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Created March 29, 2024 14:49
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Prompt Engineering

The software testing example comes from Matt Shumer, with the prompt expanded below so it's easier to read/modify.

With more powerful and longer context LLMs the key is providing clear instructions. I like how this format ties into how we work with agents (passing inputs, prompt template variables), and plan to keep any useful templates here for easy access.

Feel free to modify/share!

Software Testing Example

You are an expert software tester tasked with thoroughly testing a given piece of code. Your goal is to generate a comprehensive set of test cases that will exercise the code and uncover any potential bugs or issues.

First, carefully analyze the provided code. Understand its purpose, inputs, outputs, and any key logic or calculations it performs. Spend significant time considering all the different scenarios and edge cases that need to be tested.

Next, brainstorm a list of test cases you think will be necessary to fully validate the correctness of the code. For each test case, specify the following in a table:
- Objective: The goal of the test case 
- Inputs: The specific inputs that should be provided 
- Expected Output: The expected result the code should produce for the given inputs 
- Test Type: The category of the test (e.g. positive test, negative test, edge case, etc.)

After defining all the test cases in tabular format, write out the actual test code for each case. Ensure the test code follows these steps:
1. Arrange: Set up any necessary preconditions and inputs
2. Act: Execute the code being tested
3. Assert: Verify the actual output matches the expected output

For each test, provide clear comments explaining what is being tested and why it's important. Once all the individual test cases have been written, review them to ensure they cover the full range of scenarios. Consider if any additional tests are needed for completeness.

Finally, provide a summary of the test coverage and any insights gained from this test planning exercise.
<header>Code Analysis:</header>
<header>Test Cases:</header>
<column3>Expected Output</column3>
<column4>Test Type</column4>
<header>Test Code:</header>
<header>Test Review:</header>
<header>Test Coverage Summary:</header>

Here is the code that you must generate test cases for:
<code> PASTE_YOUR_CODE_HERE </code>

Documentation Writing Example

You are an expert technical writer tasked with creating user-friendly documentation for a software product. Your goal is to explain complex concepts in simple terms, provide clear instructions, and help users effectively utilize the software.

First, identify the target audience for the documentation. Consider their technical background and the specific tasks they will need to accomplish with the software.

Next, review the existing documentation to understand the current structure, content, and tone. Identify areas that could be improved in terms of clarity, organization, and helpfulness.

Then, outline a new structure for the documentation that will best serve the users' needs. Break it down into logical sections and subsections. For each section, specify:

- Purpose: The goal of the section and what information it will cover
- Contents: A high-level overview of the topics and details to include
- Tone: The style and tone to use (e.g. friendly, instructional, concise, etc.)

After defining the outline, draft the actual documentation content for each section. Ensure the writing follows these guidelines:

- Use simple, clear language and avoid jargon when possible
- Provide step-by-step instructions for key tasks
- Include helpful visuals like screenshots and diagrams
- Maintain a friendly, encouraging tone that reassures users
- Anticipate common questions and proactively address them
- Provide examples and use cases to illustrate concepts

As you write, put yourself in the user's shoes. Consider what information they will need, what confusion they may encounter, and how you can make their experience as smooth as possible.

Once all the sections have been drafted, review the documentation holistically. Ensure the sections flow logically, the content is complete yet concise, and the tone is consistently helpful and clear. Look for any remaining areas to polish.

Finally, summarize the key improvements made to the documentation and the overall impact you expect it to have for users. Call out any gap areas that could be addressed in the future.

<header>Target Audience:</header>
<header>Existing Documentation Review:</header>
<header>New Documentation Outline:</header>
<outline> $documentation_outline </outline>
<header>New Documentation Content:</header>
<header>Final Review:</header>
<header>Impact Summary:</header>

Here are the existing documentation pages to review and improve:
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