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Last active December 20, 2017 23:17
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Comparing performance of polymorphic member accessors to plain struct accessing
cl /Ox /O2 /EHsc /Fetpp.exe /DPLAINPROP t.cpp
cl /Ox /O2 /EHsc /Fetvirt.exe /DVIRT t.cpp
cl /Ox /O2 /EHsc /Fetvoff.exe /DVOFF t.cpp
tpp 1000 1000000
tpp 1000000 1000
tvirt 1000 1000000
tvirt 1000000 1000
tvoff 1000 1000000
tvoff 1000000 1000
// Compile with a define like PLAINPROP VIRT or VOFF to enable different runtime behaviours.
// then run the benchmark like ./a.out 1000000 1000
// this runs 1000 iterations over a million elements and times it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
// This is the baseline case, just the same plain struct to get the baseline time spent in the code.
struct C {
int a;
int b;
inline int& ra() { return a; }
inline int& rb() { return b; }
typedef C A;
typedef C B;
#define RA(x) ((x)->ra())
#define RB(x) ((x)->rb())
#ifdef VIRT
// This is using the compiler built in VTables for dispatching to measure the overhead of property accesses through them.
struct C {
virtual int& ra() =0;
virtual int& rb() =0;
struct A : C {
int a;
int b;
inline int& ra() { return a; }
inline int& rb() { return b; }
struct B : C {
int b;
int a;
inline int& ra() { return a; }
inline int& rb() { return b; }
#define RA(x) ((x)->ra())
#define RB(x) ((x)->rb())
#ifdef VOFF
// Using a virutal offset table going directly to the properties, no compiler assisted vtables but manual offset calcs.
struct C {
size_t *voff;
int data[2];
size_t aoff[2]={offsetof(C,data[0]),offsetof(C,data[1])};
size_t boff[2]={offsetof(C,data[1]),offsetof(C,data[0])};
struct A : C {
A() {
struct B : C {
B() {
#define RA(x) (*(int*)( ((char*)(x)) + (x->voff[0]) ))
#define RB(x) (*(int*)( ((char*)(x)) + (x->voff[1]) ))
// This function builds an output array of pointers that are interleaved from input vectors al and bl
std::vector<C*> init(int count,std::vector<A> &al,std::vector<B> &bl) {
std::vector<C*> out;
// the input data for calculations, the pairs is a multiplication followed by a downshit to cancel eachother out.
int tab[]={2,1,16,4};
// initialize the array
for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
// do interleaved adding of pointers to elements in each of the vectors.
if (i&1) {
} else {
// now set the A and B properties of each element via the macro accessor.
return std::move(out);
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
// we require an element count and a number of times to run the algo as input arguments.
if (argc<3)
return -1;
int count=atoi(argv[1]);
int times=atoi(argv[2]);
if (count<=0 || times<=0)
return -1;
// storage of arrays of each element type.
std::vector<A> al(count);
std::vector<B> bl(count);
// produce an output array with pointers to both arrays
std::vector<C*> cl=init(count,al,bl);
// just a value to mutate through the calculations (it should come out unchanged)
int val=100;
// time us.
time_t be=clock();
for (int i=0;i<times;i++) {
// the inner loop goes through the list
for (int j=0;j<count;j++) {
// gets a pointer
auto ra=cl[j];
// multiplie the value by A and then downshifts by B (the 2 should cancel out)
val= (val*RA(ra)) >> RB(ra);
time_t en=clock();
printf("Time taken:%f res:%d\n",(en-be)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC,val);
// debug prints to get the A and B offsets of the 3 first elements.
// for a plain array they are the same but should be mixed for the polymorphic cases.
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
ptrdiff_t base=(ptrdiff_t)(cl[i]);
ptrdiff_t ao=(ptrdiff_t)&RA(cl[i]);
ptrdiff_t bo=(ptrdiff_t)&RB(cl[i]);
printf("[%d.A: %d] [%d.A %d]\n",i,(int)(ao-base),i,(int)(bo-base));
return 0;
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