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Created July 4, 2013 05:46
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Forcing ElementTree to serialize extra namespaces
# coding: utf-8
To parse XML with namespaces using ElementTree, keeping namespace prefix, you will need register_namespace.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import register_namespace, fromstring, tostring
>>> base_ns = {
... '': 'article',
... '': 'report',
... '': 'book',
... }
>>> for uri, prefix in base_ns.items():
... register_namespace(prefix, uri)
Now, you may parse XML and serialize back to string with proper namespace.
>>> src = '<docs xmlns:article=\"\" xmlns:report=\"\" xmlns:book=\"\"><article><article:section>foo</article:section></article><report><report:chapter>bar</report:chapter></report></docs>'
>>> elem = fromstring(src)
>>> tostring(elem)
'<docs xmlns:article="" xmlns:report="">...</docs>'
However, you may notice, there is a caveat: even source XML contains full namespace declaration, ElementTree drops part of them if no relevant node are used. On above, xmlns:book is omitted because there's no "book:" prefixed node.
To force xmlns declarations (not used in a document) are serialized, tweak namespace by yourself and call _serialize_xml directly.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import _serialize_xml, _namespaces
>>> qnames, namespaces = _namespaces(elem, 'utf-8') # ... this contains the "used" namespaces.
>>> namespaces
{'': 'report', '': 'article'}
>>> namespaces.update(base_ns)
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> buf = StringIO()
>>> _serialize_xml(buf.write, elem, 'utf-8', qnames, namespaces)
>>> buf.getvalue()
'<docs xmlns:article="" xmlns:book="" xmlns:report="">...</docs>'
from doctest import testmod, ELLIPSIS
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