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A vanilla implementation of gradient boosting in WhizzML
"name": "Gradient Boosting",
"description": "Perform gradient boosting for classification",
"inputs": [{
"name": "dataset-id",
"type": "dataset-id",
"description": "Select the training dataset"
"outputs": [{
"name": "model-array",
"type": "list",
"description": "The n-by-k array of output models, where n is the number of gradient steps and k is the number of classes."
;; This is a vanilla implementation of gradient boosting. The main
;; function is at the bottom of the script, where it explains the
;; algorithm in some detail.
;; A constant added to the generated field names to let us know that
;; we generated them
(define boost-id "__bmlboost")
;; The names of the fields contain ground truth - if there are k
;; classes, this is k coluns, one for each class. If the true class
;; for a given point is the nth class, the value in column in for that
;; point is 1, else it is zero.
(define (truth-names nclasses)
(map (lambda (i) (str boost-id "_truth_" i)) (range nclasses)))
;; For each of the "names" classes below, we are generating field
;; names, one for each class, at each iteration of the algorithm.
;; This generates a unique field name given a prefix `name` and an
;; iteration number.
(define (field-names nclasses iteration name)
(map (lambda (i) (str boost-id "_" name "_" i "_iter_" iteration))
(range nclasses)))
;; The names for the fields containing the total scores (the running
;; sum of all gradient steps) at iteration `iteration`
(define (sum-names nclasses iteration)
(field-names nclasses iteration "sum"))
;; The names for the fields containing the scores at iteration `iteration`
(define (pred-names nclasses iteration)
(field-names nclasses iteration "prediction"))
;; Field names for the softmax probabilities at iteration `iteration`
(define (softmax-names nclasses iteration)
(field-names nclasses iteration "softmax"))
;; The field name for the gradients (the objective for each class) at
;; each iteration
(define (grad-names nclasses iteration)
(field-names nclasses iteration "gradient"))
;; Helper methods to get dataset attributes
(define (get-fields dataset)
(get (fetch dataset) "fields"))
(define (get-id dataset name)
(id-from-fields (get-fields dataset) name))
(define (id-from-fields fields name)
(let (is-field? (lambda (fid) (= (get (get fields fid) "name") name)))
(head (filter is-field? (keys fields)))))
(define (default-inputs dataset-id obj-id)
(let (fields-structure (get (fetch dataset-id) "fields")
fids (keys fields-structure)
field-val (lambda (fid k) (get-in fields-structure [fid k])))
(filter (lambda (k) (and (field-val k "preferred") (not (= obj-id k))))
;; Helper methods to add fields to the given dataset using flatline
;; expressions
(define (make-fields names exprs)
(let (make-field (lambda (i) {"name" (nth names i) "field" (nth exprs i)}))
(map make-field (range (min (count exprs) (count names))))))
(define (add-fields dataset new-fields input-ids)
(let (req {"origin_dataset" dataset "new_fields" new-fields})
(if (empty? input-ids)
(create-and-wait-dataset req)
(create-and-wait-dataset (assoc req "input_fields" input-ids)))))
;; Get the original input fields from the dataset, to make sure we use
;; the same fields to learn at each iteration.
(define (get-inputs fields)
(let (not-generated? (lambda (astr) (not (contains-string? boost-id astr)))
is-input? (lambda (fid) (not-generated? (get (get fields fid) "name"))))
(filter is-input? (keys fields))))
;; Get the objective field ids for the given iteration
(define (get-objectives fields nclasses iteration)
(let (gnames (grad-names nclasses iteration))
(map (lambda (name) (id-from-fields fields name)) gnames)))
;; Get the total number of classes for the problem from the field
;; descriptor
(define (get-num-classes dataset obj-id)
(let (obj (get (get-fields dataset) obj-id))
(count (get-in obj ["summary" "categories"]))))
;; Create in-sample and out-of-sample data for the current iteration
(define (bootstrap dataset iteration)
(let (sample (lambda (ds oob?) (create-dataset {"origin_dataset" ds
"sample_rate" 1
"replacement" true
"out_of_bag" oob?
"seed" (str iteration)}))
ids [(sample dataset false) (sample dataset true)]
_ (wait-forever* ids))
;; After computing the gradient, get the sum of squares, which will
;; give us a rough idea of how correct our probabilities are. Sort of
;; like the Brier Score, I think.
(define (sum-gradient dataset nclasses iteration)
(let (fs (get-fields dataset)
gnames (grad-names nclasses iteration)
gfs (map (lambda (name) (id-from-fields fs name)) gnames)
get-sum (lambda (fid) (get-in (get fs fid) ["summary" "sum_squares"])))
(reduce + 0 (map get-sum gfs))))
;; Create the ground truth "matrix" from the original objective field
;; - that is, turn each objective field value into a one-hot vector.
(define (add-truth dataset input-ids obj-id)
(let (obj (get (get-fields dataset) obj-id)
oname (get obj "name")
cats (map (lambda (c) (head c)) (get-in obj ["summary" "categories"]))
ncls (count cats)
fexp (lambda (c) (flatline "(if (= (f {{obj-id}}) {{c}}) 1.0 0.0)"))
truth-exprs (map fexp cats)
new-fields (make-fields (truth-names ncls) truth-exprs)
ds (add-fields dataset new-fields (append input-ids obj-id))
oid (get-id ds oname))
(create-and-wait-dataset {"origin_dataset" ds "excluded_fields" [oid]})))
;; Compute the gradient given the ground truth fields and the current
;; probabilities
(define (compute-gradient dataset nclasses iteration)
(let (next-names (grad-names nclasses iteration)
preds (if (> iteration 0)
(map (lambda (n) (flatline "(f {{n}})"))
(softmax-names nclasses iteration))
(repeat nclasses (str (/ 1 nclasses))))
tns (truth-names nclasses)
fexp (lambda (idx)
(let (actual (nth tns idx)
predicted (nth preds idx))
(flatline "(- (f {{actual}}) {predicted})")))
new-fields (make-fields next-names (map fexp (range nclasses))))
(add-fields dataset new-fields [])))
;; Compute the ground truth field and the initial gradient
(define (format dataset nclasses input-ids obj-id)
(let (with-truth (add-truth dataset input-ids obj-id))
(compute-gradient with-truth nclasses 0)))
;; Predict the value of the gradient for all points in the dataset
;; Need to predict one at a time so we can preserve all fields
(define (batch-predict dataset iteration mod-ids)
(let (pnames (pred-names (count mod-ids) iteration))
(loop (last-ds dataset mids mod-ids names pnames)
(if (empty? mids)
(let (req {"all_fields" true
"output_dataset" true
"model" (head mids)
"dataset" last-ds
"prediction_name" (head names)}
bp (create-and-wait-batchprediction req)
new-ds (get (fetch bp) "output_dataset_resource")
_ (wait-forever new-ds))
(recur new-ds (tail mids) (tail names)))))))
;; Sum the last set of predictions with the current set of sums to get
;; new scores
(define (create-sums dataset nclasses iteration)
(let (this-preds (pred-names nclasses iteration)
this-sums (sum-names nclasses iteration)
last-sums (if (> iteration 1) (sum-names nclasses (- iteration 1)) [])
fexp (lambda (idx)
(let (this-pred (nth this-preds idx))
(if (empty? last-sums)
(flatline "(f {{this-pred}})")
(let (last-sum (nth last-sums idx))
(flatline "(+ (f {{this-pred}}) (f {{last-sum}}))")))))
new-fields (make-fields this-sums (map fexp (range nclasses))))
(add-fields dataset new-fields [])))
;; Create the softmax probabilities from the given scores
(define (create-softmax-probs dataset nclasses iteration)
(let (this-sums (sum-names nclasses iteration)
this-softmaxs (softmax-names nclasses iteration)
fl-exp (lambda (name) (flatline "(exp (f {{name}}))"))
exp-sum (str "(+ " (join " " (map fl-exp this-sums)) ")")
fexp (lambda (name) (str "(/ " (fl-exp name) " " exp-sum ")"))
new-fields (make-fields this-softmaxs (map fexp this-sums)))
(add-fields dataset new-fields [])))
;; Learn a set of trees over the objective fields, one for each class
(define (learn-trees dataset nclasses iteration)
(let (fs (get-fields dataset)
iids (get-inputs fs)
oids (get-objectives fs nclasses iteration)
req {"dataset" dataset "input_fields" iids}
create (lambda (oid) (create-model (assoc req "objective_field" oid)))
ids (map create oids)
_ (wait-forever* ids))
;; Strings together prediction, summing, softmax-ing, and computing
;; the gradient
(define (create-fields dataset iteration mod-ids)
(let (nclasses (count mod-ids)
pred-ds (batch-predict dataset iteration mod-ids)
sum-ds (create-sums pred-ds nclasses iteration)
prob-ds (create-softmax-probs sum-ds nclasses iteration))
(compute-gradient prob-ds nclasses iteration)))
;; Perform gradient tree boosting on the given dataset, with the given
;; input field ids and give objective field. The algorithm calculates
;; a series of gradient steps where each step is based on the
;; per-class probability of the model given all of the previous steps.
;; Each step is represented by a tree, thus, if n is the number of
;; classes, the algorithm learns n trees at each step.
;; The output of this function is a list of lists of model ids, where
;; each "row" represents a gradient step and each "column" is a class.
;; Class probabilities are calculated by the softmax function, so if i
;; represents a gradient step index, and j represents a class index,
;; and m_{ij} is the score of the model in the ith row and the jth
;; column, the probability of class c is given by:
;; exp(sum_i m_{ic}) / (sum_j exp(sum_i m_{ij}))
(define (gradient-boost dataset)
(let (objective (dataset-get-objective-id dataset)
inputs (default-inputs dataset objective)
nclasses (get-num-classes dataset objective)
formatted (format dataset nclasses inputs objective))
(loop (ds formatted
iteration 1
total-imp 0
imp-1 0
imp-2 0
models [])
(log-info "Iteration " iteration)
(let (sets (bootstrap ds iteration)
train (nth sets 0)
test (nth sets 1)
last-gradient (sum-gradient test nclasses (- iteration 1))
_ (log-info "Gradient: " last-gradient)
new-models (learn-trees train nclasses (- iteration 1))
new-test (create-fields test iteration new-models)
this-gradient (sum-gradient new-test nclasses iteration)
_ (log-info "Gradient: " this-gradient)
this-imp (- last-gradient this-gradient)
pct (* (/ (+ this-imp imp-1 imp-2) (+ this-imp total-imp)) 100))
(log-info "Improvement over last 3 iterations: " pct "%")
;; Stop arbitrarily at 1% improvement over last three iterations
(if (> pct 1)
(recur (create-fields ds iteration new-models)
(+ iteration 1)
(+ total-imp this-imp)
(append models new-models))
(define model-array (gradient-boost dataset-id))
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