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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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DCI in PHP #test #php
interface AccountInterface
public function getBalance();
public function increase($money);
public function decrease($money);
trait AccountTrait
private $balance = 0;
public function getBalance()
return $this->balance;
public function increase($money)
$this->balance += $money;
public function decrease($money)
$this->balance -= $money;
class Account implements AccountInterface
use AccountTrait;
public function __construct($balance = 0)
$this->balance = $balance;
interface SenderInterface extends AccountInterface
public function send($money, ReceiverInterface $receiver);
interface ReceiverInterface extends AccountInterface
public function receive($money, SenderInterface $sender);
// trait DelegatorTrait
// {
// public function __call($name, $arguments)
// {
// // implement
// }
// public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
// {
// // implement
// }
// }
trait AccountRoleTrait
// use DelegatorTrait;
private $account;
public function __construct(AccountInterface $account)
$this->account = $account;
public function getBalance()
return $this->account->getBalance();
public function increase($money)
public function decrease($money)
class Sender implements SenderInterface
use AccountRoleTrait;
public function send($money, ReceiverInterface $receiver) {
$receiver->receive($money, $this);
class Receiver implements ReceiverInterface
use AccountRoleTrait;
public function receive($money, SenderInterface $sender) {
class TransferContext
private $sender;
private $receiver;
public function __construct(AccountInterface $sender, AccountInterface $receiver)
$this->sender = new Sender($sender);
$this->receiver = new Receiver($receiver);
public function transfer($money)
$this->sender->send($money, $this->receiver);
$accountA = new Account(10000);
$accountB = new Account(5000);
echo $accountA->getBalance() . PHP_EOL; // 10000
echo $accountB->getBalance() . PHP_EOL; // 5000
(new TransferContext($accountA, $accountB))->transfer(5000);
echo $accountA->getBalance() . PHP_EOL; // 5000
echo $accountB->getBalance() . PHP_EOL; // 10000
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