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Forked from jddurand/
Created March 20, 2016 05:28
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Inspect marpa grammar rules by depth
#!env perl
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use Marpa::R2 2.081001;
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({ source => \do {local $/; <DATA>}});
my $fmt = "%5s %-20s %-20s %s\n";
printf $fmt, 'depth', 'ruleName', 'lhsName', 'rhsNames';
foreach (@{rulesByDepth($grammar)}) {
printf $fmt, $_->{depth}, $_->{ruleName}, $_->{lhsName}, join(' ', @{$_->{rhsNames}});
sub rulesByDepth {
my ($G, $subGrammar) = @_;
$subGrammar ||= 'G1';
# We start by expanding all ruleIds to a LHS symbol id and RHS symbol ids
my %ruleIds = ();
foreach ($G->rule_ids($subGrammar)) {
my $ruleId = $_;
$ruleIds{$ruleId} = [ $G->rule_expand($ruleId, $subGrammar) ];
# We ask what is the start symbol
my $startSymbolId = $G->start_symbol_id();
# We search for the start symbol in all the rules
my @queue = ();
my %depth = ();
foreach (keys %ruleIds) {
my $ruleId = $_;
if ($ruleIds{$ruleId}->[0] == $startSymbolId) {
push(@queue, $ruleId);
$depth{$ruleId} = 0;
while (@queue) {
my $ruleId = shift(@queue);
my $newDepth = $depth{$ruleId} + 1;
# Get the RHS ids of this ruleId and select only those that are also LHS
my (undef, @rhsIds) = @{$ruleIds{$ruleId}};
foreach (@rhsIds) {
my $lhsId = $_;
foreach (keys %ruleIds) {
my $ruleId = $_;
if (! exists($depth{$ruleId})) {
# Rule not already inserted
if ($ruleIds{$ruleId}->[0] == $lhsId) {
# And having an LHS id equal to one of the RHS ids we dequeued
push(@queue, $ruleId);
$depth{$ruleId} = $newDepth;
my @rc = ();
foreach (sort {($depth{$a} <=> $depth{$b}) || ($a <=> $b)} keys %depth) {
my $ruleId = $_;
my ($lhsId, @rhsIds) = @{$ruleIds{$ruleId}};
push(@rc, {ruleId => $ruleId,
ruleName => $G->rule_name($ruleId),
lhsId => $lhsId,
lhsName => $G->symbol_name($lhsId),
rhsIds => [ @rhsIds ],
rhsNames => [ map {$G->symbol_name($_)} @rhsIds ],
depth => $depth{$ruleId}});
return \@rc;
:start ::= Script
Script ::= null1 digits1 null2 null3 digits2 null4 name => 'The Real Start!'
digits1 ::= DIGITS
digits2 ::= DIGITS
null1 ::= name => 'Null number 1'
null2 ::= name => 'Null number 2'
null3 ::= name => 'Null number 3'
null4 ::= name => 'Null number 4'
DIGITS ~ [\\d]+
WS ~ [\\s]
:discard ~ WS
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