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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Sass: Passing/Getting property value(s) into/inside mixins/functions #sass
<a class="button">An example link</a>
<a class="button--ghost">An example link</a>
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.3)
// Compass (v1.0.1)
// ----
// Sass: Passing/Getting property value(s) to/in mixins/functions
// Property dumper mixin
@mixin properties($properties) {
@each $property, $value in $properties {
@if str-index($property, '-my-') != 1 {
#{$property}: $value;
// Component mixins
// Button base mixin
@mixin my-button--base($propeties: ()) {
display: inline-block;
padding: .25em;
// Default button mixin
@mixin my-button--default($properties: ()) {
$defaults: (
-my-color: null
$properties: map-merge($defaults, $properties);
$color : map-get($properties, '-my-color');
// CSS Variables
// --color : $color;
color : #fff;
background: $color;
// Ghost button mixin
@mixin my-button--ghost($properties: ()) {
$defaults: (
-my-color: null
$properties : map-merge($defaults, $properties);
$color : map-get($properties, '-my-color');
$font-weight : normal;
$border-width: 1px;
// Get CSS font-weight value
@if map-has-key($properties, 'font-weight') {
$font-weight: map-get($properties, 'font-weight');
@if $font-weight == 'bold' {
$border-width: 2px;
// CSS Variables
// --color : $color;
color : $color;
background: transparent;
border : $border-width solid $color;
// Component mixin (API)
@mixin my-button($properties: ()) {
$defaults: (
-my-type: 'default'
$properties: map-merge($defaults, $properties);
$type : map-get($properties, '-my-type');
@include my-button--base($properties);
@if $type == 'ghost' {
@include my-button--ghost($properties);
} @else {
@include my-button--default($properties);
// Component definitions
// Default button component
%my-button {
$properties: (
-my-color : #f00,
font-weight: bold
@include my-button($properties);
@include properties($properties);
// Ghost button component
%my-button--ghost {
$properties: (
-my-type : ghost,
-my-color : #f00,
font-weight: bold
@include my-button($properties);
@include properties($properties);
// Mapping components to concrete classes
.button {
@extend %my-button;
.button--ghost {
@extend %my-button--ghost;
.button {
display: inline-block;
padding: .25em;
color: #fff;
background: #f00;
font-weight: bold;
.button--ghost {
display: inline-block;
padding: .25em;
color: #f00;
background: transparent;
border: 2px solid #f00;
font-weight: bold;
<a class="button">An example link</a>
<a class="button--ghost">An example link</a>
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