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Created March 6, 2013 17:22
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Notes on: Performance testing Java applications - Martin Thompson

Performance testing java applications - Martin Thompson

What is testing

Fast is generic, breaks down to: -- throughput -- bandwidth

-- latency -- response time

Throughput vs latency -- what is the latency for a given throughput

Build a histogram of latency to see where we have clusters.

Amortise the expensive interactions

Define your performance characteristics. -- does performance drive the business? -- amazon -> people buy more if your site is performant

Decompose the transaction budget. -- take the total allowed time and break down into the parts that need to be executed. -- flow book had budget management stuff for this.

How do we test?

  • Throughput
  • Latency
  • Stress
  • Concurrent / contention
  • Endurance / soak (long term testing, memory leaks, datastrutures that grow, GC, OS background tasks etc)
  • Capacity -> load on a few users vs the same load on many users will be different.

Are unbounded queries allowed? e.g. list me all the orders I've ever made. Always design apis to be bounded.

Test things as separate concerns -- if you can't do this your design might be wrong. -- then grow this out, add layers

Stress test until breaking point -- do this degrade gracefully -- do things crash -- order of the algorithms

When should we performance test?

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil"


Knowing how your system performs doesn't mean doing anything to it. It means understanding.

What does optimization mean: -- specialization vs flexibility -- different from knowing your system -- test / profile early

Test early and often, monitor production systems. Can we map performance to commits? Also build / test performance would be nice.

Development practices

Performance "test first"

Red, Green, Debug, Profile, Refactor -- a deeper understanding makes you faster

Like live pairing stations -- develop on a similar server to that which you deploy on

Poor performance should break the build

Performance testing in action

Runtime compiler -- JIT and On stack replacement (OSR) -- needs to warm up, on a server need to run a method 10,000 before it becomes compiled. -- will swap in an impl that can be replaced part way through, e.g. a long loop calls a method many times -- Polymorphism and in-lining -- one or two impls can be inlined in code -- beyond that can be polymorphic -- dead code elimination -- needs realistic examples to avoid this -- race conditions in optimisation

Garbage Collection -- which collector, dev vs prod? -- skewed results from pauses -- card marking -- which objects are reachable, can't search all, too difficult. Object in old gen (tenured), and field that refs another object, even in new-gen, that object needs to have a card marked to say that this root has had a change and thus needs to be searched when finding objects for GC. -- sometimes independent threads can have collisions due to card marking?! -- didn't follow this!

Class loading

Microbenchmarking can be misleading due to some of the above

Micro benchmarking

Good benchmarking will keep calling until it gets consistent results - i.e. it is warmed up

int i = reps + 1; while (--i != 0) { MyClass.operation(); }

Faster than the equiv for loop as CPUs can optimise operations checking for 0. 150,000,000 vs 250,000,000 ops per second in terms of just how we test it!

Microbenchmarking - code can end up being eliminated and thus seem like it runs faster than would be possible. -- add side effects to get around this!? rude!

Performance testing concurrent components

Straight performance -- measure ops / sec throughput - averages vs intervals -- measure latency

Sanity check all assumptions at the end - does it all add up together

Network probes to observe traffic? Independent observer, graphite good for this, in some parts, though as our real requests do have to write to graphite anyway.


Disruptor histogram HdrHistogram

Java apps -- JVisualVM, YourKit, SolarisStudio -- what is the GC doing -- Look at bytecode profiling -- field access / write -> could be cache miss

OS -- htop -- ostat -- dmstat -- pidstat -- netstat

Theory of constraints -- always work on the thing that is taking up the most of your time, even if it's the hardest.

Look at his blog on mechanical sympathy

Careful System.currentTimeMillis() as NTP can correct time.

System.nanoTime is monotonic but can vary across sockets.

Time can be very expensive on VMs

Startup code can be bad -- not just mean time to failure (MTTF) but also mean time to recovery (MTTR)


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