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Created March 24, 2021 07:03
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React / NodeJS - Generate React documentation inside MDX files using react-docgen-typescript. Setup for Docusaurus. Run using `node docgen.js`.
const docgen = require('react-docgen-typescript');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
savePropValueAsString: true,
const IGNORE_PATHS = [
const ROOT_DIR = './../';
const SIDEBAR_PATH = path.join('./', 'sidebar-components.json');
const DOCS_DIR = './docs/';
const COMPONENT_DOCS_FOLDER_NAME = 'components';
// Check if the docs path exists, if not, create it
if (!fs.existsSync(DOCS_PATH)) fs.mkdirSync(DOCS_PATH);
const generateDocs = async () => {
// Load components directory
// Go into each folder and find matching files (TSX)
let files = [];
let sidebarNames = [];
const getFiles = (file = '', folder) => {
//ignore files if necessary
if (IGNORE_PATHS.includes(file)) return;
const filePath = path.join(folder ? folder : ROOT_DIR, file);
let isFolder = false;
try {
isFolder = fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory();
} catch (e) {
console.log('couldnt parse file', e);
if (isFolder) {
const folderContents = fs.readdirSync(filePath); => {
const getFolderFiles = getFiles(name, filePath);
return getFolderFiles;
// Handle file
// Check if TSX
if (file.includes('tsx')) {
files = [...files, filePath];
console.log('📁 the files', files);
// Run docgen on each file
const docs = => {
return docgen.parse(filePath, DOCGEN_OPTIONS);
console.log('⚛️ generated docs', docs);
// Loop through final JSON and generate MDX content
// Create MDX files in specified folder (defaults to /components)
// Add page title
// Import props into Props Table component
docs.forEach((doc) => {
if (doc.length < 1) return;
// Add to sidebar
sidebarNames = [
// Handle MDX file creation
const mdxPath = path.join(DOCS_PATH, `${doc[0].displayName}.mdx`);
console.log('✍️ creating file', mdxPath);
const mdxContent = `${doc[0].description ? doc[0].description : ''}
import PropsTable from './PropsTable';
propMetaData={${JSON.stringify(doc[0].props, null, 2)}}
fs.writeFileSync(mdxPath, mdxContent);
// Update sidebars with new components
// Get sidebar file contents
const sidebar = fs.writeFileSync(
JSON.stringify(sidebarNames, null, 2),
// Replace files
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