {
this._authClient = client;
// The login method takes a provider (for Simple Login) or a token
// (for Custom Login) and authenticates the Firebase URL with which
// the service was initialized.
login: function(tokenOrProvider, options) {
var promise = this._watchForLogin();
switch (tokenOrProvider) {
case "github":
case "persona":
case "twitter":
case "facebook":
case "password":
if (!this._authClient) {
var err = new Error("Simple Login not initialized");
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", err);
} else {
this._authClient.login(tokenOrProvider, options);
// A token was provided, so initialize custom login.
var claims, self = this;
try {
// Extract claims and update user auth state to include them.
claims = deconstructJWT(tokenOrProvider);
this._ref.auth(tokenOrProvider, function(err) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", err);
} else {
} catch(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", e)
return promise;
// Function cb receives a Simple Login user object
createUser: function(email, password, cb){
var self = this;
this._authClient.createUser(email, password, function(err, user){
try {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", err);
} else {
} catch(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:error", e);
if (cb) {
// Unauthenticate the Firebase reference.
logout: function() {
if (this._authClient) {
} else {
// Common function to trigger a login event on the root scope.
_loggedIn: function(user) {
var self = this;
this._authenticated = true;
updateExpression(this._scope, this._name, user, function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast("angularFireAuth:login", user);
if (self._redirectTo) {
self._redirectTo = null;
// Common function to trigger a logout event on the root scope.
_loggedOut: function() {
this._authenticated = false;
updateExpression(this._scope, this._name, null, function() {
_watchForLogin: function() {
var subs = [], def = $q.defer();
function done(err, user) {
// timeout is necessary because it a) allows the auth callbacks to take
// effect (applying auth parms before this is invoked) and b) forces
// $scope.apply(), which is necessary to make the promise resolve()
// event actually get sent to the listeners
$timeout(function() {
if (err) {
} else {
for (var i=0; i < subs.length; i++) {
subs.push($rootScope.$on("angularFireAuth:login", function(evt, user) {
done(null, user);
subs.push($rootScope.$on("angularFireAuth:error", function(evt, err) {
done(err, null);
return def.promise;
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