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Created July 14, 2020 17:05
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Design Systems - System UI / Styled System theme structure example from my personal blog
export const animation = {
default: '400ms ease-in',
fast: '300ms ease-in',
export const breakpoints = [
// mobile
// tablet
// computer
// desktop
// widescreen
export const fonts = {
body: 'Roboto, Helvetiva Neue, Helvetica, Aria, sans-serif',
heading: 'Archivo, Helvetiva Neue, Helvetica, Aria, sans-serif',
monospace: 'Menlo, monospace',
export const colors = {
text: '#111212',
background: '#fff',
primary: '#005CDD',
secondary: '#6D59F0',
muted: '#f6f6f9',
gray: '#D3D7DA',
highlight: 'hsla(205, 100%, 40%, 0.125)',
white: '#FFF',
black: '#111212',
export const gradients = {
subtle: `linear-gradient(180deg, ${colors.primary} 0%, ${colors.secondary} 100%)`,
purple: `linear-gradient(180deg, ${colors.primary} 0%, #A000C4 100%)`,
blue: `linear-gradient(180deg, #00D2FF 0%, ${colors.secondary} 100%)`,
export const theme = {
mediaQueries: {
mobile: `@media screen and (min-width: ${breakpoints[0]})`,
tablet: `@media screen and (min-width: ${breakpoints[1]})`,
computer: `@media screen and (min-width: ${breakpoints[2]})`,
desktop: `@media screen and (min-width: ${breakpoints[3]})`,
widescreen: `@media screen and (min-width: ${breakpoints[4]})`,
fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96],
fontWeights: {
body: 400,
heading: 500,
bold: 700,
lineHeights: {
body: 1.5,
heading: 1.25,
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
sizes: {
avatar: 48,
text: breakpoints[2],
radii: {
default: 0,
circle: 99999,
shadows: {
card: {
light: '15px 15px 35px rgba(0, 127, 255, 0.5)',
dark: `7px 7px 15px ${colors.primary}`,
// rebass variants
text: {
header: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [6, 6, 6, 6],
marginBottom: 3,
subheader: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [3, 3, 4, 4],
marginBottom: 3,
h2: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [2, 3, 4, 5],
marginBottom: 3,
h3: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [2, 2, 3, 3],
marginBottom: 3,
h4: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [1],
marginBottom: 3,
label: {
fontFamily: fonts.heading,
lineHeight: '1.25',
fontSize: [0],
letterSpacing: '0.1em',
textTransform: 'uppercase',
paragraph: {
fontFamily: fonts.body,
lineHeight: '1.75',
fontSize: [1, 2],
marginBottom: 4,
'& code': {
py: 1,
px: 2,
mx: 1,
border: '1px solid',
borderColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'muted',
color: 'primary',
list: {
fontFamily: fonts.body,
lineHeight: '1.75',
fontSize: [1, 2],
marginBottom: 3,
display: {
fontFamily: fonts.body,
lineHeight: '1.5',
fontSize: [5, 6, 7],
caps: {
textTransform: 'uppercase',
letterSpacing: '0.1em',
variants: {
avatar: {
width: 'avatar',
height: 'avatar',
borderRadius: 'circle',
card: {
p: 2,
bg: 'background',
boxShadow: 'card',
avatar: {
width: 'avatar',
height: 'avatar',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
backgroundPosition: 'center',
marginBottom: '3rem',
link: {
color: 'primary',
nav: {
fontSize: 1,
fontWeight: 'bold',
display: 'inline-block',
p: 2,
color: 'inherit',
textDecoration: 'none',
':hover,:focus,.active': {
color: 'primary',
hr: {
width: '100%',
borderTop: 0,
borderBottom: '1px solid black',
my: 4,
buttons: {
primary: {
fontSize: 2,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: 'background',
bg: 'primary',
borderRadius: 'default',
padding: '1em 4em',
outline: {
variant: 'buttons.primary',
color: 'black',
bg: 'transparent',
border: '1px solid #000',
textTransform: 'uppercase',
letterSpacing: '0.1em',
fontSize: 1,
secondary: {
variant: 'buttons.primary',
color: 'background',
bg: 'secondary',
styles: {
root: {
fontFamily: fonts.body,
fontWeight: 'normal',
lineHeight: '1.5',
export default theme
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