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Last active January 25, 2024 08:35
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import pandas as pd
from typing import List
import requests
from hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base import Decimal
from hummingbot.connector.utils import split_hb_trading_pair
from import OrderType
from hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base import ScriptStrategyBase
from import (
from hummingbot.core.event.event_forwarder import SourceInfoEventForwarder
from import OrderBookEvent, OrderBookTradeEvent
from hummingbot.connector.connector_base import ConnectorBase
import logging
from collections import deque
class LeeksReaper(ScriptStrategyBase):
connector_name = "binance_paper_trade"
trading_pair = "BTC-USDT"
burst_threshold = 0.0003
burst_vol = 1
min_stock = 0.00001
buy_interval = 1
rebalance_interval = 3
vol = 0
prices = []
p = 0.5
num_tick = 0
trade_amount = 0
bull = False
bear = False
init = False
base_asset = 0
base_value = 0
quote_asset = 0
price = 0
markets = {connector_name: {trading_pair}}
threshold = 0.01
last_ordered_ts = 0
status = 0
filled_delay = 0
trades_buffer = 15
trades_price = deque(maxlen=trades_buffer)
trades_amount = deque(maxlen=trades_buffer)
subscribed_to_order_book_trade_event: bool = False
def on_tick(self):
Runs every tick_size seconds, this is the main operation of the strategy.
- Create proposal (a list of order candidates)
- Check the account balance and adjust the proposal accordingly (lower order amount if needed)
- Lastly, execute the proposal on the exchange
if not self.init:
self.init = True
if not self.subscribed_to_order_book_trade_event:
if self.last_ordered_ts < (self.current_timestamp - self.buy_interval - self.filled_delay):
self.last_ordered_ts = self.current_timestamp
def _init(self):
base, quote = split_hb_trading_pair(self.trading_pair)
self.base = base
self.quote = quote
def subscribe_to_order_book_trade_event(self):
self.order_book_trade_event = SourceInfoEventForwarder(self._process_public_trade)
for market in self.connectors.values():
for order_book in market.order_books.values():
order_book.add_listener(OrderBookEvent.TradeEvent, self.order_book_trade_event)
self.subscribed_to_order_book_trade_event = True
def _process_public_trade(self, event_tag: int, market: ConnectorBase, event: OrderBookTradeEvent):
def update_vols(self):
qty = [*self.trades_amount]
self.vol = 0.7*self.vol + 0.3*sum(qty)
if len(self.prices) == 0:
self.prices = [*self.trades_price]
def cancel_all_order(self):
active_orders = self.get_active_orders(self.connector_name)
for order in active_orders:
self.cancel(self.connector_name, self.trading_pair,order.client_order_id)
def fetch_historical_trades(self, trading_pair: str, limit) -> List[Decimal]:
Fetches historical market trade data
This is the API response data structure:
"id": 28457,
"price": "4.00000100",
"qty": "12.00000000",
"quoteQty": "48.000012",
"time": 1499865549590,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
:param trading_pair: A market trading pair to
:param limit: Trades to fetch, 1000 max
:return: A list of daily close
url = ""
params = {
"symbol": trading_pair.replace("-", ""),
"limit": f"{limit}"
trades = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json()
return trades
def update_orderBooks(self):
orderBook = self.connectors[self.connector_name].get_order_book(self.trading_pair)
ask_entries = orderBook.ask_entries()
bid_entries = orderBook.bid_entries()
Asks1 = float(next(ask_entries).price)
Asks2 = float(next(ask_entries).price)
Asks3 = float(next(ask_entries).price)
Bids1 = float(next(bid_entries).price)
Bids2 = float(next(bid_entries).price)
Bids3 = float(next(bid_entries).price)
Asks = Bids1*0.618 + Asks1*0.382 + 0.01
Bids = Bids1*0.382 + Asks1*0.618 - 0.01
PriceGetIn = (Bids1+Asks1)*0.35 + (Bids2+Asks2)*0.1 + (Bids3+Asks3)*0.05
return Asks,Bids,Asks1,Bids1
def get_balance(self):
df = self.get_balance_df()
self.base_asset = float(df.loc[df['Asset'] == self.base, 'Total Balance'])
self.price = float(self.connectors[self.connector_name].get_mid_price(self.trading_pair))
self.base_value = self.base_asset * self.price
self.quote_asset = float(df.loc[df['Asset'] == self.quote, 'Total Balance'])
total_value = self.quote_asset + self.base_value
if self.base_value >= total_value * 0.52:
self.sell(self.connector_name, self.trading_pair, Decimal(total_value/self.price * self.threshold),
OrderType.LIMIT, Decimal(self.price * 1.0001))
elif self.base_value < total_value * 0.48:, self.trading_pair, Decimal(total_value/self.price * self.threshold),
OrderType.LIMIT, Decimal(self.price * 0.9999))
def reaper(self):
print('STEP 1 Start | Updating trading volume')
print('STEP 1 End | Updated trading volume')
print('STEP 2 Start | Updating the order book')
Asks, Bids, Asks1, Bids1 = self.update_orderBooks()
print('SETP 2 End | Update the order book')
print('STEP 3 Start | Rebalancing your assets')
if self.status == 0:
print('STEP 3 End | Rebalanced')
df = self.get_balance_df()
self.num_tick += 1
print('Enter round %s observation' % self.num_tick)
burstPrice = self.prices[-1] * self.burst_threshold
if (self.num_tick > 2) & (self.prices[-1] - max(self.prices[-6:-1]) > burstPrice) | (
(self.prices[-1] - max(self.prices[-6:-2]) > burstPrice) & (self.prices[-1] > self.prices[-2])):
print('Short-term BULL burst!')
self.status = 1
self.bull = True
self.trade_amount = float(df.loc[df['Asset'] == self.quote, 'Available Balance']) / Bids * 0.99
self.filled_delay = self.rebalance_interval
elif (self.num_tick > 2) & (self.prices[-1] - min(self.prices[-6:-1]) < -burstPrice) | (
(self.prices[-1] - min(self.prices[-6:-2]) < -burstPrice) & (self.prices[-1] < self.prices[-2])):
print('Short-term BEAR burst!')
self.status = 1
self.bear = True
self.trade_amount = float(df.loc[df['Asset'] == self.base, 'Available Balance'])
self.filled_delay = self.rebalance_interval
self.bull = False
self.bear = False
self.status = 0
self.filled_delay = 0
print('Neither BULL nor BEAR or observed less than 3 times, wait for the next observation.')
## 下单力度调整
if self.vol <= self.burst_vol:
self.trade_amount *= self.vol / self.burst_vol
if self.num_tick < 5:
self.trade_amount *= 0.8
if self.num_tick < 10:
self.trade_amount *= 0.8
if abs(self.prices[-1] - self.prices[-2]) > 2 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
if abs(self.prices[-1] - self.prices[-2]) > 3 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
if abs(self.prices[-1] - self.prices[-2]) > 4 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
if abs(Asks1 - Bids1) > 2 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
if abs(Asks1 - Bids1) > 3 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
if abs(Asks1 - Bids1) > 4 * burstPrice:
self.trade_amount *= 0.9
print('Order amount adjustment completed.')
if self.trade_amount < self.min_stock:
if self.trade_amount >= self.min_stock:
if self.bull:
best_bid = self.connectors[self.connector_name].get_price(self.trading_pair, False), self.trading_pair, Decimal(self.trade_amount), OrderType.LIMIT, best_bid)
elif self.bear:
best_ask = self.connectors[self.connector_name].get_price(self.trading_pair, True)
self.sell(self.connector_name, self.trading_pair, Decimal(self.trade_amount),OrderType.LIMIT, best_ask)
self.trade_amount *= 0.98
new_Asks, new_Bids, tmp1, tmp2 = self.update_orderBooks()
while self.bull & (new_Bids - Bids > 0.1):
self.trade_amount *= 0.99
Bids += 0.1
while self.bear & (new_Asks - Asks < -0.1):
self.trade_amount *= 0.99
Asks -= 0.1
self.status = 0
self.num_tick = 0
print('Reset the number of observation!')
def did_fill_order(self, event: OrderFilledEvent):
Method called when the connector notifies that an order has been partially or totally filled (a trade happened)
# self.trade_amount = self.trade_amount - float(event.amount)
self.logger().info(logging.INFO, f"The order {event.order_id} has been filled")
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  • Update the trading module
  • fix "the repeat bear" bug

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